Friday 13 June 2014

Invitation extended

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "No Refuge in a Recipe":

You and your followers deserve better than this post

Posted by Anonymous to Our Town and Its Business at 13 June 2014 13:11


Be my guest 


  1. I have no idea what that commenter is writing about

  2. I think the commenter wants to have a go at Ballard and for everyone to be able to pile on.

  3. 16:09
    Whatever for ?

  4. I would be more interested in a discussion about " The Portrait of Dorian Baxter."
    One kid has taken to replying to every question with " I will lobby ". Anything from finishing homework to emptying his lunch-pail. " I will lobby, lobby. "
    Why was the man even in the debates ?


If you've got a comment, this is the place to leave it for me. Please feel free to leave your name, or even just an email address if you'd like a response. You can also email me directly.