Saturday 2 February 2013


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I'm crying":

I hope the food is OK. Don't know a single person who has ventured so far!

Spoke to Andy and Heather, Adam's Mum and Dad,  on skype on Thursday. They have a small apartment- style unit, part of  a research  institution.
Breakfast has been good and plentiful,  in a cafeteria. Served at seven and ends at eight in the morning. 
They shopped for groceries.Bought fresh bread, peanut butter and jam.  
They are close to the sea. They've  seen fish on a slab they never knew existed. Not big fish eaters at the best of  times.
Adam's team had had a few games already. Not tournament games. Won them all.
Canadian parents known for being the loudest of any at the games.
The athletes had a great send-off  from  Vancouver.
Nothing in the Ontario media about them.
Too busy with their own sport,I guess.      

1 comment:

  1. We know a young man who went to play a tennis tournament in Tashkent. Fascinated, I asked what he thought of the place. He gazed back blankly - one tennis court is pretty much that same as any other. I hope Adam gets a glimpse of Korea to store away. And to talk about for years.


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