"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Tuesday 22 September 2009

The Road is a Ribbon

Richardson Drive re-construction project is almost complete. All that's needed now are driveways and lovely green sod. It has never looked more beautiful.

There now ... I have revealed my bias. I favour neat and tidy and curves and slopes. I don't think it's safe for children to share roadways with heavy traffic. I remember repeat requests for sidewalks on Richardson Drive. The answer was always the same. Local Improvement. It meant if they wanted it, homeowners had to pay extra tax to cover the cost.

The current project includes Richardson, Webster,Patrick,Hutchinson and Lee Gate. About two hundred homes in all. The cost ? $2.7 million. Works out to the unit same price as the contract for Knowles Crescent.

More than three times the number of homes . Many more driveway inclines .

There have been no ridiculous threats of law suits against the town. No frenzied appeals for Mayor Morris and MacEachern to rush to the rescue. No fat cheques to be distributed to five homeowners from the town treasury in time for Christmas.

One driveway on Knowles Crescent is still not paved. Grit and gravel washes onto the road and down into the new storm sewer. Ultimately and undoubtedly not to good effect.

At least seven feet at the end of every driveway is town property. The town takes responsibility for that section.

Driveways are required to be paved in new subdivisions . Storm sewers need to be kept clear to serve their purpose.

Courtesy of Council, against staff advice, the town handed over taxpayers' money for that driveway on Knowles Crescent to be paid.

It isn't.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the cost comparison Councillor Buck.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease, but unfortunately we all paid for it.

Broderick Epps said...

Just another example of what happens when know it alls like MORMAC get involved in a business decision. Expect a mess. Other Municipalities would have re-imbursed the homeowner (if they even decide to pay for the repaving) after submission of expenses paid. Nobody in their right mind would have prepaid the expenses on behalf of homeowner lest they decide not to repave. Perhaps Ms. Morris with her extensive business knowledge will again pass this off "as a learning expense" at our expense.

Something Fishy in Aurora said...

I’m hoping that the homeowner a couple houses away from the unpaved driveway had a permit to cut the town’s curb when they re-did their driveway with interlock/stone.

They have effectively increased the size of their driveway by doing so. But it does not look like they did a very good job of cutting the existing curb that was so recently just put in.

J. Strange said...

FINALLY, Richardson got sidewalks and it does look great. It has only been a street since 1959, which was when my family moved there, so that's not too long to wait. However, when my Mom developed Alzheimer's, my parents had to move for safety reasons as it had become a busy thoroughfare many years ago. Too bad they didn't get to enjoy some of their tax dollars being put to good use, FINALLY.