Friday 8 February 2013

Bread and Circuses, the Order of the Day.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PREDATOTS IN SUBURBIA":

Do the Gang of Six (i.e. their remnants) and their honorary seventh member, wait to establish their policy until they know what the contrarian position will be ? Is it all about causing as much division and political acrimony as possible ? Is it about painting a picture of white hats and black hats ? You really do have to wonder. It strikes me that they have always been about accountability, transparency and listening to the public, unless of course they disagree on any given issue, in which case the rules change and it’s gloves off. I suspect that they have a divide and conquer strategy but it doesn’t appear to be working too well. At this stage it looks like there is a lot more dividing going on and not much conquering.


It's difficult to comprehend  how newly elected Councillors  could   conclude  the electorate's choice was misguided, at least in part. 

Counncillor Gaertner made her position  apparent on the night of the Inaugural.  During  the Mayor's Commentsthe Councillor turned her back,  Opportunity  given to  Councillors- elect
to say a few words  were used  to express her feelings of dis-satisfaction on behalf of her erstwhile colleagues.

The Councillor boycotted  the public reception that followed 

It was a most extraordinary performance.

Councillor Gaertner was always amenable to doing whatever her mentor, former Councillor  MacEachern  requested..Before Councillor Mac Eachern, it was Councillor Keane.

Though instructions  always were  and still do have to be written down for the Councillor  to follow.

One can only imagine the distress felt by defeat of her icons and  conflict  generated  by her personal  success  must have created a severe quandary for the Councillor.

Sympathetic resignation in solidarity with the defeated  was  apparently not in the cards.

The collective decision  of the pack must have been to stay and fight the good fight against the infidels. 
We had to fasten our seat beltsIt was  to be a bumpy ride.
Then it turned really weird

Votes do not always fall in the expected pattern.

The Culture Centre found the Mayor cosy in bed with the enemy.

I heard yesterday, the budget for the Culture Centre was approved 
five to three without opportunity for discussion.

The Mayor, Councillors Humfryes,Gaertner,Gallow and Ballard voted to approve as presented.

Councillors Abel,Thompson and Pirri wanted  discussion.  

 I wasn't there. was   five to three decision to give  a self appointed ,autonomous board  apparently with non-resident members, free access to  all the Aurora tax dollars they requested to endow a wider community with cultural largesse. 

One of the  advantages of the  new agreement was said to be  control  by Council  of spending by the Board. 

Within days of signing the frigging document . we  can  clearly  see how effective that is .

 "give them bread and circuses"  is  a sentiment alive and well in the current Council  ambience of the Town of Aurora.

The foregoing is an example of how a post can  and often does find it's own  direction. 


  1. As a dog returns to its vomit,so a fool repeats his folly....

  2. Come on, 2:26 PM. Just because your brain is one tadpole short of being a swamp doesn't mean you have to share it. Go out and play in the snow.


  3. Would the sudden disappearance of three and a half members of Council be asking too much?


  4. The five who voted yes should be fed to the lions.

    That might bring an end to this circus.

    Possibly three and a half members of Council and half a mayor.


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