Monday 7 July 2014

Once upon a time....a long time....a panel of candidates were  asked a question; Why are you running for council.

The second candidate to answer simply stated; For the money.

For a space of seconds time stood still. All the air got sucked out of the room.

I remember the name,the face, and placement at the table.I don't remember the room, the year or the election.

I do remember the candidate was not elected.

The Regional seat in Newmarket is being contested. Web site and Facebook utilized....Focussed entirely on the current Regional Councillor.

The attack is ferocious.

Even as a bystander the battering is sufficient to make one reel back on one's heels

The challenger is not an incumbent.  Therefore,no record of votes or positions on town issues.

The name is familiar on Facebook. But no recollection of comments on local issues.....not on Facebook.

It's of interest  as an example of social media use in  local political campaign. It's not the same as
Party politics.

It doesn't immediately suggest positive use. I ploughed through a substantial amount  before purpose became obvious.

First came  shock and depth of hostility.  Second  realization of what it was about.

Then the thought occurred , as a politician, how might one combat an attack like that ?


  1. I actually waded into a bit of that today. It was quite astonishing. I know nothing about the challenger but he seems to blame the incumbent for everything wrong in the entire Region.

  2. Some of these guys got into the race very early & I think they might be running out of steam. It must be hard to keep the momentum when everything has been said.

  3. 16:32
    Me too. Won't be reading that blog again. There is no way that the Newmarket council of today is the worst ever.
    Maybe our resident hyperbole expert will rank the content for us dunderheads.

  4. Thank you for that funny story. I do not think ANY of our councillors are in it for the money. There is something less tangible in the mix. As for how a politician should deal with the attacks such as the one in Newmarket, probably ignoring it would be the best policy. But, then, I have never been involved in politics and that might be completely wrong/

  5. Sounds exactly like a certain candidate in Aurora, who spews only venom

  6. I may have given that candidate a second look. If he/she was in it for the money that comes every month in the form of a paycheck from the town he/she would have got high marks for honesty. Might have been interested in rolling up their sleeves and doing some work to earn the paycheck. If he/she meant for the money that might make on the side (like Brian Baloney) in the form of secret envelopes I would have given him/her a pass.

    Don't kid yourself that politicians are only there to make society a better place. Some of these jobs, like regional chairman, pay very well. A salary well over $200,000 is attractive. If it is not about the money let someone propose a motion that the regional chairman be paid a small retainer for his services.

  7. Candidates have until the 18th to sign up.

  8. 18:15

    "Brian Baloney"??? wow... Next thing we're going to see is an Maurice Duplesis reference!


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