"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 13 November 2010

Further Rumination.

I sit down at the computer with a couple of concerns this morning. I may have damaged my key board.

Yesterday it wasn't spacing the way I wanted. I would hit the key to double space and it did. Then when I had to hit the edit and compose keys, it came back to single spacing every time.

As always, I thought about what I was doing wrong. Didn't take long to come up with a reason. I was hitting the keys harder every time it failed to maintain doublespace.

I may have damaged the keyboard. I will not know until I finish this post and click to publish.

My second concern is a thought process. I received a comment on Remembrance Day critical of Councillor Wendy Gaertner. I published it. Then I started to think about how I should start the new term of office and decided to be more circumspect. I wrote a post about that.

Then Chris Watts wrote a post about how looney it is to try to define a blog.Chris is a professional in the field. Light years ahead of me and at the same time several generations behind.I'm trying to shed inhibitions from an age which he has never known.

Then I received a simple respectful query from the person whose comment I published then deleted. Also a person several generations behind me.

I thought I had a rationale. Now I'm the one doing the questioning.

When the blog started, I had no idea how it would evolve. I was as interested as anyone watching how it did.

Then we had an election. A new Council. I thought maybe I should exercise some control. I was thinking about the working relationship.

Now that idea is challenged. I may be the one out-of-step. Relations on the last Council were not improved by the Blog. The blog emerged from the situation.

I thought Council realizing the community was being made aware of goings on would govern themselves accordingly.

They didn't.

Instead they spent four years seeking ways to stop the community from becoming aware. When that didn't work they reverted to denying the reality.They spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars to support their denials.

I never understood why they didn't understand that people are entitled to know what's going on. The Blog provided that and like myself, people latched on to the opportunity to engage.

It's not that much different to how it used to be when the town hall was on Yonge Street, shops on either side and across the street and people getting the word with their morning coffee and chat swirling out in ever-widening circles.

Social media has turned us back into a tight-knit community we once were.It wasn't controlled then. Why should it be now?

Councillor Gaertner has already declared she will play a different role during this term of office. Her intention is to challenge what she reads in the media. She has already thrown down the gauntlet.

There are those among us who suspect her real intention is to continue to allow herself to be used as she has for the past seven years.

Gordon Barnes sent out a clarion call for a COY group to be established and meet regularly to discuss town politics.It may be the same group as D. Moore.

At the Special Meeting to deal with a request for a re-count,signs were, outgoing Councillors and friends are having a hard time accepting the results of the election. They may even be seeking a means to undermine it.

So we ask... is this a time for blog to become magisterial? or anything else it isn't?

Probably not.

The comment I published ,then deleted, was subsequently published on the Citizen. It related to Wendy's Chatty Cathy conduct at the Cenotaph when wreaths were being laid and respectful silence observed...even by chuldren present.

On second thought,since Wendy has already thrown down the gauntlet and undoubtedly will have help, we will allow blog to go back to its natural order.

We will tell all.


Anonymous said...

Wendy didn't "throw down the gauntlet." (Why is everything about conflict with you?)

She wrote a well-reasoned and thoughtful letter. She didn't even refer to you in it. But since it takes an opposite view from yours on the DND lease, she must be personally attacked by you.

And how do you do that? By allowing an anonymous poster to make an unsubstantied claim about her personal behaviour at a public event.

Were you there? Did you witness it?

I don't see how posting it -- even if it was true -- serves any purpose other than to submit Wendy to personal ridicule.

It certainly has nothing to do with "Our Town and Its Business."

Your pettiness is really sad.

One who Knows said...

Blog On Ev, Blog On..You have established your own unique Brand so why hold back, there's no doubt your blog will now contain respectful post for those who show respect and intellect in conducting the Towns affairs, However it's always comforting to have blog to resort to in the event the train leaves the tracks and the interests of the Town take a back seat,Hopefully these times are well behind us

Anonymous said...

I do not believe that Councillor Gaertner was the author of the letter published in this week's paper. The style and the organization of the content are definitely not hers. I can venture a guess whose they are though. I too believe that she will continue to be a conduit and puppet for the ex-regime. We will see. We will also see whether Councillor Gallo does the same.

Anonymous said...

The old gang are already trying to sway new councillors their way.

Watch out Mr.Abel these guys will take you down the wrong path.

Anonymous said...

If Cllr. Gaertner or any other member decides to participate in public discussions, either by letter writing or blog posting, I take no issue with that.

Politicians taking a stand, sharing their views and perspectives on the issues is a step in the right direction. It shows a willingness to engage the public interest and communicate directly with citizens.

However, as we all know, communication can be a double edged sword. Once you attach your name to a letter or make a post on a blog, you take ownership of the perspective that is presented.

If a member doesn't have the wherewithal to function at the council table, attends unprepared, and needs constant clarification and direction and then afterward submits seemingly eloquent and well thought out letters to The Auroran, is only fooling themselves if they think the public can be so easily misled.

After taking a stand publicly, said member cannot then claim later that they didn't understand or were uncertain of what they were agreeing to. That's the double edged sword and it can be very sharp and not for the faint of heart.

Many of us, myself included, have wondered why Ms. Gaertner was able to retain her seat. I wish I knew what the over 4000 people that voted for her see that I don't. Hopefully, her newfound desire to communicate with us will shed some light on the mystery. One way or the other.


Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 1:05

You obviously didn't read the letter all the way through. Cllr. Gaertner did in fact mention Cllr. Buck and cited her previous letter to the editor as the reason for her speaking out. I think it is fairly safe to assume that the purpose of the letter was to critisize Cllr. Buck, NOT, to share her own opinion of why the deal is so good for Aurora.

As for being petty........it is unwise for people who live in glass houses to throw stones.


Anonymous said...

thanks for this information

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