"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Friday 18 September 2009

Rules for Orderly and Civil Debate.

They have been in place since the first British House of Commons in which Oliver Cromwell. figured prominently.

Over the centuries, there have been amendments but the principle remains the same. The right of each member to be heard is enshrined.

Civility is essential The rules have withstood the test. No organisation attempts to function without them. Lacking respect and consistent application, rules can be perverted and corrupted.

Mayhem ensues. As it did on Tuesday. People often ask how I endure. Well I do . But not always with equanimity.

It was not the first time the obstruction has been used. But it was a perfect example and for a change, I was not the target.

Councillor McRoberts properly filed notice of intent of two motions. They were listed as business to be decided. The Agenda was circulated. The public were apprised. The Agenda was approved by resolution.

When a Councillor is recognised by the chair, he is entitled to speak without interruption which has the effect of putting the speaker off his stride. It causes extreme irritation and is quite likely to cause an uncivil reaction. Ergo ... the rule.

When a point of order is raised, the speaker must stop speaking and take his seat until the point has been stated .

(Parliamentary rules also call for the member to rise and address the chair when speaking).

The point of order shall be stated clearly and succinctly. The member raising the point shall take his seat.

The chair shall rule either to accept or reject the point raised.

The chair's ruling may be challenged.

The chair shall put the challenge to a vote.

On Tuesday, MacEachern interrupted McRoberts as soon as he started to speak .She argued the
motion was a re-consideration of a previous motion and could not be considered at this time

The Chair accepted the point . The ruling was challenged and supported by the usual majority.

Responsibility for compiling the items of business to be dealt with rests with the Director of Corporate Services.

If the motion was a re-consideration, it was the responsibility of the Clerk not to place it on the agenda and advise the councillor accordingly.

That is not what happened. The motion was properly before the council .

Councillor McRoberts had prepared himself well. He knew the rules. .

No matter .

With Morris in the chair and MacEachern at her elbow, rules or no rules, nothing is permitted to happen or not to happen save and except it comes from the " inner circle of power"

I looked up the word "Oligarchy" in the dictionary this morning. It says; " a government in which a small group exercises control for corrupt or selfish purposes"

I think that just about captures the essence.

Without a single shot being fired, rights have been sucked right out from under us.


Knowledgeable in Aurora said...

I watched part of the last Council meeting on TV and noticed 3 procedural errors very early in the meeting:
1. After Bill Hogg's delegation Evelina was permitted to ask a question that did not relate to Mr. Hogg's comments at all. The Mayor/Chair did nothing.
2. A delegate requested a parking restriction be lifted from Mary Street. The Mayor/Chair started to ask for a motion, stopped and then proceeded to ask staff all sorts of questions on an issue which was not properly on the table - no one had made any motions. Finally after she completed a discussion with at least 3 staff members, a motion was allowed.
3. You raised issues with the format of the agenda, after some back and forth with you, the Clerk and the Chair the matter was put to rest. Immediately thereafter Councillor Wilson was permitted by the Chair to make a "snotty" remark about how long agendas had been in that format. The comment was out of order and unnecessary at best, and antagonistic and argumentative at worst. Again no comment from the Mayor/Chair.

For a group that claims to have such high regard for process and procedures and Wilson claiming he wants to "move on", it certainly isn't displayed in their actions.

Anonymous said...

It was evident to all that watched Tuesday's council meetings that there was a concerted effort to scupper Councillor McRoberts.
I've been very impressed with him in standing up for what is right.
He shows great integrity.
Something that is sadly lacking on the other side of the council table.

White Knight said...

To Knowledgeable in Aurora:
I agree with you completely on these points and thank you for noting them here. However, we all know that the Mayor et al have no regard or respect for what appears here. Have you emailed all the councillors with this information? At least that way they are all individually aware that you are certainly knowledgeable in Aurora and cannot hide behind Ms.Buck's blog as an excuse not to receive the information and even respond.
I often do this myself: post on blogs but email members of council so that they know directly the issues that I am concerned about. Just a thought.

Knowledgeable in Aurora said...

I can't agree more. It appears to have taken Bob a little longer than most to "come into his own", but nonetheless he always demonstrated patience, integrity and respect for all despite the obvious attempts by Mor/Mac to manipulate him. The man must have buckets of patience in reserve to have held his tongue on Tuesday. Keep up the good work Bob.

Anonymous said...

I must honestly say i did not vote for Bob McRoberts. I still had a bad taste for him after his involvement with SWALLOW. But his actions of late have shown him to be a person of integrity, who votes on an issue by issue basis based on his beliefs. He has become
one of the few councillors worthy of any accolades. Compare him to Granger or Wilson or Gaertner and really they are the proverbial horses ass in comparison. Keep up the good work Bob.

Knowledgeable in Aurora said...

Thank you White Knight for the suggestion, however, unfortunately I do not use my real name on the blog's for a very specific reason and there is no point sending anything directly to Council that is not signed. They will not acknowledge it,for good reason.

Anonymous said...

It is unfortunate that some citizens feel fear in making any kind of direct connection to council members. My reason is that I have felt the wrath of certain members on this council, and being anonymous makes it easier to do my business in town.
I'm waiting until November 2010 to pop my head above the parapet again.