Friday 31 January 2014

Politics,,,The Art of Satisfying the greatest Number

You Should Know Better has left a new comment on your post "Whose Town is it ?":

"Do you think maybe the Mayor owes somebody for something and this is a payback?"

Do you think you should be publishing comments that may be libellous?


If I thought the comment was about corruption. I would agree it should not be published.

But this is about  political currency, not the coin of the realm. 

I think the Mayor had many individuals working  hard for him in the last election who contributed 
to his success. 

No factor contributed more  to his victory than the defeat of his pre-deccessor.

Not for a minute would I argue a debt owing  in that direction.

I  think we might assume there were people with expectations.

It doesn't mean " payback"  in the sense of corruption.

In political terms, it means fulfilling the commitment , whatever that was understood to be.

I've known all the Mayors of Aurora in the last half century. I have made various assessments of their competence.

But I have never seen anything to  indicate any one of them might have sought or accepted  a
"payback"  such as suggested in the comment above.

Did I help the  Mayor to be elected?

Yes I did.

Did I get what I expected ?

No, I didn't .

Does  it mean nobody did ?


I think  a shrinking circle  may get all they hoped the expense of the rest of us.

Is  there not something nefarious about  that?

Not at all,not at all.

Ir's  just a politician who has no idea what  people expect.

And sadly, didn't learn.


  1. You are quite right. We had hoped for better. You are also correct. It is sad. It all seems a dreadful waste. Hopefully we have learned in the process and can avoid a repeat.

  2. I think the mayor is far more savvy and competent than you give him credit.

  3. 12:07
    Come on... how did that post get past the censors? That's not from one of the Buckeroos.

  4. Mayor Dawe inherited a gong show, and has done quite a good job of trying to run this town regardless of some of the councillors still at the table! Unfortunately when you work with clowns, the circus continues!

  5. He did inherit a mess. But one of the things I was really hoping for in the 4 yr term was a bit of stability. The last term was shameful. I really didn't want to see anymore of these BS projects, pie in the sky "innovative" investment plans that suppose to "better my life". Could we not have just taken care of the programs, buildings, parks etc that we have right now? And maybe take a look at these projects at a time when the economy is more stable, and the Region gets a handle on their debt.

  6. The greater part of his ' mess ' was gone by the time he took office. If he is in trouble, it is not the fault of the group who were elected with him, not from either side of the divide. There was some clean-up required as with any in-coming Council. So please don't play a ' victim ' card here.


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