Friday 31 January 2014

Litigation Proceeds

A statement of claim was filed   by the  Town in the court on Wednesday. 

It is a public document.

I can tell you what it claims.

I cannot comment.

The town is asking the court to uphold the Town's  right to purchase Block 208  at the same purchase price and terms as in the Minto agreement with the YCDSB)

Should the court not award specific performance of the contract, the Town is alternatively seeking
damages in the amount of $4 million being the estimated difference between the price the Town could have purchased Block 208 and the current market value of such piece of property.

Talk about that among yourselves.


  1. Here we go... more legal fees. Add them onto the pile of legal fees for this term (some carried over from last term).

    Litigation is alive and well in Aurora.

  2. Are we allowed to ask why Aurora is getting into another legal wrangle over a wanna-be park not even included in the Master Plan ? This one is Councillor Gallo's.

  3. I'm surprised that the legal department hasn't asked for an additional lawyer. With all these lawsuits and legal roller coaster projects. He must be tired of all this BS

  4. 15:07
    They will have to get ' outside ' representation. I'm not sure if this would fall under insurance which already has gone up a whack.


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