"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Tuesday 9 November 2010

We Are Working It Out.

Anonymous said...

"Councillor Wendy Gaertner reveals writing skills and logic no-one had guessed before."

Thanks for noting that Evelyn, I read the letter in the Auroran a couple of times and was wondering myself if the author and signatory are one and the same.

Either way, I am pleased that Cllr. Gaertner has decided to make use of this tool to communicate her views. That I am able to understand and make sense of it, is an added bonus.


9 November, 2010 11:07 AM

Anonymous said...

Evelyn, I am a fan of yours, I enjoy reading your blog, and I appreciate your perspective on issues, and on many people, Cllr. Gaertner included. That said, I am worried that you are going to lose the credibility in your voice if you maintain these types of (personal) posts. I love to hear your position on the issues and would happilty engage you in live conversation on the personalities. Think maybe its time to cool it a bit on the personal front. Keep your powder dry for when you really need it!



When a tree falls in the forest?

The audience is equally important to the performance as the players.

Writing means nothing without readers.

This blog continues to be a work in progress . I think of it as a conversation with a receptive audience.

Some things touched upon would not be well received in a different forum. The question still to be determined is whether comments made in a post should be taken as shared with the public at large or a more intimate audience. I think it's the latter.

The comments posted above reflect how we are sorting out a way of doing it.

The option to respond to a post with a logical argument has always been there . Wendy and allies chose instead to dismiss the blog as lies, misinformation, stuff I make up for which I deserved to be punished, to which end, they were entitled to use public resources.

I think response to this post and the election result is a measure of their misjudgment.

They appear to  have decided to change tactics.

I've served on Council with Wendy for seven years. There was always  heavy influence but that is not an excuse. Wendy was a willing victim. I think she has chosen to continue.

If the intention is to carry the banner and run the gauntlet for others , there really is no reason for me to pretend that's not how it is.

We have not always been at odds. I look forward to a different work environment.But as long as the attacks continue I  will take nothing for granted.

1 comment:

One who Knows said...

"Keep your Powder dry for when you need it"
WTH is that all about , You just keep doing what you do best Councilor , telling it like it is and challenging those who beg to be challenged by virtue of their incompetence, it’s one of the reasons your seat at the table awaits ,
so say 5317 voices to be exact