Tuesday 8 July 2014

Tsunamis are not normal either

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What will Poor Robin do then poor thing ?":

Question please, Evelyn. Is all of this " normal " for an election ? I had heard that RH was the weird council. Now it sounds like Newmarket

Posted by Anonymous to Our Town and Its Business at 7 July 2014 20:35


The only thing normal about an election is that little about it is normal.

It's all out war .

If good use has been  made of the opportunity to serve, incumbents have the advantage.

A conscientious Councillor will have had many chances  to  prove credentials during a term or more of office.

A challenger has an uphill climb.Emphasisl on up.

The social media is a new tool . Equally  powerful  if used properly or improperly.

Many candidates, challengers and incumbents use it  only for elections.

I think that's a mistake.

There's more to be said about it.


  1. I guess it doesn't matter what media is selected by a candidate, maybe a blend of several. But we saw in the last election where those with no experience with driving a blog got into trouble just maintaining the thing. This year the weak link might be twitter because it sure does swing around fast to magnify errors.

  2. Be careful driving thru town. I just about got wiped out by a carload of crazy Germans celebrating......
    and there I was thinking the fix was in for Brazil.
    Lovely .

  3. I am still surprised by our 2010 election results. Looking back, if I had known how hard it could be to unseat incumbents, I might not have been so enthusiastic. Not sure how that all happened/

  4. 19:19- It usually is quite hard. But 2010 was not your average election. We got 6 out of 9 new members of council. A Mayor got elected without ever being on council. There was one new councillor that won without having any election signs out there. I don't remember anything like that happening before in any municipality. In 2010 Aurora residents said "enough of this BS....You're out of here!"
    Loved it!


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