Saturday 2 February 2013

The Troubles of Toronto.

The  Toronto media  feeding frenzy resumes.
All day they waited.
Over and over they repeated the process. 
On release,  the audit would be referred to an audit committee and the committee would make the determination.
Is it something? Is it not?
But the media don't  wait.They know ,you know.
There's a  spending limit  for candidates. 
Overspending is not normally a problem for an average candidate.
Candidates have to file a statement of expenses.
Instructions are provided. 
The limit for Toronto's Mayor was $1,333,000
Candidates have to have a financial officer.
With a  budget the size of Ford's,the financial officer would undoubtedly have to be an accountant.
He/She would follow instructions as he understood them. 
When expenses are small it's not a problem at all,at all. 
Ford's statement would be prepared anticipating the  gimlet eyes of  losers,seeking,seeking,seeking.
Emotions are usually high on the heels of defeat. 
The statement would be totally scrupulous and professional .     
The Municipal Clerk, the Elections Officer, receives the statement and henceforth it becomes a public document.
Any person has access .
So how to account for a figure of $40,000 overspent. 
Easy peasy. 
It could be simple difference in interpretation of  instructions about where certain figures belong.. 
In a campaign  everything contributed has to have a dollar figure.applied. 
If a suppplier provided chairs  without charge  for an event, the financial officer is obliged to put a value on  the contribution. 
The auditor might decide the contribution is  undervalued and tack on $10,000.
It might be volnnteer hours in a campaign office;  tack on another $5,000. 
In a $1,333,000 budget,  $40,000  is not a significant variance. That's what the Council audit committee has to decide. 
In the meantime, it doesn't  really matter  what they will decide.
The Mayor's supporters will see continued harrassment of the man they  elected with a substantial majority.
His opponents will argue with glee;  there you are, see, what did I tell you.
Perception is the reality. 
But who creates the perception.
I've given up arguing with  friends about  Mayor Rob Ford. My arguments fall on deaf ears. 
The issue for me  is  voters right to choose. 
The voters choice  must  be held inviolate.
If we don't hold to that principle,we have no principles
The ballot means  everything or nothing. .  

1 comment:

  1. Hey there. Aurora didn't get a clean audit & I see the Leadership Team are still in place. Not THEIR fault. I also note in passing that several Aurora candidates in the last election exceeded the amount allowed.


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