Friday 4 April 2014

Dante's Inferno

My favorite piece of technology is the mute button on the remote control.

Shrill voices talking over one another, severely offends my senses. It gives me great satisfaction to silence immediately the  voices of  good- looking ,smooth-toned  vacuous newscasters or comedians..

I was glad of it yesterday when Toronto's smiling news media was making much of former President Bill Clinton's  references to Toronto's Mayor on Jimmy Kimmel's sho

By all that's just,  Bill Clinton is in  no position to speak disparagingly  or humorously or any other  ly  about anyone else's conduct.

He disgraced the Office of President.

He humiliated his wife in front of the entire universe. You can't unring the bell.

 He lied to a grand jury.

 He  publicly tried to re-define the word "sex' to  fit  his own end.

He exploited a  young ,exceedingly foolish, seriously misguided.female  government employee of the age of his own daughter.

He certainly has no cause to point the finger at anyone else.

He  may or may not  have pissed behind a tree. We cant be sure. Washington Police Department didn't have a plane, at public expense, circling over him. with a camera trained  on his every move.
for the purpose of spying on him.

David Letterman had little  to say about Toronto's Mayor . It wasn't long since he publicly acknowledged his own imperfections. He might have thought  he who is without sin should cast the first stone.

Probably, there's no more virtue in the entertainment  industry than the  high-powered-power- brokers

Four years  ago, David Miller stepped  aside. He choked on his own tears. He had not been successful. He clearly did not have the stamina.

His preferred wonder-boy candidate , Gambrione, had  to withdraw from the race
 after his fall from grace.

John Tory purses his lips like a Puritan and speaks of righteousness and virtue.

Olivia Chow feels a Mayor should be a role model for children.

The media doesn't give a tinker's damn about  the Mayor's role as  a model for children.

What I'm waiting to see is how  the people of Toronto respond to the unrelenting
effort of the media and the Toronto Police to  destroy a man who has no  skill or
artifice in pretending to be what he is not.

When Premier Kathleen Wynn was accused of  corruption  this week , wondered  if she  could relate to Toronto's Mayor.


  1. I an sorry that Mr Letterman is going to be leaving - I know you got a kick out of him after really bad Council meetings.


  2. If all we can focus on are the foibles of politicians, celebrities and personalities, what does that say about us?

    We are even more shallow than they are.

    When it comes time to vote we press the mute button and don't bother going to the polls.

    But that does not stop us from commenting on and criticizing those who eventually got elected.

    Bill Clinton actually turned out to be a fairly decent president, certainly from the perspective of jobs and the deficit. If he wants to piss behind a tree, so what. He also virtually single-handedly got Obama re-elected.

    Talk shows are the bane of our society. You have grown men and women making complete asses of themselves for multi-million dollar annual contracts. They are an artificial, humourless and boring lot.

    I would rarther watch reruns of Sesame Street.

  3. Mayor Ford is his own worst enemy. Mr Tory has the personality of a lima bean. I think Olivia stands a good chance.

  4. I guess it's official. John Gallo is running for mayor.

  5. Ms Wynne has an uphill fight. She signed off on the scandal papers and threatening a lawsuit is not going to rectify that. If the NDP pull the plug, her budget promises will be wiped out. It is time for a change there simply because they have been in power too long.

  6. Mr Pullano is already making rules for the next Council. He claims that a 10% vote in favour of a ward system would mean Councillors HAD to endorse it. That is not the way the legislation reads and he did not specify whether the 10% would be of eligible voters or actual ones.

  7. It’s always been said that abused victims have a hard time breaking away from their abusers. I think the residents of Ontario are suffering the same problem.

  8. Sheesh ! Another pre-council closed meeting to drag you in there early.

  9. If you still have a few free articles left from the Star before the paywall hits, /Chantel Herbert has a good one on the Quebec matter about how devastating the campaign has been to the separatists.

  10. @10:26
    The man also believes the town should offer more support to the arts. He should really not have written that.

  11. 16:19 I read that as well. That's another one off my list.


  12. Someone is going crazy with his twitter.

    Who has the time for all this crap?

  13. Matthew Arnold6 April 2014 at 20:10


  14. 19:38
    I guess he got tired of always being the bridesmaid in all his photo-ops.


  15. It appears that Aurora really isn't big enough for his ego.

    The problem: To find another place that will appreciate what is being dished out virtually non stop.

    And there are almost seven months still to go.

  16. 20:10- No... I’m just tired of having ALL levels of government dishing out my money to Arts/Heritage /Culture. They don’t have the money. And I don’t want my taxes raised for a service I believe government has no business in providing.

  17. Not lacking in self-esteem, is he ?

  18. christopher on Petch


  19. Mr. Pullano might start to make the slightest itty wee bit of a less than negative impression on me if he stopped publishing myriad pictures of himself with for the majority failed or past politicians, most of whom I would rather forget.

    If he could provide a photograph of himself with the G7 leaders, and the circumstances, I might slightly modify my opinion.

  20. 10:47

    Personally, I would rather read "Christopher on Perch".

    These tasty little fish are great fried up with some chips on the side.

  21. Mr. Pullano has built a lot of bridges...I would have burned many of those bridges.

  22. @21:08

    Being friends with Morris and Wilson won't endear him to many.

  23. 21:08
    Moi aussi

  24. 21:57
    Remember Councillor Humfryes saying not to judge her by her friends but by what she said and did in office ?
    Pity about that.....


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