Friday 31 January 2014

Aye,,,there lies the rub

The Town filed suit on Minto Development on Wednesday

It's a public  document . More later.

On Wednesday, a Public Planning meeting outlined  an area within the Promenade Study  to be eligible for grants and loans from the town treasury  for renovations and repairs to private property
that  will lead  to revitalization and realizing the Vision  of the Promenade Study.

Right now I want to talk about  Julian Fantino ,the Honorable Minister  of  Seniors and Veteran's

First time Mr. Fantino  applied for the  Police Chief's job ...he didn't  get it.

He  became Chief of the London Police Department. Signed a  five year contract but never moved to that city. Didn't honor the contract.

When he didn't get the job in York, the Italian Press  quoted him that the "Region wasn't ready for an Italian "

Well now he is the Minister for Seniors and Veteran's Affairs.

In a truly outstanding and extraordinary reaction , a spokesperson for Veterans have demanded his resignation

No  Canadian Institution  is  more supportive of government,duty,respect and protocol.

 When  Legions were what they were intended to be, no politics were permitted within the premises,

Remaining veterans of the Second World War must be substantially reduced.

Their  memory of the  horror, the sacrifice and  how lives were changed .will be no less

Canadians fought and died in Italy. Those who came home left a part of themselves.

In the campaign against Hitler's ally. Benito Mussolini

To name a person without experience to any Cabinet post was questionable wisdom.

To name an Italian to phase out Veterans Affairs is typical Harper. Totally without sensitivity.

If  a way was being sought to  reduce history to zero, they could not have found better,

Julian Fantino is not about much more than himself


  1. Harper's politics are proving to be so inept that it doesn't seem to matter how many mistakes the opposition make. Taking on the Vets was a huge gaff & is likely to become an election issue. The apology was poorly staged [ Julian F didn't even sit down around a table with the representatives ] and has drawn attention to the mess of Veterans' Affairs.
    And to the odd fact that offices in Alta have not been ordered to close.

  2. Christie Blatchford National Post
    " Veterans learning what Caledonia residents already knew - Julian Fantino is a bully "

  3. Fantino is shameful. And for Harper to defend him is worse. As an Italian, and I'm not claiming I represent all Italians, but he was never liked all that much. The to alternative was worse.


  4. Mr. Fantino is certainly not entitled to be addressed as "Honourable" based on his constant bullying as he waded his way through life.

    But he might be entitled to a small "decent" as a result of his directing his ministry not to collect the $581.67 "overpayment" of a disability benefit that technically was owing as a result of a suicide by a woman corporal before month's end.

  5. If you know someone with the technology to send it to you, Tabitha Southey skewered Fantino in the Globe. One of her best articles. She is doing extremely well.


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