Thursday 7 February 2013

Perspective is the reality in politics. But the reality can be more.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "ALL ARE WELCOME":

I am not speaking for or against what had been called the Gang of Six, but just to note it is always in one’s perspective as to whether good or harm is done by a decision.

I am sure that none of them ever thought that they were doing “as much harm to as many people as possible in the time available”. Indeed it would be quite the opposite from their perspective that they we trying to do as much good as they could for as many people in Aurora as they could. And that it was the others on Council and in the public that were trying to stop their plans.

Perhaps it is in their eyes that the Aurora voters were the ones in the wrong to vote most of them out
I sat at the Council table with them. 
I watched incredible cruelty and injustice and was powerless to do anything to stop it. 
Because they were a majority and they lent support to each other. 
It's  more than a "perspective" when one witnesses the action and the consequences. 
No person  no rule or regulation  was allowed to stand in their way So certain they were, they had been given a mandate to do exactly what they were doing.
So sure the public would either agree  with or  fail to  discern what they were doing.
The community did not misread it. 
People have a natural  intuition about things not being as they should .
They misread the public's ability to judge .
I think you're right that they believe the electorate were wrong to vote them out of office. 
They learned nothing from their experience


  1. We did goof. Didn't get as many as we should have & missed Councillor Ballard riding in the back. Still, a good day's work.

  2. Just an overview comment
    There was no lasting intention to do good - that was lost their first few days - just a need to get even with someone, anyone, who happened to cross their path. Former and current Council members, staff of all ilk, the average Joe who spoke out at a meeting, all were fodder for their totally irrational fury.

  3. And that is precisely why you will see some, if not all of them back in the next election. They thought they knew best about everything.

  4. "Perhaps it is in their eyes that the Aurora voters were the ones in the wrong to vote most of them out."

    There is little doubt of that ! As far as I know, “The Gang of Six” and their honorary seventh member, have accepted no responsibility for any mistake or harm they have ever done politically.

    Do you remember how the Grace Marsh departure from council was misrepresented, or the frustrations expressed by past councillors and Mayors, or how the integrity commissioner departed the town’s employment the day after his first decision was released (by coincidence), or the whole issue of the CAO’s departure, or the communications staff member who left the town, or the departure of 9 of 10 of the town’s executive leadership, or the public attack of a councillor by council and even a non-resident, or the various lawsuits (I can think of four or five), or the Jazz Festival and Cultural Centre / Historical Society fiascos, or the lack of support for the food bank, or the unflattering media coverage concerning our council and town which appeared in our local papers as well as The Globe, The Star, The National Post, The Ottawa Citizen and The London Free Press, among other media. The list goes on and on. None of the political acrimony apparently had anything to do with the “The Gang of Six”. We are to believe that they were just innocent bystanders. The Gang are the victims of a big conspiracy.

    On a related note… the next conspirator meeting is to be announced shortly --- don’t forget to sign up if you haven’t already because seating is limited ! (Ah, just kidding on the conspiracy thing… I wanted to make that clear just in case anyone was looking for an opening to sue).

  5. Oh, I fully expect that representatives from the six plus One Gang will be back all right, but some of us will no doubt be willing to do some fact checking and clarification as to their political legacy. I can't wait.


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