"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 10 August 2009

It's Been a Long Day

But there are a couple of things I need to do before I go to bed.

My e-mail address has been funky. I haven't been getting comments to my posts. . So if you sent one in and it didn't appear, that's the explanation I think we have it fixed now.

The Integrity Commissioner decided on the complaint filed by the Mayor and five councillors. It was not accepted.

The Mayor has publicly stated the decision to remove the Powers of the Commissioner was made prior to the decision being known.

In a Pig's Ear.

To-nights news story on the CBC about the Commish, his first decision and the removal of his powers, was really well done. Imagine having to get a sense of what a story is all about when it's been going on for five and a half years.

The only snag was the final comment that one of my options is to sue the town. THAT IS NOT AN OPTION. I have asked for a correction but I don't know if the editors will see it as significant as I do.

I'm part of the town. I don't plan to sue myself. I don't plan to play tit-for-tat with the Code of Conduct complaint process either. I will fight my political battles where they are meant to be fought ...in the political arena.


Anonymous said...

but evelyn you are still going to sue the GOS, right?

there are over 30 of us now who are willing to support your fight financially

i understand a fund is in the process of being set up

please make a post about how we can donate.

believe me there is a large and growing contingent of Aurorans who are sick to death of the mayor and her flunkies and are armed with their chequebooks to help you fight...

Elizabeth Bishenden said...

Hi Everyone,

Here's where I join with Heather in the cry of "please use some form of useful moniker".

A cheque from "anonymous" isn't really going to go very far.

I think I may be asking you to "put your MOUTH where your MONEY is"... an unusual request, but in these odd times, a way of asking people to differentiate themselves. I'm not saying everyone needs to be easily identifiable, but just not anonymous.