Friday 8 February 2013

Who is minding the shop?

 Councillors have just received a table of taxes paid, since 2006 to the Region and the Board of Education  by the town  for the soccer dome situated on town property. 
In total, $431,595.21 .
I have  submitted a notice of motion  for the agenda for Tuesday night. I am requesting Council direct the town's legal department review the circumstances and advise on the merits of a challenge .
The Soccer Dome was erected in a public/private partnership on public property. The town has shared access to the dome and complete use of the facility for at least a third of the year.

A contract was signed that  the Dome operator would not be responsible for taxes on the understanding there would be no realty taxes.  Considering  the property is public.

Public agencies do not pay taxes to public agencies. 

Go transit acquired prime real estate and built a parking structure 
and do not pay taxes. 

The Aurora Men's Soccer Club at the south end of town built a club house facility on property owned by the town and leased to them for one dollar a year. 
They have a liquor licence. They cater receptions,business men's lunches, and political victory parties. 
The property is exempt from taxes
Recreation facilities in town  accommodate snack bars and skate sharpening facilities , all commercial operations 
 The buildings are exempt from taxation.

The library has a snack bar operating commercially in the building. The building is exempt from taxation.

I believe a challenge is warranted.

 I believe it was warranted six years ago.

We won't get back  the half million already paid out.

At the very least,an internal argument  going on for six years will be settled.

And at best, we will  stop forking over taxes  to the Region and the  Board of Education they are not entitled to have.

The amount flowing  unimpeded  from our town treasury over the last six years , for no obvious advantage, frankly makes me shiver. 

A new figure  of $340,000 was  mentioned in the news last night for provincial cancellation of the gas- fired hydro generation  plants, complete with pictures of  abandoned construction sites. 

My God, add that to the waste and diversion going on in regions and  municipalities  around the province, and ask yourself;
Who is minding the shop

Rob Ford is trying. And they're crucifying him .   

1 comment:

  1. While your attentions have been focused elsewhere, this boondoggle has been draining the Town coffers. While all the bitching and moaning was going on about the Cultural Centre, I was wondering why no one was looking at the bubble's operations.


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