Thursday 3 April 2014

A Few Absent details....Not all...Just a Few

W@tt's trending has the link for the U-tube video put ot by the town ,explaining how your property taxes are used.

There are some significant  details  absent like  in excess of half a million dollars worth of culture  funding, Historical Society Grant and consultant fees for heritage district designations which may very well be unwanted by the majority of residents.

That would be a couple of points in the tax rate.

We spent $300.000. preparing to renovate the Town Hall.   Then didn't d

$300.000 is a point in the tax  rate. If it  didn't show in last year's actual  expenditures our tax increase would have been  4.75% higher instead of  3.75%

Funds spent buying culture and granting the Historical Society would be two points in the tax ate. If we didn't do that there would have been no tax increase.  We gave them more than the year befor.

The Treasurer's budget statement claimed the budget was composed of "needs not wants"

If we hadn't terminated  a twenty-six year employee  from the treasury department for no good reason that would likely have  merited in excess of two years salary.

Councillors were not supposed to know about that last senseless action.

Not allowed to ask questions either.

But you can't really keep stuff like that a secret.

It  reverberates.

 How does anybody feel  secure  in an operation like that?


  1. It seems to have been wants from the very beginning, increased by the knowledge that the Formerly safely-reserved Hydro Funds were up for grabs by a simple majority.

  2. We have 8 more sunshine employees on the payroll than last count. If the one long-term employee had not been ' terminated ' there would have been 9. So much for asking staff to reduce their budget. But, then, why should they bother when they see the actions of Council ? Examples flow from the top.

  3. I don't think anyone can stop the gravy train, Evelyn. I have watched most of the meetings & see absolutely no evidence that those in charge see a need to change.
    Sorry to be so negative but we are stuck with the situation.

  4. Breaking News: Councillor Gallo has ditched the middle-aged Eddie Munster look.

  5. I see there is a candidate registered who ran last term. I am drawing a blank. Can't place him. Can anyone tell me if this is good or bad ?

    1. If you are speaking about candidate J.A. please dont go there.Strong supporter of the previous Mayor.

    2. He ran last election and is a big fan of Morris.

  6. The teeny-bopper coons from last year have been told to clear out of their dens to make way for the new ones. Secure your garbage pails.

  7. Has there been any reliable information published on our former Clerk. He left in a rush with perhaps a nice severance under his belt. I would like to hear the facts on this one. Maybe another point or two on the budget ??

  8. It has become so divisive that communications - such as it is - only informs certain councillors of upcoming events.

  9. OMG Cllr Gallo has got his hair cut and it actually looks good ! I found it on anthony Pullano's twit stuff.

  10. @19:04
    That man would have some terrific stories to tell. I recall when the last lot escorted someone out the door - they reluctantly paid up but it cost the town a bundle.


  11. Hair today, gone tomorrow!

  12. 17:26- May not be able to stop the gravy train..but can try to slow it down and at least expose those who are riding it.

  13. @19:11

    Maybe only those that might actually show up?

  14. "...which may very well be unwanted by the majority of residents."

    ...or, conversely, may very well be wanted by the majority of residents.

    Both contentions are based upon the same foundation.

  15. Communication in Aurora is very selective. Much like the way the Error communicates its “news”. Report for the selected few however way the select want to hear it.

  16. 6:06 & 7:45
    I guess that might be why I have no recall of the guy.

  17. Heard murmurs in town yesterday that Mr. Gallo might take a run at the Mayor's seat.

    If that were true, you would think that he might consider a haircut. Also, he is not yet registered as a candidate for councillor, which, if he were intending to come back as a councillor, would be strange, considering the lengths he went to in order to become a councilor in the first place.

    So, my guess is that the murmurs will probably turn out to be true, and we will see Mr. Gallo's name in the ring to unseat Mayor Dawe.

  18. And someone has already referenced a hair cut has taken place on Mr. Gallo! Time will tell!

  19. 8:45
    Thanks so much for turning my stomach, KA-NON. We have to hope enough candidates get involved to mess up the voting. I don't quite understand though. If you are listed as running as a councillor, can you switch to going for mayor anytime along the way ? Mr Pullano could have that in mind.

  20. It is a good thing that is still so early. I don't want either the current Mayor or Cllr Gallo in the top job. One cannot refuse any entitled mob & the other carries too much baggage.

  21. @10:54

    Did those that attended the GC meeting to oppose the heritage designation of the SE area constitute a "mob"?

  22. And there you have it. Mr. Gallo is now registered as a candidate for Mayor.

  23. YouTube. Not Utube :)

  24. 10:54

    I submit the attached post from this blog a few weeks after Mr Dawe was elected.

    "Anonymous said...
    Evelyn, the door stop was actually a gift that was presented to Mayor Dawe the night he won the election.

    He obviously chose the right moment to put it in place when he auctioned off the honour at his first staff meeting.

    The $400.00 amount is correct, he matched the highest bid. Then he emailed me, the gift giver , to relay the news.

    I guess a landslide victory heralds landslide change. The door was never transparent, but at least now it's open.
    6 December 2010 17:04

    I read your post and I wonder what contrasts we will be able to see between December 2014 and April 2018?

    I think that no matter who is elected, there will not be a significant change. There will be griping and bitching no matter who is in those chairs.

  25. Can we just have a council that can take care of my garbage, roads and sidewalks, the parks and rec centers that all ready exist? And please let everything else leave to private enterprises. Am I asking a lot?

  26. 14:38
    I don't think anyone expected seismic change. What I had hoped for was what had been promised by the individual candidates including the Mayor. Nothing more.

  27. KA-NON
    Always exceeding one's grasp is supposed to be admirable. Not in this case.

  28. 18:48

    I recall that a lot of people here thought that the second coming had occured. Only to be disappointed.

    Personally, I don't expect anything, that way I am never disappointed.


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