Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Regional Question or Two And One At the Town Lev...":
Could you list ALL the events/charities to which the town makes a contribution, be it cash, waiver of fees, providing facilities requiring town staff labour/vehicles or any event that doesn't fall within the aforementioned?
Which are charities, which are entertainment and which are something else?
Finally, can you provide the cost to the town for each event, in direct dollars when cheques are issued, in waivers of fees, in labour provided by town staff including use of vehicles, and in any other category you can think of?
This will go a long way to being able to understand the demands made on the town, the problems, and how an appropriate policy might come to be written that is clear and fair to all.
Thank you.
The request requires a staff report. I believe any member of the public has a right to request such information from the town. There may be a fee. Certainly there is a cost for a page of printing.
The town has Grant Funds in the budget. There is a request form. .There is criteria within which staff may recommend a grant to Council If the request does not fall within the criteria ,the applicant will be advised of refusal and has the option to approach Council.
There is a user fee policy for use of town facilities. Arenas and swimming pool facilities have an hourly rate.
Rates for groups and organisations can be subsudised by revenue from commercial organisations.
For example, if the auditorium at the Community Centre on Aurora Heights Drive were to be in use all the time, revenuea would keep the hourly rate for ice down.
Revenue from the Roger Neilson Hockey Club means the swimming pool deficit is less than it would be without.
The more a facility is used the less the user fees. There are hours in the day when facilities are not in use.Competitive swimmers can be in school or at work. They can be out in the middle of the night to get the time they need to compete.
Ice time for figure skaters is more expensive than hockey players. A figure skater needs a patch. So there are not so many users on the same expanse of ice.
The Men's Soccer Club pays nothing for the Highlands field. They have a club house with a licence. They cater weddings and funerals and election victory parties in competition with taxpaying businesses. They pay neither rent nor taxes nor user fees.I'm not even sure they get a bill for water or sewers. They get fire and police protection, garbage collection and snow clearing but they contribute nothing to the cost.
The lawn bowling club pays no fees . They used to maintain the lawn themselves. Numbers fell to twenty-seven and members were not physically able to continue maintenance.So they asked the town to take it over. The town did. No user fees are charged. I noticed in the Aurora Citizen Blog, they are soliciting new members.
The Chamber of Commerce has a highly successful Home Show annually. The pay for the facilities for the days the home show is in operation. They don't pay for the days it takes to set up and take down.
They also have the greatest street sale in the world in June. They don't pay for clean-up after it's over.
The town has a membership in the Chamber and we give them $8,Ks a year for something called a Platinum sponsorship. Nobody gets a prize or anything. The Town's Logo appears on the plaque.
The Bob Hartwell race for the Heart and Stroke Foundation was started to commemorate a Councillor who died while running a marathon.
Fees for facilities were waived when the event started. It has became highly successful. This year the name was changed to A&B Courier Service, A Newmarket company. The event no longer commemorates Bob Hartwell and we don't know if the organisers are local any more but we continue to waive the fees anyway.That was $750. worth of manpower and vehicles to transport picnic tables and garbage bins and clean up afterwards.
A councillor commented when the decision was being made; "We should do it this one time"
The Relay for Life event, a fund-raiser for cancer is not a local organisation but they received a waiver of fees to the tune of $650. They raised $80 Ks for the charity last year and expect to do better this year. I guess they figured they needed free facilities. One Councillor figured the picnic tables and garbage bins wre just sitting there anyway. They didn't cost anything.
I'm inclined to think when the name of the event was sold to A &B Courier Service, the Bob Hartwell Race for the Heart and Stroke Foundation might have contracted fund-raising out to a commercial fund-raising organisation. That would mean much of the money raised, pays for salaries and such. It would be another reason why they would not be entitled to a grant.But they got it anyway.
Then of course we all know about the "sponsorship" for the Commercial jazz festival in the park. They get the $975 user fee waived for the park and the bandshell. Plus a $4Ks hand-out. The operator is not a town resident.
So we have policies in place to govern grants. The purpose is to take the decisions out of politics. To ensure people are treated fairly and equally and not by having friends in positions of power.
But the policy allows the policy to be bypassed and politicians to make favourable or unfavourable decisions as the case may be.
The main difference now is they can't do it without you knowing about it.
Last year staff granted a sponsorship to the Jazz Festival without Council approval.
So,you see, while we convey to the world we have policies and principles that guarantee fairness and equality. .. in reality we don't even pretend to be fair.
Tax dollars are collected and distributed here and there in varying amounts and you are allowed to guess at the reason why.
Certainly no logic is offered because there is none.
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Friday, 29 April 2011
Strategic Plans
Metro Toronto existed from 1954 until 1998 . Then the entire area was amalgamated into the single city of Toronto.
Metro's purpose was to preside over growth and provide hard services in a logical and contiguous design which eventually created a single urban municipality.
Boroughs within the area were reduced sporadically within the forty-three years. Decisions of course were provincial. When duplicate top-heavy administrations no longer made sense they were reduced to one. Metro itself disappeared. The City of Toronto survived as a huge megalopolis..
It took forty-three years. City problems are still immense.
When I became Aurora's last Reeve and County Councillor, Metro was fifteen years old. Toronto and York Roads Commissioner, the late Jack Rettie was the number one official. When Toronto and the Boroughs separated from York County, Jack had the option of going with Metro or staying with the County.
He chose the County. When the Region was created in 1971, he became Chief Administrative Officer.First solicitor of the Region was Ted Oakes. He had been assistant solicitor in Metro.They were both a source of endless information about their experiences. I soaked it up like a sponge.
York Region was the second change in the County since the beginning , a hundred years before. The times they were exciting. Hopeful but by no means secure. Relations between the Province and municipalities were on a more personal and co-operative level. An individual could have an influence. A lone voice could be heard.
I don't know the difference in the geographic area between the Region and Metro. Responsibilities were the same. Objective was the same. Development would be controlled. Investment in public services would make sense.
Media coverage was different. Political personalities in the GTA were familiar throughout.Much has changed but much has stayed the same.
Growth in York Region is taking the same path it did in Metro
The northern municipalities have seen growth but the area is still largely rural.
Now there is talk of Lake Simcoe being the resource for hard service to service the northern area. If that happens, development between here and Lake Simcoe will spread like wild fire.
Will it take another forty years. I doubt it.It took only forty-four for Metro to become completely urbanised . A myriad of government units disappeared gradually before final amalgamation of the city
The number of municipalities were reduced by half in the Region at the beginning. Aurora and Newmarket were shown as a single urban node. We fought that.We survived another forty years.
Newmarket is grown out almost completely to her boundaries. We have water and sewer allocations for only fifteen thousand more people.
Council just authorised a consultant study costing $80Ks for a strategic plan covering the next twenty years.
We have had a strategic plan since the mid nineteen-nineties. Updated every five years at minimal expense.
Now we are stretching our vision to twenty years. The Region is stretching its vision to fifty years.
The likelihood of either government's survival is doubtful at best. Spending $80Ks on consultant's to hatch a strategy for twenty years ahead, at this time in our history, is utter nonsense.
Metro's purpose was to preside over growth and provide hard services in a logical and contiguous design which eventually created a single urban municipality.
Boroughs within the area were reduced sporadically within the forty-three years. Decisions of course were provincial. When duplicate top-heavy administrations no longer made sense they were reduced to one. Metro itself disappeared. The City of Toronto survived as a huge megalopolis..
It took forty-three years. City problems are still immense.
When I became Aurora's last Reeve and County Councillor, Metro was fifteen years old. Toronto and York Roads Commissioner, the late Jack Rettie was the number one official. When Toronto and the Boroughs separated from York County, Jack had the option of going with Metro or staying with the County.
He chose the County. When the Region was created in 1971, he became Chief Administrative Officer.First solicitor of the Region was Ted Oakes. He had been assistant solicitor in Metro.They were both a source of endless information about their experiences. I soaked it up like a sponge.
York Region was the second change in the County since the beginning , a hundred years before. The times they were exciting. Hopeful but by no means secure. Relations between the Province and municipalities were on a more personal and co-operative level. An individual could have an influence. A lone voice could be heard.
I don't know the difference in the geographic area between the Region and Metro. Responsibilities were the same. Objective was the same. Development would be controlled. Investment in public services would make sense.
Media coverage was different. Political personalities in the GTA were familiar throughout.Much has changed but much has stayed the same.
Growth in York Region is taking the same path it did in Metro
The northern municipalities have seen growth but the area is still largely rural.
Now there is talk of Lake Simcoe being the resource for hard service to service the northern area. If that happens, development between here and Lake Simcoe will spread like wild fire.
Will it take another forty years. I doubt it.It took only forty-four for Metro to become completely urbanised . A myriad of government units disappeared gradually before final amalgamation of the city
The number of municipalities were reduced by half in the Region at the beginning. Aurora and Newmarket were shown as a single urban node. We fought that.We survived another forty years.
Newmarket is grown out almost completely to her boundaries. We have water and sewer allocations for only fifteen thousand more people.
Council just authorised a consultant study costing $80Ks for a strategic plan covering the next twenty years.
We have had a strategic plan since the mid nineteen-nineties. Updated every five years at minimal expense.
Now we are stretching our vision to twenty years. The Region is stretching its vision to fifty years.
The likelihood of either government's survival is doubtful at best. Spending $80Ks on consultant's to hatch a strategy for twenty years ahead, at this time in our history, is utter nonsense.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
A Regional Question or Two And One At the Town Level
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "An $18million Story Of Stupidity":
Does the Region have its own parks, or are the parks within the Region the sole responsibility of the individual component towns?
Most plants, including trees, will flourish if located properly and managed appropriately.
Does the Region not have on its staff one or more persons who could have provided some criteria for this project?
This appears to be another example of gross incompetence and mismanagement involving the cost to taxpayers of many millions of dollars, not to speak of the lack of trees to soften and enhance a street, a neighbourhood.
The Regional chairman has never been elected by taxpayers so far as I know, rather by Regional Councillors, often unopposed.
Does any of this make sense?
If I wanted to write a note about every piece of government mismanagement municipally, provincially or federally I would need half a dozen stenographers to jot down my thoughts, my voice and appetite would have disintegrated and I would be on the edge of some sort of breakdown.
How do you manage to dish out all this crap so consistently?
It's not hard "to dish out all this crap so consistently" There's a ready supply . The story about the $18 million dollars worth of waste on planting trees in hostile soil, where they would be splashed with road salt all winter and suffer from drought all summer was written and circulated by the Region's communication department in a media release. The Chairperson was quoted and the Chairman of the committee, the Mayor of Whitchurch- Stouffville They particularly wanted people to know of their responsibility in the matter. Like they are proud of their efforts.
Furthermore, they are going to keep on doing the same thing, except they are putting in a trench of growing soil for new trees, watering them fourteen times a year instead of ten and putting some kind of cap on them so that the water is directed to the roots.
That will mean new watering trucks and a manpower crew.The trees will still be drenched with winter salt,the roots will quickly reach the bad soil and they will continue to waste millions trying to nurture trees in a totally hostile environment.
Because trees are good for the environment dontcha know? All you gotta do is spend millions to get the little suckers to survive adverse conditions and your name will be forever known as a champion of the environment.
Undoubtedly there were experts to advise. The Region does nothing without an army of experts. We know them as consultants. Neither as expert as they should be or simply masquerading for politicians or the high price personnel.
I am simply a channeler. I read or experience the stuff and pass it on. I am like Shirley Valentine. She talked to the kitchen wall and a large black rock on a white sand Greek beach. My wall is Blog. I only know people are reading in a daily average of five hundred and by the occasional comment and the people who wring my hand and make me promise to keep telling them what's going on.
Fact is, I need to keep writing. It keeps me sane. When I fail to convince Councillors, I always have my readers to turn to for solace.
Take Tuesday night, there was the budget and skewed water rates that didn't get fixed and a couple of other dooseys.
A cancer fund raising group had asked council to waive user fees of $650
There is no fee to use the park. Parks are public places. If an organisation plans an event in the park, they need picnic tables and garbage bins and a clean-up before and after. There is a cost.
User fees are not plucked from the sky. We know the hourly rate of manpower and the hourly rate for a truck. User fees are an exact reflection of cost. There is no profit factor. If we do not charge the user, the tax-payer pays the freight.
We pick the pockets of the taxpayers to fill town coffers. We do not have a money mint in the town hall basement.We are bound to use the money for services to the community.It is not our money to hand out as largesse wherever we fancy. like Lady Bountiful.
Council struck the user fee policy aeon's ago in order to assure the community that everyone receives fair and equal treatment There is a grant policy and criteria to determine eligibility.Eighty per cent of the group or organisation must be Aurora based, in order to receive a grant from Aurora funds
The most recent group soliciting a hand-out is an established and successful cancer fund- raising group. They raised $80ks last year and anticipate more this year. But still they seek to cut down on the overheads. They received it before so why not?
It swells their end numbers slightly and the plaudits they receive.
Councillor Thompson has a resolution on record directing staff to prepare a policy to deal with such requests. So that Council will have precedents to lean on when considering requests. He has been publicly commended for his foresight.
This last request was referred to staff to process as a grant.
Staff recommended it be refused. It does not meet the grant criteria.The 80% residential qualification is not met.
Ho! Ho!
Councillor Thompson however solemnly and righteously moved the hand-out be handed out. . He said we should not use grant funds. We should use the Council's discretionary fund instead. As if the money did not still come from the taxpayers' pockets and the group seeking the hand-out were still not from outside Aurora.
He said the picnic tables and garbage bins are just sitting there anyway. They don't cost money.
Six other councillors and the Mayor agreed .Councillor Gaertner
So you see, the municipality can have a policy. It can be clear and succinct. It can calculate to the penny, the cost of providing a service. It 's purpose can be to assure the public of fair and equal and transparent decision making and it can still be set aside for hocus pocus. smoke and mirrors and abrecadabra accompanied by soulful glances, full of compassion.
A whole schmier of histrionics and not an ounce of integrity.
The policy is applied to small groups who don't have much political clout. But not to organisations that get public attention.
It's the kind of thing that earns politics and politicians rancid reputations while they still fondly and sincerely believe, they are being righteous, full of the milk of human kindness and they will win he rewards at the polls as being solely in the interest of the common good except for the people who trusted them to protect their interest.
Like the blockheads at the region, who themselves revealed the facts of their $18million tree planting debacle, they will reap what they sow and I cannot help them or save them from themselves.
So...why should I protect them.
Unlike the Region, people in Aurora do pay attention.
They will have their day.
Does the Region have its own parks, or are the parks within the Region the sole responsibility of the individual component towns?
Most plants, including trees, will flourish if located properly and managed appropriately.
Does the Region not have on its staff one or more persons who could have provided some criteria for this project?
This appears to be another example of gross incompetence and mismanagement involving the cost to taxpayers of many millions of dollars, not to speak of the lack of trees to soften and enhance a street, a neighbourhood.
The Regional chairman has never been elected by taxpayers so far as I know, rather by Regional Councillors, often unopposed.
Does any of this make sense?
If I wanted to write a note about every piece of government mismanagement municipally, provincially or federally I would need half a dozen stenographers to jot down my thoughts, my voice and appetite would have disintegrated and I would be on the edge of some sort of breakdown.
How do you manage to dish out all this crap so consistently?
It's not hard "to dish out all this crap so consistently" There's a ready supply . The story about the $18 million dollars worth of waste on planting trees in hostile soil, where they would be splashed with road salt all winter and suffer from drought all summer was written and circulated by the Region's communication department in a media release. The Chairperson was quoted and the Chairman of the committee, the Mayor of Whitchurch- Stouffville They particularly wanted people to know of their responsibility in the matter. Like they are proud of their efforts.
Furthermore, they are going to keep on doing the same thing, except they are putting in a trench of growing soil for new trees, watering them fourteen times a year instead of ten and putting some kind of cap on them so that the water is directed to the roots.
That will mean new watering trucks and a manpower crew.The trees will still be drenched with winter salt,the roots will quickly reach the bad soil and they will continue to waste millions trying to nurture trees in a totally hostile environment.
Because trees are good for the environment dontcha know? All you gotta do is spend millions to get the little suckers to survive adverse conditions and your name will be forever known as a champion of the environment.
Undoubtedly there were experts to advise. The Region does nothing without an army of experts. We know them as consultants. Neither as expert as they should be or simply masquerading for politicians or the high price personnel.
I am simply a channeler. I read or experience the stuff and pass it on. I am like Shirley Valentine. She talked to the kitchen wall and a large black rock on a white sand Greek beach. My wall is Blog. I only know people are reading in a daily average of five hundred and by the occasional comment and the people who wring my hand and make me promise to keep telling them what's going on.
Fact is, I need to keep writing. It keeps me sane. When I fail to convince Councillors, I always have my readers to turn to for solace.
Take Tuesday night, there was the budget and skewed water rates that didn't get fixed and a couple of other dooseys.
A cancer fund raising group had asked council to waive user fees of $650
There is no fee to use the park. Parks are public places. If an organisation plans an event in the park, they need picnic tables and garbage bins and a clean-up before and after. There is a cost.
User fees are not plucked from the sky. We know the hourly rate of manpower and the hourly rate for a truck. User fees are an exact reflection of cost. There is no profit factor. If we do not charge the user, the tax-payer pays the freight.
We pick the pockets of the taxpayers to fill town coffers. We do not have a money mint in the town hall basement.We are bound to use the money for services to the community.It is not our money to hand out as largesse wherever we fancy. like Lady Bountiful.
Council struck the user fee policy aeon's ago in order to assure the community that everyone receives fair and equal treatment There is a grant policy and criteria to determine eligibility.Eighty per cent of the group or organisation must be Aurora based, in order to receive a grant from Aurora funds
The most recent group soliciting a hand-out is an established and successful cancer fund- raising group. They raised $80ks last year and anticipate more this year. But still they seek to cut down on the overheads. They received it before so why not?
It swells their end numbers slightly and the plaudits they receive.
Councillor Thompson has a resolution on record directing staff to prepare a policy to deal with such requests. So that Council will have precedents to lean on when considering requests. He has been publicly commended for his foresight.
This last request was referred to staff to process as a grant.
Staff recommended it be refused. It does not meet the grant criteria.The 80% residential qualification is not met.
Ho! Ho!
Councillor Thompson however solemnly and righteously moved the hand-out be handed out. . He said we should not use grant funds. We should use the Council's discretionary fund instead. As if the money did not still come from the taxpayers' pockets and the group seeking the hand-out were still not from outside Aurora.
He said the picnic tables and garbage bins are just sitting there anyway. They don't cost money.
Six other councillors and the Mayor agreed .Councillor Gaertner
So you see, the municipality can have a policy. It can be clear and succinct. It can calculate to the penny, the cost of providing a service. It 's purpose can be to assure the public of fair and equal and transparent decision making and it can still be set aside for hocus pocus. smoke and mirrors and abrecadabra accompanied by soulful glances, full of compassion.
A whole schmier of histrionics and not an ounce of integrity.
The policy is applied to small groups who don't have much political clout. But not to organisations that get public attention.
It's the kind of thing that earns politics and politicians rancid reputations while they still fondly and sincerely believe, they are being righteous, full of the milk of human kindness and they will win he rewards at the polls as being solely in the interest of the common good except for the people who trusted them to protect their interest.
Like the blockheads at the region, who themselves revealed the facts of their $18million tree planting debacle, they will reap what they sow and I cannot help them or save them from themselves.
So...why should I protect them.
Unlike the Region, people in Aurora do pay attention.
They will have their day.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Tree Planting For Free
Last week-end 214 high school students committed to spend three hours on Easter Saturday morning planting 1,475 trees in Aurora.
200 were planted in East Gwillimbury.
950 were planted in Newmarket.
Lake Simcoe Conservation authority provided the trees and shrubs,
Neighborhood Network provided the volunteers.
Aurora parks provided the locations.
Mayor Dawe provided pizza and a good time was had by all.
Quite the contrast to a year ago when the project was not permitted in Aurora.
200 were planted in East Gwillimbury.
950 were planted in Newmarket.
Lake Simcoe Conservation authority provided the trees and shrubs,
Neighborhood Network provided the volunteers.
Aurora parks provided the locations.
Mayor Dawe provided pizza and a good time was had by all.
Quite the contrast to a year ago when the project was not permitted in Aurora.
Something To Share...
April 24. 2011
Dear Mayor Dawe,
The core of any society lies in the cultural achievements of its community. Culture is what survives in the accomplishments of a people – what we write, depict, sing about and build – not our wars, petty disputes, passing fads or careless concerns. Culture is the best of what we do. That is why it is laudable that the city of Aurora has chosen to honour the meaningful activities of people by investing in the Aurora Cultural Centre.
I cannot begin to count the ways in which Aurora is extremely fortunate to have the capable and inspirational leadership of Laura Schembri and her team who work indefatigably at this cultural centre. These people have a powerful, world-class vision of an inclusive and thoughtful community which wants meaningful experiences to educate all who come to the centre. In just one year, they have brought superb programs in music, art, and literature to both young and old alike; they have opened the eyes of the soul to the insights of visual artists through powerful art exhibitions in their galleries and hallways; they have celebrated the artistic efforts of even one small boy whose only goal is to give to the less fortunate.
My solo exhibition at the Aurora Cultural Centre, “Who Am I? In Search of an Answer” is coming to a close. My personal journey to finding identity is a controversial one and I commend Laura Schembri and her staff for sharing my story with the public, enthusiastically and with courage. Laura has a passion for the telling of truth and does not waver from her convictions. You have an Executive Director who deserves huge acccolades for her dedication and very hard work.
I, for one, as a member of the Aurora community, thank you for your commitment to a high quality of education through the generous funding of this unique cultural centre. I know that you will continue to cherish the work by these people and their valuable role in making Aurora a great community in which I am proud to live.
Thank you for your foresight and vision.
Lillian Michiko Blakey
Past President, The Ontario Society of Artistsggdaweg
The Culture Centre has filed their financial statement with the town. In the year 2011. they have budgeted for a $100Ks deficit.
They have a building for which they pay no rent. Maintenance of $143Ks is provided by the town. They will received $346Ks of your tax dollars to spend . They are planning to over-spend that by $100Ks.
An $18million Story Of Stupidity
The following is a media release from the Region of York.
In 2001, the region started planting trees They planted 19000 trees . Spent 18 million dollars.
In 2003,they discovered only 29% of the trees survived and they were not in good health.
Then they discovered what it takes for newly planted trees to survive.
IN 2010, they discovered newly planted trees at the side of the street struggled to survive the first five years due to poor soils,winter road salt and summer drought.
Who'd a thunk it. After nine years, and $18 million, the Region discovered the hard way, what a street
tree needs to kill it.
In the year 2010.
And they published a media release to tell the world how they buried $18million of our tax dollars at the sides of regional roads, let the salt get at it , watered it into the ground, then let it dry up in a drought and blow away in the wind.
I heard the Region is two billion dollars in debt.
NEWMARKET – The Regional Municipality of York has approved key improvements to the Regional Street Tree program to benefit the health of trees in urban areas. The new program includes improvements to both soil quality and quantity along boulevards, as well as increasing the frequency of watering.
In 2001, York Region established the Regional Street Tree program as part of our Streetscaping Policy. Since that time, 19,000 street trees have been planted, increasing the total to more than 32,000 trees along urban corridors.
“Street trees are a key component of the urban forest which improves the quality of our environment by providing clean air, shade and a pleasing aesthetic to our neighbourhoods,” said York Region Chairman and CEO Bill Fisch. “Improving the survival rates and overall health of these trees enhances the quality of life in our communities and protects an $18 million asset that becomes more valuable over time.”
In 2003, a street tree survey found only 29 per cent of these trees were considered to be in good health, prompting critical program improvements to tree planting and maintenance practices. These improvements included increasing watering from four times a year to 10 times each year, installing Gator bags on newly planted trees to distribute water directly to tree roots, increased mulching, tree pruning improvements and changes to tree selection practices to focus on best growing tree stocks while maintaining tree diversity.
Following these improvements, a 2010 survey revealed a dramatic increase in the overall health of street trees, with 76 per cent found to be in good health. However, it also found that due to poor soils, exposure to winter road salt and drought conditions in summer, newly planted trees were still struggling to survive in the first three to five years after planting.
To assist the health of street trees in the critical first few years, the new program increases watering from 10 times a year to 14 times each year and introduces the use of a soil trench along the boulevard. The soil trench will provide a three-metre wide growing space with quality soil to better nourish the trees’ growing root system and increase the health and vigour of newly planted trees.
“Establishing comprehensive new planting and maintenance practices for our Regional Street Tree program represents a direct investment in the health, prosperity and sustainability of our urban forest,” said Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Mayor Wayne Emmerson, Chair of the Region’s Transportation Services Committee. “Placing an emphasis on tree survival during the first few years is a wise investment and will help ensure that our trees thrive through the vulnerable stages and continue to prosper.”
York Region staff are preparing a multi-year business plan for consideration in the 2012 Business Plan and Budget to accommodate for program costs.both soil quality and quantity along boulevards, as well as increasing the frequency of watering.
A Maelstorm
It's how I think of the last four years of council. Certainly, it felt like I was in the eye .
It's natural to think most residents were paying attention. But I've been in politics too long for my imagination to take such a flight of fancy.
I did however believe candidates in the election were familiar with the issues engendered over the term .
I was wrong . I am not alone.
Last Wednesday, after the All- Candidates meeting and the crowd had thinned out,a resident came around the table to introduce himself . He wanted to thank me for my stand on water rates increases. He could not understand why other councillors had not joined me.
He spoke of a conversation he had with his wife. If the increases went through, they would have to sell their home in Aurora .They do not want to do that but they would have no choice.
He said he worked hard in the election for a particular candidate He is very disappointed.
Couldn't understand how he could have been so wrong. He is waiting for the opportunity to tell the elected member how he feels.
He is not alone in his sense of betrayal.
I've been hearing it since the election.
We are still a hundred times better off than before.
But Oh My ...
How candidates in our election could remain so sublimely oblivious to the issues that infuriated taxpayers during the last term is not credible. But it's true.
Last night, Council finally understood, something is seriously wrong and unequal with the town's calculation and collection of water rates and other charges.
But the Bylaw to impose the new rates passed anyway.
They are not honest, They are not equal. They do not stand up to scrutiny.
Correcting them would transfer costs to the budget that sets the tax rate,
We passed the budget anyway.
It is the first budget of the new Council.
It does not commend them.
It's natural to think most residents were paying attention. But I've been in politics too long for my imagination to take such a flight of fancy.
I did however believe candidates in the election were familiar with the issues engendered over the term .
I was wrong . I am not alone.
Last Wednesday, after the All- Candidates meeting and the crowd had thinned out,a resident came around the table to introduce himself . He wanted to thank me for my stand on water rates increases. He could not understand why other councillors had not joined me.
He spoke of a conversation he had with his wife. If the increases went through, they would have to sell their home in Aurora .They do not want to do that but they would have no choice.
He said he worked hard in the election for a particular candidate He is very disappointed.
Couldn't understand how he could have been so wrong. He is waiting for the opportunity to tell the elected member how he feels.
He is not alone in his sense of betrayal.
I've been hearing it since the election.
We are still a hundred times better off than before.
But Oh My ...
How candidates in our election could remain so sublimely oblivious to the issues that infuriated taxpayers during the last term is not credible. But it's true.
Last night, Council finally understood, something is seriously wrong and unequal with the town's calculation and collection of water rates and other charges.
But the Bylaw to impose the new rates passed anyway.
They are not honest, They are not equal. They do not stand up to scrutiny.
Correcting them would transfer costs to the budget that sets the tax rate,
We passed the budget anyway.
It is the first budget of the new Council.
It does not commend them.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
About Water Rates
Last night, my mind was running over the issue of water rate increases The inclusion of $49.32 for residential storm sewer on the bill came back to haunt and infuriate.
Over the years it has been non- identified as miscellaneous on the bill. Out of Council, I challenged it. What right does the municipality have to collect a fee on the water and sewer bill and not identify the service?
For all we know we could be paying for a night out for the boys. How dare they charge for something and not say what?
Finally, it was identified as an amount was for managing storm water.
So ....what does storm water have to do with water consumption, used and spilled out to sanitary sewers?
We don't have storm water ponds in my neighbourhood. Why are we paying for them?'s about re-habilitating Lake Simcoe.
What does that have to do with servicing my home with water and sewers, which is the purpose of water meters,water rates, and the principle of charging consumers for water they consume and the bill I receive every quarter?
No answer was ever provided to that.
As long as the Council supported the charge no logic needed to be provided.
Turning it over in my mind again last night,still another question occurred to me. We have a number of homes in Aurora, serviced by private wells and septic tanks. Do they receive a bill for managing storm water ponds? Are they contributing to re-habilitation of Lake Simcoe.
I was up early this morning. The new water rate is on the agenda to be approved to-night. It went through general committee again last week. A report was submitted which finally acknowledged that an estimated 12% water loss is not water loss at all. It is non-metered water used by town departments, like parks irrigation and street cleaning and such. The estimate was increased last year from 8% to 12% and again by 1% this year and folded into the rate we pay for water we consume in our homes instead of charged to tax supported services provided by various town departments.
Last year, I requested proof of water loss. Instead non-metered uses have been identified. Which was my contention all along.
This morning I wanted the answer to a new question. Do homes that do not receive water and sewer bills get charged $49,32 a year for storm water management?
The clock turned to 8.38 a.m. Pamphlet in hand I called the town.
Aurora You're in Good Company. Understanding And Managing Your Water Bill. After a little homily about how precious a resource water is, the pamphlet displays a phone number to make billing inquires.
A cheerful voice answered.My question was asked. I could hear it, on the tip of a tongue touching the roof of the mouth was the answer.
Then she said. I will put you through to the deputy treasurer to answer that question.
If was eight-forty eight a.m. He did not pick up his phone. I pressed zero. Got the answering machine of the previous speaker. Pressed zero again. Got someone who could not answer but offered to forward my question to the Director.
From the last term, instructions are, only Directors are permitted to answer Councillors' questions.
It is 9.23a.m. no call received yet.
I'm betting people who live on estate lots and service their own homes with water and septic tanks are not contributing to the rehabilitation of Lake Simcoe like the rest of us.
Only urban-dwellers metered for water consumption ,charged for water they do not consume are paying for the re-habilitation of Lake Simcoe.
Still another charge has been shifted to our shoulders this year. Three subdivisions in the east are serviced with local sewage pumping stations. The homes could not have been serviced without the stations. A separate charge for maintenance and operation was legally established at the time subdivision site plans were agreed and signed.
This year, the Director of Environmental and Infrastructure has decided the agreements are "arcane".
Extra cost for servicing those particular homes should be shared amongst the rest of us. The subdivisions are between ten and fifteen years old.
That too appears to be acceptable to the rest of Council.
D'you know, when I was a new Councillor.I challenged everything I didn't understand. Which was mostly everything.We have a different breed of new councillors now. Apparently, they know everything they need to know to accept direction without question.
Which is why I understand homeowners in Aurora are not getting a fair shake and they don't.
It's 9.41am. I still don't have the answer about the charge for rehabilitating Lake Simcoe on homes that do not receive water and sewer rate bills from the town.
Well I ask you, how could they explain it?
So, it's past ten. I have received the answer. Properties with private wells and septic tanks do not pay the residential storm sewer rate. They do not have stormsewers. Storm drainage is by way of ditches and culverts.
As is my subdivision and many other neighbourhoods in town. Still we pay for storm water management which are ponds in newer subdivisions. The purpose of which is rehabilitation on Lake Simcoe.
Not a damn thing to do with how much water we use or sewage we produce. But its a surcharge on the water bill anyway.But only for urban residents.
Now understand this. Staff recommend to Council how best to recover expenditures for water services. If the increases are not reflected in water rates . They must be reflected in tax rates.
If they are reflected in tax rates, they are shared equally across the municipality.
If they are reflected in water rates, they are not.
When Council adopts staff recommendations, Council is the body responsible for imposing water rate increases.Council is responsible for deliberately creating inequity among taxpayers.
I have been unable to discern any concern on the part of this council for the 24% increase in water rates imposed on some ratepayers but not on others in the past two years.
That is profoundly disappointing.
Over the years it has been non- identified as miscellaneous on the bill. Out of Council, I challenged it. What right does the municipality have to collect a fee on the water and sewer bill and not identify the service?
For all we know we could be paying for a night out for the boys. How dare they charge for something and not say what?
Finally, it was identified as an amount was for managing storm water.
So ....what does storm water have to do with water consumption, used and spilled out to sanitary sewers?
We don't have storm water ponds in my neighbourhood. Why are we paying for them?'s about re-habilitating Lake Simcoe.
What does that have to do with servicing my home with water and sewers, which is the purpose of water meters,water rates, and the principle of charging consumers for water they consume and the bill I receive every quarter?
No answer was ever provided to that.
As long as the Council supported the charge no logic needed to be provided.
Turning it over in my mind again last night,still another question occurred to me. We have a number of homes in Aurora, serviced by private wells and septic tanks. Do they receive a bill for managing storm water ponds? Are they contributing to re-habilitation of Lake Simcoe.
I was up early this morning. The new water rate is on the agenda to be approved to-night. It went through general committee again last week. A report was submitted which finally acknowledged that an estimated 12% water loss is not water loss at all. It is non-metered water used by town departments, like parks irrigation and street cleaning and such. The estimate was increased last year from 8% to 12% and again by 1% this year and folded into the rate we pay for water we consume in our homes instead of charged to tax supported services provided by various town departments.
Last year, I requested proof of water loss. Instead non-metered uses have been identified. Which was my contention all along.
This morning I wanted the answer to a new question. Do homes that do not receive water and sewer bills get charged $49,32 a year for storm water management?
The clock turned to 8.38 a.m. Pamphlet in hand I called the town.
Aurora You're in Good Company. Understanding And Managing Your Water Bill. After a little homily about how precious a resource water is, the pamphlet displays a phone number to make billing inquires.
A cheerful voice answered.My question was asked. I could hear it, on the tip of a tongue touching the roof of the mouth was the answer.
Then she said. I will put you through to the deputy treasurer to answer that question.
If was eight-forty eight a.m. He did not pick up his phone. I pressed zero. Got the answering machine of the previous speaker. Pressed zero again. Got someone who could not answer but offered to forward my question to the Director.
From the last term, instructions are, only Directors are permitted to answer Councillors' questions.
It is 9.23a.m. no call received yet.
I'm betting people who live on estate lots and service their own homes with water and septic tanks are not contributing to the rehabilitation of Lake Simcoe like the rest of us.
Only urban-dwellers metered for water consumption ,charged for water they do not consume are paying for the re-habilitation of Lake Simcoe.
Still another charge has been shifted to our shoulders this year. Three subdivisions in the east are serviced with local sewage pumping stations. The homes could not have been serviced without the stations. A separate charge for maintenance and operation was legally established at the time subdivision site plans were agreed and signed.
This year, the Director of Environmental and Infrastructure has decided the agreements are "arcane".
Extra cost for servicing those particular homes should be shared amongst the rest of us. The subdivisions are between ten and fifteen years old.
That too appears to be acceptable to the rest of Council.
D'you know, when I was a new Councillor.I challenged everything I didn't understand. Which was mostly everything.We have a different breed of new councillors now. Apparently, they know everything they need to know to accept direction without question.
Which is why I understand homeowners in Aurora are not getting a fair shake and they don't.
It's 9.41am. I still don't have the answer about the charge for rehabilitating Lake Simcoe on homes that do not receive water and sewer rate bills from the town.
Well I ask you, how could they explain it?
So, it's past ten. I have received the answer. Properties with private wells and septic tanks do not pay the residential storm sewer rate. They do not have stormsewers. Storm drainage is by way of ditches and culverts.
As is my subdivision and many other neighbourhoods in town. Still we pay for storm water management which are ponds in newer subdivisions. The purpose of which is rehabilitation on Lake Simcoe.
Not a damn thing to do with how much water we use or sewage we produce. But its a surcharge on the water bill anyway.But only for urban residents.
Now understand this. Staff recommend to Council how best to recover expenditures for water services. If the increases are not reflected in water rates . They must be reflected in tax rates.
If they are reflected in tax rates, they are shared equally across the municipality.
If they are reflected in water rates, they are not.
When Council adopts staff recommendations, Council is the body responsible for imposing water rate increases.Council is responsible for deliberately creating inequity among taxpayers.
I have been unable to discern any concern on the part of this council for the 24% increase in water rates imposed on some ratepayers but not on others in the past two years.
That is profoundly disappointing.
Monday, 25 April 2011
The Great Debate
It's easy to criticise. Last Tuesday was my first time being a panel member. I had a few hours to come up with questions. II didn't do it that well. More time would have made a difference. But I wasn't a candidate so it didn't matter much. Except I am my greatest critic in anything I do.
I thought the candidates acquitted themselves well. Vanessa Long made the greatest impresssion but won't make a difference.Much of the audience were there in support of one candidate or another. Few minds would be changed by the debate.
I'm having a vigorous argument with my grand-daughter Stephanie ,at the moment. She is very dis-satisfied with what 's on offer. I 'm having a hard time persuading her the onus is upon her own shoulders.
The democratic system works best with two parties. If neither represents what she thinks they should, she should join one and set about contributing to change.
Splinter parties create splinters. You can't build a damned thing with splinters.Even the Three Little Pigs found that out to their distinct disadvantage.
An election is too late to correct things.
A grandson, just finished high school last year, informed me last night,he knows the NDP candidate. From high school... currently a university student. Couldn't attend the debate because of exams. Doesn't have many signs.
Does anyone imagine there was a nomination contest? Of course not. The candidate probably allowed her name to stand. So the NDP can claim to be a national party with a candidate in every riding.
That's a bit of a scam isn't it? Well it's good for candidates in secure NDP ridings to pretend they have a chance to form a government.
I didn't read of a nomination battle for the Liberal candidacy either. It could mean Kyle Petersen has agreed to take time from normal existence to fight for the Liberal Banner.
What if he didn't?
What if the Hybrid- Conservative candidate was the only choice?
Certainly the candidate's table was largest, the display the most extravagant. Whatever money could buy was on that table.
Money is power, they say.
Can it buy anything?
Well yes....probably...eventually.
Can it buy your vote?
Possibly. Are you aware of its influence? Probably not.
Is it a good thing for money to buy your vote?
Ah Yes my friend....but that is the question.
What price is your vote ?
Will more jail cells do it for you? Will sexual predators who managed to torture and murder repeatedly before they were trapped by their own mistakes, being in jail but not forever,make you willing to sell your vote?
Will scrapping the long gun registry, though you've never owned a gun or likely to, make you feel
safer in your bed at night? Is that the price of your vote?
In Welland, the last manufacturing plant is closing its doors. Real estate values have fallen through the floor. Wellanders are in complete despair. Free Trade did that for us. You forgot about that, didn't you. It's what made Ontario a have- not province.
Remember Michael Wilson's and Brian Mulroney's assurances?
My grand-daughter Stephanie was only ten when that happened. She graduated from university several years ago. Underemployed since and unemployed now, Didn't learn much about politics in any school she attended.
Anyway, when it comes right down to it.What is the price of your vote? Is it about being assured of your safety on the streets and in your bed , when you didn't even know you weren't?
Is it about knowing your neighbours are unemployed because of a deliberate government policy?
Is it about food banks being the order of the day and an entire generation growing up knowing they are second-class citizens without much hope for anything better?
Or is it about hope and confidence and trust that in this great country our forebears built for us, the best is yet to come.
And it will only happen, as it did before, by being there for each other.
I thought the candidates acquitted themselves well. Vanessa Long made the greatest impresssion but won't make a difference.Much of the audience were there in support of one candidate or another. Few minds would be changed by the debate.
I'm having a vigorous argument with my grand-daughter Stephanie ,at the moment. She is very dis-satisfied with what 's on offer. I 'm having a hard time persuading her the onus is upon her own shoulders.
The democratic system works best with two parties. If neither represents what she thinks they should, she should join one and set about contributing to change.
Splinter parties create splinters. You can't build a damned thing with splinters.Even the Three Little Pigs found that out to their distinct disadvantage.
An election is too late to correct things.
A grandson, just finished high school last year, informed me last night,he knows the NDP candidate. From high school... currently a university student. Couldn't attend the debate because of exams. Doesn't have many signs.
Does anyone imagine there was a nomination contest? Of course not. The candidate probably allowed her name to stand. So the NDP can claim to be a national party with a candidate in every riding.
That's a bit of a scam isn't it? Well it's good for candidates in secure NDP ridings to pretend they have a chance to form a government.
I didn't read of a nomination battle for the Liberal candidacy either. It could mean Kyle Petersen has agreed to take time from normal existence to fight for the Liberal Banner.
What if he didn't?
What if the Hybrid- Conservative candidate was the only choice?
Certainly the candidate's table was largest, the display the most extravagant. Whatever money could buy was on that table.
Money is power, they say.
Can it buy anything?
Well yes....probably...eventually.
Can it buy your vote?
Possibly. Are you aware of its influence? Probably not.
Is it a good thing for money to buy your vote?
Ah Yes my friend....but that is the question.
What price is your vote ?
Will more jail cells do it for you? Will sexual predators who managed to torture and murder repeatedly before they were trapped by their own mistakes, being in jail but not forever,make you willing to sell your vote?
Will scrapping the long gun registry, though you've never owned a gun or likely to, make you feel
safer in your bed at night? Is that the price of your vote?
In Welland, the last manufacturing plant is closing its doors. Real estate values have fallen through the floor. Wellanders are in complete despair. Free Trade did that for us. You forgot about that, didn't you. It's what made Ontario a have- not province.
Remember Michael Wilson's and Brian Mulroney's assurances?
My grand-daughter Stephanie was only ten when that happened. She graduated from university several years ago. Underemployed since and unemployed now, Didn't learn much about politics in any school she attended.
Anyway, when it comes right down to it.What is the price of your vote? Is it about being assured of your safety on the streets and in your bed , when you didn't even know you weren't?
Is it about knowing your neighbours are unemployed because of a deliberate government policy?
Is it about food banks being the order of the day and an entire generation growing up knowing they are second-class citizens without much hope for anything better?
Or is it about hope and confidence and trust that in this great country our forebears built for us, the best is yet to come.
And it will only happen, as it did before, by being there for each other.
Saturday, 23 April 2011
The Elaborate Scam
I went to sleep thinking about Conflict of Interest and wakened up thinking about the first time it was suggested to me.
Ironically by the same lawyer retained by Council to examine the facts of the Morris law suit; George Rust D'Eye.
It was the November night of the Great Emergency during the last term..A Council meeting had convened .The former Mayor declared Council would now go into closed session and drew attention to the presence of solicitor George Rust D'Eye in the Council chamber.
The rest of Council filed obediently out. The Mayor brought the solicitor to my side.He wanted to have a few words with me, she said. and both indicated it should be outside the chamber.
I invited the solicitor to grab a seat. The Mayor left.
Mr. Rust D'Eye 's opening was a question. Had I retained a solicitor?
I answered ... Why would I do that?
He said he was not suggesting it.
He proceeded to elucidate the seriousness of the new Conflict of Interest Act
I had not retained a solicitor, neither had I invited Mr.Rust D'Eye to advise me, I thought but I didn't say it.I did not want to be rude.
As he talked, his purpose became apparent. My presence was not welcome in the in-camera meeting. I might hear something to my advantage, if the matter were to proceed to litigation.
At that point I decided it was time to attend the meeting.
I said. "I am a member of council. I have a right to be at this meeting.That is exactly what I intend to do"
If the subject was such, a duly elected Councillor should not attend then which Councillor did have a right to be there.Was there in fact a right to hold the meeting?
A news story had reported Council turned down a request by the Police Chief and Regional Chairman to sell land. at the asking price, the town had for sale, to build the Regional Police Headquarters.
The presumption was a leak from an in camera meeting.
It was decided in September. "The leak" was in November. Decisions made behind closed doors are required to be reported out to the public.
Weeks passed. No sign of reporting out. The entire police department, were aware of the incredible decision. Yet a leak was presumed.
In camera meetings are not for the purpose of giving cover to political gamesmanship.
If the municipal interest is harmed by information being revealed for an improper purpose ; a financial advantage; to sell in return for a bribe; a serious breach of trust has occurred. That's a criminal offence.
Refusal to sell land we had for sale at the asking price for the purpose of building the Regional Police Headquarters was far more damaging to the public interest than the public becoming aware of the fact..
The reason for refusal added nothing to its lustre.
The harridan pair were engrossed in their determination to degrade an officer of the corporation sufficiently to compel him to quit
The vote was not to refuse to sell the lands. The vote was not to authorise the official to continue to negotiate an agreement.
The great foo-for-aa about a need for legal advice to deal with the scandal of a leak and a rogue councillor was nothing more than an elaborate scam to divert attention from a plan to claim credit where none was due.
Ironically by the same lawyer retained by Council to examine the facts of the Morris law suit; George Rust D'Eye.
It was the November night of the Great Emergency during the last term..A Council meeting had convened .The former Mayor declared Council would now go into closed session and drew attention to the presence of solicitor George Rust D'Eye in the Council chamber.
The rest of Council filed obediently out. The Mayor brought the solicitor to my side.He wanted to have a few words with me, she said. and both indicated it should be outside the chamber.
I invited the solicitor to grab a seat. The Mayor left.
Mr. Rust D'Eye 's opening was a question. Had I retained a solicitor?
I answered ... Why would I do that?
He said he was not suggesting it.
He proceeded to elucidate the seriousness of the new Conflict of Interest Act
I had not retained a solicitor, neither had I invited Mr.Rust D'Eye to advise me, I thought but I didn't say it.I did not want to be rude.
As he talked, his purpose became apparent. My presence was not welcome in the in-camera meeting. I might hear something to my advantage, if the matter were to proceed to litigation.
At that point I decided it was time to attend the meeting.
I said. "I am a member of council. I have a right to be at this meeting.That is exactly what I intend to do"
If the subject was such, a duly elected Councillor should not attend then which Councillor did have a right to be there.Was there in fact a right to hold the meeting?
A news story had reported Council turned down a request by the Police Chief and Regional Chairman to sell land. at the asking price, the town had for sale, to build the Regional Police Headquarters.
The presumption was a leak from an in camera meeting.
It was decided in September. "The leak" was in November. Decisions made behind closed doors are required to be reported out to the public.
Weeks passed. No sign of reporting out. The entire police department, were aware of the incredible decision. Yet a leak was presumed.
In camera meetings are not for the purpose of giving cover to political gamesmanship.
If the municipal interest is harmed by information being revealed for an improper purpose ; a financial advantage; to sell in return for a bribe; a serious breach of trust has occurred. That's a criminal offence.
Refusal to sell land we had for sale at the asking price for the purpose of building the Regional Police Headquarters was far more damaging to the public interest than the public becoming aware of the fact..
The reason for refusal added nothing to its lustre.
The harridan pair were engrossed in their determination to degrade an officer of the corporation sufficiently to compel him to quit
The vote was not to refuse to sell the lands. The vote was not to authorise the official to continue to negotiate an agreement.
The great foo-for-aa about a need for legal advice to deal with the scandal of a leak and a rogue councillor was nothing more than an elaborate scam to divert attention from a plan to claim credit where none was due.
Friday, 22 April 2011
Elizabeth Bishenden has left a new comment on your post "Paul Sesto's Demand For Clarification":
"The report suggests Conflict of Interest on the part of the former Mayor. Filing a complaint would certainly produce the information sought by Mr.Sesto . A judicial decision would be made, one way or another."
Does anyone in town have the heart or stomach for another lawsuit?
I think not.
Elizabeth, it's clear the decision made by Council to terminate the legal contract and pay fees for which the parties were "severally and jointly liable", has not satisfied many members in the community.
Including myself.
Mr. Sesto is not the only citizen demanding to be informed of how this appalling situation proceeded to the point it did. Several other lengthy, articulate and persistent letters have been received by Council.
The community is not satisfied to let this matter go.
As it stands , nothing is clear. Even after the town spent an additional $5,600. on legal fees, information obtained is not being released. The taxpayers paid for it. Yet they are not permitted to receive it.
A Conflict of Interest charge is not a law suit. It is a judicial review. All facts are revealed. No stone is left unturned.
Despite laws and legal advice, nothing is legal until a judge says it is.
If anyone in the community is interested in pursuing the truth to the end, I can provide a name and resource.
"The report suggests Conflict of Interest on the part of the former Mayor. Filing a complaint would certainly produce the information sought by Mr.Sesto . A judicial decision would be made, one way or another."
Does anyone in town have the heart or stomach for another lawsuit?
I think not.
Elizabeth, it's clear the decision made by Council to terminate the legal contract and pay fees for which the parties were "severally and jointly liable", has not satisfied many members in the community.
Including myself.
Mr. Sesto is not the only citizen demanding to be informed of how this appalling situation proceeded to the point it did. Several other lengthy, articulate and persistent letters have been received by Council.
The community is not satisfied to let this matter go.
As it stands , nothing is clear. Even after the town spent an additional $5,600. on legal fees, information obtained is not being released. The taxpayers paid for it. Yet they are not permitted to receive it.
A Conflict of Interest charge is not a law suit. It is a judicial review. All facts are revealed. No stone is left unturned.
Despite laws and legal advice, nothing is legal until a judge says it is.
If anyone in the community is interested in pursuing the truth to the end, I can provide a name and resource.
Paul Sesto's Demand For Clarification
Was forwarded to The Mayor and Council and copied to The Auroran and the Aurora Citizen Blog.
Responding to Mr. Sesto's questions one by one is not my responsibility.The decisions he challenges were not mine.
I did not attend the closed door meeting on September 14/15 , where a critical comment by an anonymous poster to a blog was referred and discussed.
In my view, it never was a matter for council deliberation.
Responding to Mr. Sesto's questions one by one is not my responsibility.The decisions he challenges were not mine.
I did not attend the closed door meeting on September 14/15 , where a critical comment by an anonymous poster to a blog was referred and discussed.
In my view, it never was a matter for council deliberation.
Mr.Cooper, town solicitor had given that advice to Council previously and publicly when unfounded and unsubstantiated alllegations against a councillor were encouraged to be made in public by the former Mayor,
His advice was dis-regarded then
However, I fully expected him to repeat it behind closed doors and the matter would not have been on the table for discussion.
It is my position none of what happened that night should have .
I believe it did because the former Mayor and Councillor MacEachern never saw a policy, procedure or tradition that applied to them. I believe policies and procedures were ignored for two reasons:
- I believe the former mayor obtained legal advice suitable to her purpose prior tothe meeting. There was certainly no council approval for that.
2. I believe the open-ended resolution was calculated and written prior to the meeting.
3. the support of former Councillors Granger and Wilsom amd current Councillors Gaertner and Gallo provided the majority needed to carry out the intent.
4. I do not believe all of the above mentioned Councillors understood the intent.
Since I do not believe this action is entitled to be protected with confidentiality, I sought Council approval to release the report of George Rust D'Eye.
I was not successful.
The report suggests Conflict of Interest on the part of the former Mayor. Filing a complaint would certainly produce the information sought by Mr.Sesto . A judicial decision would be made, one way or another.
So far as “new” policies to be struck by the current Council,as referred in the Town's Media Release, policies are already in place which would have prevented this scandalous affair.
No elected official including the Mayor has free access to the town treasury. No politician with any sense of survival would wish to have it.
Since any formal conversation with legal counsel has a tab, that means no politician has free and unbridled access to solicitors for any municipal purpose.
We need no new policies. We need adherence to current policies.
We also need staff , secure in their positions as advisors to Council of adopted policies , procedures and practices of municipalities.
But despite all measures, a mindless and persistent block of six votes will undermine integrity and propriety every time.
Since any formal conversation with legal counsel has a tab, that means no politician has free and unbridled access to solicitors for any municipal purpose.
We need no new policies. We need adherence to current policies.
We also need staff , secure in their positions as advisors to Council of adopted policies , procedures and practices of municipalities.
But despite all measures, a mindless and persistent block of six votes will undermine integrity and propriety every time.
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Just A Wee Bit Of A Thing
For seven years. I froze in the Council Chamber in the winter. The doors had to be kept open to signify opennes and transparency.
I railed against the ass-backwards logic and the contradiction to the hype about conserving energy.
People came to the meeting to hear a particular issue. When they left and stayed around in the reception area to chat , they had to be shooed out because Council was in session and the doors had to be kept open.
On Tuesday night, supporters of the trail system were out in force. When they left the chamber, they stayed in the lobby to chat. Through the closed doors, their voices were a soft comforting rumble.
They were using their town hall how it was intended.
If all is not right with the world. In Aurora,things are improving.
I railed against the ass-backwards logic and the contradiction to the hype about conserving energy.
People came to the meeting to hear a particular issue. When they left and stayed around in the reception area to chat , they had to be shooed out because Council was in session and the doors had to be kept open.
On Tuesday night, supporters of the trail system were out in force. When they left the chamber, they stayed in the lobby to chat. Through the closed doors, their voices were a soft comforting rumble.
They were using their town hall how it was intended.
If all is not right with the world. In Aurora,things are improving.
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Tyler Said
Tyler questions why I am a moderator on the panel of the Federal almost All- Candidates Meeting since i have openly declared my choice in the election.
Tyler is an undecided voter and twenty- four years old.
I am not the moderator Tyler. I am a member of the panel because I was invited to participate and am pleased to do so.
The event is sponsored by The Auroran weekly newspaper as a community service. All-
candidate meetings are not part of the formal election process. If no-one volunteers to oranize such an event, it doesn't happen.
If you have concerns about the propriety of a person declared to be voting Liberal
being part of the panel, you will have to make a decision. This may be the only opportunity you get to see and hear the candidates in the election.
It is going to be on television.
You will have the usual control. I wish you well in your deliberation.
Tyler is an undecided voter and twenty- four years old.
I am not the moderator Tyler. I am a member of the panel because I was invited to participate and am pleased to do so.
The event is sponsored by The Auroran weekly newspaper as a community service. All-
candidate meetings are not part of the formal election process. If no-one volunteers to oranize such an event, it doesn't happen.
If you have concerns about the propriety of a person declared to be voting Liberal
being part of the panel, you will have to make a decision. This may be the only opportunity you get to see and hear the candidates in the election.
It is going to be on television.
You will have the usual control. I wish you well in your deliberation.
A Small Update On Westhill Legal Costs
I asked for confirmation that the figures given included costs for the Divisional Court proceedings.
They did but another paid invoice had been overlooked so the check was worthwhile.
The new figures are $498,279.43 for legal. Consultants' costs were $169,678.35.
For a total of $656,678.35.
The figures do not include staff time. Nor lost assessment of mega millions of dollars.
Imagine being a staff person being compelled to take a route which you know leads nowhere. Knowing how much public money and private, is flushing down the by day.
Having to say ... Yes Ma-am Yes Ma-am Three bags full Ma-am
Never, ever being able to say what you think .
Being forced to be complicit in acts that are the absolute opposite of the public good.
Knowing where the bones are buried and hoping against hope ,they will never be discovered.
They did but another paid invoice had been overlooked so the check was worthwhile.
The new figures are $498,279.43 for legal. Consultants' costs were $169,678.35.
For a total of $656,678.35.
The figures do not include staff time. Nor lost assessment of mega millions of dollars.
Imagine being a staff person being compelled to take a route which you know leads nowhere. Knowing how much public money and private, is flushing down the by day.
Having to say ... Yes Ma-am Yes Ma-am Three bags full Ma-am
Never, ever being able to say what you think .
Being forced to be complicit in acts that are the absolute opposite of the public good.
Knowing where the bones are buried and hoping against hope ,they will never be discovered.
To-night at six-thirty nearly all candidates meeting will be held in the Aurora Council Chamber.
Most candidates will be present
A panel consisting of Alison Collins Mrakas, Grace Marsh, Brock Weir, Chris Watts and me will ask a list of wildly exciting questions .
The meeting is sponsored by The Auroran . Mayor Geoff Daw will bring greetings from the town.
The format is published in this week's Auroran..
Unfortunately it may be understood to mean next Wednesday because that's what it says or so I am told.
Don't let that stop you.
Come one...Come all...bring the family. Tell your friends.
No charge for admission
If I had a bell. I would ring-a-ding-ding
Most candidates will be present
A panel consisting of Alison Collins Mrakas, Grace Marsh, Brock Weir, Chris Watts and me will ask a list of wildly exciting questions .
The meeting is sponsored by The Auroran . Mayor Geoff Daw will bring greetings from the town.
The format is published in this week's Auroran..
Unfortunately it may be understood to mean next Wednesday because that's what it says or so I am told.
Don't let that stop you.
Come one...Come all...bring the family. Tell your friends.
No charge for admission
If I had a bell. I would ring-a-ding-ding
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
I Hear
Councillor Ballard has a blog.
The Councillor has worn his heart on his sleeve for the Mormac administration since the beginning.
Whatever opportunities present to find fault with newly elected Mayor Dawe and Council, Ballard, Gaertner and Gallo (not so much) make merry.
As if the electorate had not repudiated the dreadful duo and all their works, clear and apparent in the last election.
I do not read Ballard's Blog. I have no expectations of it. I received an excerpt from an anonymous donor. I know not why.
It seems the Councillor objects to a media release. It pertains to legal fees incurred in a scandalous law suit by the former Mayor against three families in the community. The majority voted to pay.
The Councillor claims since he did not agree with the decision , the media release has no legitimacy.
The logic escapes me. The Councillor was absent the meeting where the decision was made. His alter ego removed herself from the chamber with a convoluted rationale, she subsequently requested be included in the minutes.
The media communication was circulated to councillors as released.
Within minutes, outraged e-mails were received from the rear end of the Mormac Duo, demanding to know who authorised it and how.
When a Council majority makes a decision, it becomes the town's decision. Why is that so hard to understand?
It is the essential principle of democracy.
The majority rules.
The minority can and shall be heard.
Irony of ironies...$126,200 that I know about,were spent last term by the Mormac administration, to silence the minority.
Now Ballard has his blog. He has the right to state his position.. Clearly hopes for Mormac vindication rest on his and Gaertner's ongoing efforts to discredit the current administration.
Now there's a plan .
So he criticises the current council for dwelling on the past and challenges the normal process of a media release.
Much ado about nothing.
The Councillor has worn his heart on his sleeve for the Mormac administration since the beginning.
Whatever opportunities present to find fault with newly elected Mayor Dawe and Council, Ballard, Gaertner and Gallo (not so much) make merry.
As if the electorate had not repudiated the dreadful duo and all their works, clear and apparent in the last election.
I do not read Ballard's Blog. I have no expectations of it. I received an excerpt from an anonymous donor. I know not why.
It seems the Councillor objects to a media release. It pertains to legal fees incurred in a scandalous law suit by the former Mayor against three families in the community. The majority voted to pay.
The Councillor claims since he did not agree with the decision , the media release has no legitimacy.
The logic escapes me. The Councillor was absent the meeting where the decision was made. His alter ego removed herself from the chamber with a convoluted rationale, she subsequently requested be included in the minutes.
The media communication was circulated to councillors as released.
Within minutes, outraged e-mails were received from the rear end of the Mormac Duo, demanding to know who authorised it and how.
When a Council majority makes a decision, it becomes the town's decision. Why is that so hard to understand?
It is the essential principle of democracy.
The majority rules.
The minority can and shall be heard.
Irony of ironies...$126,200 that I know about,were spent last term by the Mormac administration, to silence the minority.
Now Ballard has his blog. He has the right to state his position.. Clearly hopes for Mormac vindication rest on his and Gaertner's ongoing efforts to discredit the current administration.
Now there's a plan .
So he criticises the current council for dwelling on the past and challenges the normal process of a media release.
Much ado about nothing.
Monday, 18 April 2011
Westhill Costs...Legal and Consultant Fees
I asked for them this morning.Received them this afternoon.
A straighforward request. A straighforward response.
How refreshing.
Starting in November 2007 to date, legal fees (including expenses for court reporter at the OMB hearing) are $488,404.42.
From April 30th 2007 to date consultant costs for the Westhill matter are $16,678.35
Total for both, legal and consultant $649,082.77
There is no reference to court costs for the five failed attempts to argue a consolidated board hearing was necessary .
I expect they will be additional . I will check tomorrow.
A straighforward request. A straighforward response.
How refreshing.
Starting in November 2007 to date, legal fees (including expenses for court reporter at the OMB hearing) are $488,404.42.
From April 30th 2007 to date consultant costs for the Westhill matter are $16,678.35
Total for both, legal and consultant $649,082.77
There is no reference to court costs for the five failed attempts to argue a consolidated board hearing was necessary .
I expect they will be additional . I will check tomorrow.
Toronto Is The Tail That Wags The Dog
Anonymous said...
- Toronto council has -- for years -- kept taxes unrealistically low. They're now facing massive deficits because of this. Not to mention they're always crying poor to the province and the feds. ****************************** When the Province issued the edict in the late sixties,that property assessment had to be measured by market value, at first, they allowed municipalities to make the decision. The City of Toronto, part of Metro then,simply refused. It was a source of bitterness for thirty years between the city and the boroughs. There was no equity between new homes in the newly built borough and old properties in the city. The Boroughs , because the assessment was new, carried an unequal burden of Metro's expenditures.. What was intended to equalise the burden simply entrenched inequity. No Provincial government ever had the courage to deal with Toronto's refusal. When Metro was dissolved and the City amalgamated, Regions surrounding Toronto were required to shoulder the cost of Toronto's social services to reduce the horrendous impact of the amalgamaation. York's share was $75 million.a year. This year, I see that is now reduced to $13 million. There was nothing fair or equitable in that provincial decision. They simply bank on citizens of the regions not paying attention understanding, or being in the least bit interested. I assume the woman in the Globe story resides in the old city of Toronto. The assessed value of her home and the taxes she pays bears no relationship to what we pay. Nor do the municipal services available to her compare to ours. How can it be? Well mainly I think because there is no-one and has not been anyone at the Region prepared to go to bat for the region's residents.Not since the beginning. They occupy an extremely comfortable pew up there and none of them, including staff now, have any sense of the history history.
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Make a Note Of This
It's a story in the Globe and Mail about how a woman of seventy-three living in Toronto should plan with a few details about current circumstances.
Get this;
House $520,000; registered investments $187,300; TFSA $7,800; chequing account $7,200; insurance cash value $5,900. Total: $728,200.
Monthly disbursements
Property taxes $290; home maintenance $250; home insurance $75; health and dental insurance and expenses $225; transportation $45; heat, hydro and water $195; phone, cable, Internet $90; food $250; clothes $75; charities $10; gifts $100; books, music $50; education/hobbies $50; vacations $85; other $100; business expense $120; professional dues $25; savings $865. Total $2,900.
Pay particular attention to the value of the home. The property tax. And the cost of heat light and water. The house is a century home in Toronto.
Now would anyone else still like to argue that here in Aurora ,we are getting a bargain.
Get this;
House $520,000; registered investments $187,300; TFSA $7,800; chequing account $7,200; insurance cash value $5,900. Total: $728,200.
Monthly disbursements
Property taxes $290; home maintenance $250; home insurance $75; health and dental insurance and expenses $225; transportation $45; heat, hydro and water $195; phone, cable, Internet $90; food $250; clothes $75; charities $10; gifts $100; books, music $50; education/hobbies $50; vacations $85; other $100; business expense $120; professional dues $25; savings $865. Total $2,900.
Pay particular attention to the value of the home. The property tax. And the cost of heat light and water. The house is a century home in Toronto.
Now would anyone else still like to argue that here in Aurora ,we are getting a bargain.
A Tidbit From The Homeshow
A Chamber Member showed me the same card Councillor Abel produced at Council last Tuesday.
It was a St Kitts Music promotion.
The question was; did I know who was distributing the card? I did not.
I did notice however continued absence of acknowledgment of support from the Town of Aurora.
Council has a recommendation on Tuesday's agenda from the C.A.O. to release $5 Ks to the Snowball outfit ,as approved.
I understand the Jams and Jelly lady from the Farmer's Market, was responsible for distributing the card.
Chamber rules are only those renting a booth at the Show are entitled to promotion rights.
How much more evidence of a total lack of respect for principle does one need?
The Jams and Jellies lady is a member of the cabal of women that includes several familiar names.
It was a St Kitts Music promotion.
The question was; did I know who was distributing the card? I did not.
I did notice however continued absence of acknowledgment of support from the Town of Aurora.
Council has a recommendation on Tuesday's agenda from the C.A.O. to release $5 Ks to the Snowball outfit ,as approved.
I understand the Jams and Jelly lady from the Farmer's Market, was responsible for distributing the card.
Chamber rules are only those renting a booth at the Show are entitled to promotion rights.
How much more evidence of a total lack of respect for principle does one need?
The Jams and Jellies lady is a member of the cabal of women that includes several familiar names.
A Point Can Be Made
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Westhill Development Application":
What about all the wasted staff time with the last council? Maybe we don't need all the additional staff now, and therefore we don't need refurbishment of the town hall.
There is a point to be made. At the same time, I have been behind the scenes in the treasury department.
Just once; to receive instruction for my blackberry.
My impression is a huge amount of space is taken up with filing cabinets. People are squeezed in here and there. It is definitely oppressive.
Staff time was wasted on the Westhill application. Council did not accept planning recommendation for approval in principle with continued work on outstanding matters in March 2008. They did not accept the Region' s comments. They did not accept advice from the Ministry of Environment or the Toronto and Region Conservations Authority or South Lake Simcoe Conservation authority.
I believe they encouraged neighbours to the property to spend resources on a wild goose chase to win a consolidated board hearing.All the while, causing the developer to spend massive resources on legal fees to defend their application.
Resources spent in three years of futile legal processes , to defend the indefensible ,was where the scandalous waste of resources both public and private occurred.
I still maintain the administrative re-organisation created a questionable need for new staff. I believe the purpose was neither efficiency or economy.
I still contend the purpose was in accordance with a pattern established from day one of the last term: to denigrate particular staff members; transfer authority from people with skills to people without; thereby creating the need for additional staff to fill the gap.
But even without additional staff, there is a need to re-organise the space available. The lease of the hydro building to the DND was at least one opportunity lost to better utilise available resources .
I think Council has a monumental task to consider various ramifications of decisions to be made in the near future.Past decisions must be reviewed.
I am hopeful they will not surrender their authority.
What about all the wasted staff time with the last council? Maybe we don't need all the additional staff now, and therefore we don't need refurbishment of the town hall.
There is a point to be made. At the same time, I have been behind the scenes in the treasury department.
Just once; to receive instruction for my blackberry.
My impression is a huge amount of space is taken up with filing cabinets. People are squeezed in here and there. It is definitely oppressive.
Staff time was wasted on the Westhill application. Council did not accept planning recommendation for approval in principle with continued work on outstanding matters in March 2008. They did not accept the Region' s comments. They did not accept advice from the Ministry of Environment or the Toronto and Region Conservations Authority or South Lake Simcoe Conservation authority.
I believe they encouraged neighbours to the property to spend resources on a wild goose chase to win a consolidated board hearing.All the while, causing the developer to spend massive resources on legal fees to defend their application.
Resources spent in three years of futile legal processes , to defend the indefensible ,was where the scandalous waste of resources both public and private occurred.
I still maintain the administrative re-organisation created a questionable need for new staff. I believe the purpose was neither efficiency or economy.
I still contend the purpose was in accordance with a pattern established from day one of the last term: to denigrate particular staff members; transfer authority from people with skills to people without; thereby creating the need for additional staff to fill the gap.
But even without additional staff, there is a need to re-organise the space available. The lease of the hydro building to the DND was at least one opportunity lost to better utilise available resources .
I think Council has a monumental task to consider various ramifications of decisions to be made in the near future.Past decisions must be reviewed.
I am hopeful they will not surrender their authority.
Comment On The Budget
Every time I use the name Citizen Blog I feel like a character in a Tale of Two Cities, a Dickens novel about the French revolution in Victorian times. Other aspects of my life contribute to the same feeling.
I commented on Citizen Blog yesterday that a cut made to the library budget was hard but consistent with others in the town's budget.
Cost of an additional fire crew was reduced by 25% due to the complement not being in place for a full year. The same logic was applied to new town staff and followed through with the single addition to library staff.
We provide resources for library service. We have no authority to direct how funds will be used.
In the same comment to Citizen Blog, I indicated I cannot defend other aspects of the budget so easily.
I need to explain that.
The last election demonstrated real and serious dis-satisfaction with the previous council. Four incumbents were booted out unceremoniously.
Because I was there. Because I kept people informed through this blog, no doubt exists in my mind as to reason for the election result.
People wanted no more pandering to special interest groups, no giveaways to people with perceived political clout,no sponsorships with questionable return, no more inconsistent application of grant policies and no further access to massive spending by groups without accountability.
An egregious assault on rights and intelligence was uncontrolled spending on legal fees for invalid purposes and deliberate withholding of information about the full tally.
In the third year I requested a total for spending on legal fees. After first agreeing to accede to the request, then sufficient staff prevarication and a contrived resolution to conceal the true extent, the information was simply withheld.
The voters wanted that changed. They made it abundantly clear.
The current budget does not make the change.
The pattern begun in the last term, is being maintained.
User fees continue to be waived, sponsorships with questionable return , massive funds provided to groups without accountability, financial rational for increase in water rates that fails the test of scrutiny, all this and more swell the 2011 budget.
Little is changed. Little is corrected.
It is not what I hoped.
Speaking for 5322 voters, I refuse to accept.
If it passes as it stands, the first budget of the new Council will not receive unanimous support.
With regret.
I commented on Citizen Blog yesterday that a cut made to the library budget was hard but consistent with others in the town's budget.
Cost of an additional fire crew was reduced by 25% due to the complement not being in place for a full year. The same logic was applied to new town staff and followed through with the single addition to library staff.
We provide resources for library service. We have no authority to direct how funds will be used.
In the same comment to Citizen Blog, I indicated I cannot defend other aspects of the budget so easily.
I need to explain that.
The last election demonstrated real and serious dis-satisfaction with the previous council. Four incumbents were booted out unceremoniously.
Because I was there. Because I kept people informed through this blog, no doubt exists in my mind as to reason for the election result.
People wanted no more pandering to special interest groups, no giveaways to people with perceived political clout,no sponsorships with questionable return, no more inconsistent application of grant policies and no further access to massive spending by groups without accountability.
An egregious assault on rights and intelligence was uncontrolled spending on legal fees for invalid purposes and deliberate withholding of information about the full tally.
In the third year I requested a total for spending on legal fees. After first agreeing to accede to the request, then sufficient staff prevarication and a contrived resolution to conceal the true extent, the information was simply withheld.
The voters wanted that changed. They made it abundantly clear.
The current budget does not make the change.
The pattern begun in the last term, is being maintained.
User fees continue to be waived, sponsorships with questionable return , massive funds provided to groups without accountability, financial rational for increase in water rates that fails the test of scrutiny, all this and more swell the 2011 budget.
Little is changed. Little is corrected.
It is not what I hoped.
Speaking for 5322 voters, I refuse to accept.
If it passes as it stands, the first budget of the new Council will not receive unanimous support.
With regret.
Friday, 15 April 2011
Westhill Development Application
It has been approved. The Municipal Board decision was not favorable to the Municipality on any count.
1. Westhill has fulfilled the Class EA requirements
2. the Official Plan Amendment as modified was appropriate
3. the zoning bylaw amendment should be granted
4. the plans of subdivision and condominium should beapproved subject to conditions; and
5. the Committee of Adjustment appeals on Bovair are allowed.
In July 1999, Westhill filed its revised application for development with the Town. Four years of negotiations ensued.
In October 2003 ,Westhill filed an appeal with the Ontario Municipal Board
A Hearing date was set for April 2008
In March 2008 the previous council refused the application stating it was premature.Mine was the single dissenting vote. I believed the town could not win.
Money for legal fees has flushed out of the town treasury into a sink hole ever since.
A full three years later, considering five failed procedures to gain a consolidated board hearing ,and six weeks of Ontario Municipal Board Hearings with all the attendant expense of time and finances, there is little satisfaction in saying: See.... I was right again.
What price experience? What price judgment? What price commitment to the best interest of the taxpayer?
Was the town well served? Not a whit.
Did we fight for a principle ? Are you kidding me.
When I find out,to the penny, how much it cost, I will let you know that too..
1. Westhill has fulfilled the Class EA requirements
2. the Official Plan Amendment as modified was appropriate
3. the zoning bylaw amendment should be granted
4. the plans of subdivision and condominium should beapproved subject to conditions; and
5. the Committee of Adjustment appeals on Bovair are allowed.
In July 1999, Westhill filed its revised application for development with the Town. Four years of negotiations ensued.
In October 2003 ,Westhill filed an appeal with the Ontario Municipal Board
A Hearing date was set for April 2008
In March 2008 the previous council refused the application stating it was premature.Mine was the single dissenting vote. I believed the town could not win.
Money for legal fees has flushed out of the town treasury into a sink hole ever since.
A full three years later, considering five failed procedures to gain a consolidated board hearing ,and six weeks of Ontario Municipal Board Hearings with all the attendant expense of time and finances, there is little satisfaction in saying: See.... I was right again.
What price experience? What price judgment? What price commitment to the best interest of the taxpayer?
Was the town well served? Not a whit.
Did we fight for a principle ? Are you kidding me.
When I find out,to the penny, how much it cost, I will let you know that too..
Four More Limericks For Chris
Words are meant to make sense
But first the sense must be tense
If there's a hint of pretense
The sense becomes dense
And the words, they just perch on the fence
There was a young boy from Brazil
He practiced his accent with skill
Try as he might
His rrs were not right
He failed to find favour with Jill
There was an old lady in politics
She knew more than most about bricks
But the rest were not quick
They kept building with schtick
Their structures fell down in two ticks
A person obsessed
Is a person possessed
Of a habit hard to surrender
But the habit itself
Might be good to access
To harness the skill to remember
But first the sense must be tense
If there's a hint of pretense
The sense becomes dense
And the words, they just perch on the fence
There was a young boy from Brazil
He practiced his accent with skill
Try as he might
His rrs were not right
He failed to find favour with Jill
There was an old lady in politics
She knew more than most about bricks
But the rest were not quick
They kept building with schtick
Their structures fell down in two ticks
A person obsessed
Is a person possessed
Of a habit hard to surrender
But the habit itself
Might be good to access
To harness the skill to remember
Here's Another Thought
The Government of Ontario spent $74 million on the parking facility on Wellington Street, It cost York Region Separate School Board $11 million dollars to assemble the land for St Max High School.
So the government probably spent the better part of a hundred million dollars for the parking facility.
They swallowed up assessment lands needed by the town. They pay no taxes.provide no employment.
To encourage people to leave cars at home.
York Region provides a shuttle bus with a fare of 25cents, to encourage commuters to leave cars at home. I know someone who uses the shuttle bus. On a good morning there might be three or four passengers.
Parking is free in the government facility on Wellington Street. I'm willing to bet a goodly number of spots are filled with cars from towns where the train fare would be higher than Aurora.
So they get cheaper fares and free parking if they come to our town.
So they come They add to traffic congestion. There are twenty minute blocks when the train disembarks. . They have the convenience of the car waiting for them at the station
They are away to the races.
The building is vacant evenings and week-ends. And lit throughout.
In the meantime, there's the hospital in Newmarket. People come for treatment from as far away as Parry Sound. It's a district hospital serving a huge geographic area. Only homeowners in York Region pay property taxes to fund its construction.We have York Regional Council to thank for that.
The Province started a single lottery in the seventies to pay for hospital construction.
The top director is probably now being paid close to half a million with an unlimited expense account.
Who knows who forms the board of governors or how they got there.
The cost of parking, while attending an ailing family member, perhaps at the end of life, is obscene.
So the government probably spent the better part of a hundred million dollars for the parking facility.
They swallowed up assessment lands needed by the town. They pay no taxes.provide no employment.
To encourage people to leave cars at home.
York Region provides a shuttle bus with a fare of 25cents, to encourage commuters to leave cars at home. I know someone who uses the shuttle bus. On a good morning there might be three or four passengers.
Parking is free in the government facility on Wellington Street. I'm willing to bet a goodly number of spots are filled with cars from towns where the train fare would be higher than Aurora.
So they get cheaper fares and free parking if they come to our town.
So they come They add to traffic congestion. There are twenty minute blocks when the train disembarks. . They have the convenience of the car waiting for them at the station
They are away to the races.
The building is vacant evenings and week-ends. And lit throughout.
In the meantime, there's the hospital in Newmarket. People come for treatment from as far away as Parry Sound. It's a district hospital serving a huge geographic area. Only homeowners in York Region pay property taxes to fund its construction.We have York Regional Council to thank for that.
The Province started a single lottery in the seventies to pay for hospital construction.
The top director is probably now being paid close to half a million with an unlimited expense account.
Who knows who forms the board of governors or how they got there.
The cost of parking, while attending an ailing family member, perhaps at the end of life, is obscene.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
My husband is in Newmarket hospital. He will be there for tests and other stuff for a week and a half.
My daughter Theresa has been with him from early morning until six in the evening for the two days he has been there.
Next week, she will go back to work. Heather is working on the election. Sons are all working. That leaves me.
The hospital room is a long way from the elevator. Too far for me to walk.
Nobody should be left alone in a hospital.
I hate the size of that Newmarket hospital. It's like a massive auto plant.
Theresa paid fifteen dollars for three hours of parking there the first day there. I don't believe people going to a hospital for what may well be a life or death situation should have to worry about having enough money in their pocket to pay for the parking.
We paid, are paying , for the property to provide parking. The hospital leases it out to a private operator to charge whatever they think they will.
Nobody is parked in a hospital parking lot because that's where they want to be.
I don't think that hospital was designed or is operated with a realistic concern for the unfortunate people who are in a position of having to make use of its service.
I don't believe it has any more soul than a bloody great manufacturing plant.
That it's head honcho earns a salary of half a million dollars and has expenses of $250Ks a year doesn't make me feel a damned bit better about it.
My daughter Theresa has been with him from early morning until six in the evening for the two days he has been there.
Next week, she will go back to work. Heather is working on the election. Sons are all working. That leaves me.
The hospital room is a long way from the elevator. Too far for me to walk.
Nobody should be left alone in a hospital.
I hate the size of that Newmarket hospital. It's like a massive auto plant.
Theresa paid fifteen dollars for three hours of parking there the first day there. I don't believe people going to a hospital for what may well be a life or death situation should have to worry about having enough money in their pocket to pay for the parking.
We paid, are paying , for the property to provide parking. The hospital leases it out to a private operator to charge whatever they think they will.
Nobody is parked in a hospital parking lot because that's where they want to be.
I don't think that hospital was designed or is operated with a realistic concern for the unfortunate people who are in a position of having to make use of its service.
I don't believe it has any more soul than a bloody great manufacturing plant.
That it's head honcho earns a salary of half a million dollars and has expenses of $250Ks a year doesn't make me feel a damned bit better about it.
A Bit Part In The Play...a Minor Villain.
Someone is out there waiting for my latest post every morning and prompt with a response.
It always starts the same way; a challenge for me to post the comment and at the same time an acknowledgment I won't.
A bit ironic I must say, to be challenged by someone signing himself anonymous.
The objective of the comment is always twofold; to prove I am wrong in whatever I have written and the reason for error is my age and decrepitude
This morning's was no different than usual.
Precise requirements of the fire code was cited.
I did not speak of need. I spoke of cost and who paid. We did.
That the artificial lake, I referred to was created in Toronto and not in Muskoka as I said.
Well that's not exactly a comfort.
It's tempting to guess from clues where the comment derives.It's not hard either.
A bit part for a creepy stupid gadget character could be created in the play I'm sure.
It always starts the same way; a challenge for me to post the comment and at the same time an acknowledgment I won't.
A bit ironic I must say, to be challenged by someone signing himself anonymous.
The objective of the comment is always twofold; to prove I am wrong in whatever I have written and the reason for error is my age and decrepitude
This morning's was no different than usual.
Precise requirements of the fire code was cited.
I did not speak of need. I spoke of cost and who paid. We did.
That the artificial lake, I referred to was created in Toronto and not in Muskoka as I said.
Well that's not exactly a comfort.
It's tempting to guess from clues where the comment derives.It's not hard either.
A bit part for a creepy stupid gadget character could be created in the play I'm sure.
A Plot For The Play
Last night I heard something. Actually two things . They may be true. They may not. I wakened up with a theme for the play.
It's a military take-over of Aurora. By a cell of the Harper Regime, commanded by the Mormac Regime.It's the beginning of the take-over of Canada by Right Wing Supremacists.
The first clue was Mor of Mormac in her office after the election, until the small hours, door locked. furiously shredding documents by the hundreds, sweat dripping from her forehead, smoke rising from the shredder.
Conrad Black carried his out in boxes. He was photographed.
Second thing is a fund-raiser organised by Councilllors Ballard and Gaertner, Lieutenants in the Mormac Regime. A gala event is planned. The Honorable Lieutenant Governor David Onley is invited as guest. He is an innocent.
The town's Mayor is Honororay Colonel of the Queen's York Rangers. He has not received an invitation. He is expected to buy a ticket.
Queen's York Rangers have been taken over by look alike robots. Real military would never commit such a gaffe.
Mor of Mormac is the Honorary Chair Person of the Fund-raiser. Thirty tickets have been sold.
Yesterday a defence was offered for $50million federal dollars spent in Huntsville.
They created an artificial lake.....for God's Sake..... In the Muskokas!!!!!
The defence was the money wasn't taken from widows and orphans.
Maybe yes. Maybe no.
The fundraiser in Aurora is for families of servicemen serving abroad.
Since when are fund-raisers needed to sustain families of Canadian military serving abroad? Did the Right wing Prime Minister divert their allowances to fund the Muskoka boondoggle>
A fund-raiser was held for the July 1st Parade in Aurora. It usually raised between eleven and twelve thousand dollars but last time, nothing, nada,nil,zilch and zero. Prizes solicited for a silent auction must have been silently given away.
I heard the Legion was paid $5Ks for use of the party room. A diversion of funds perhaps.
The town leased a property, probably worth $10million on the market,to the Federal Government , for $139K a year.
Spent $176K on the building partly putting in a sprinkler system, as a requirement of the lease. Terms of the lease are confidential because of national security.Why the secrecy? Why a sprinkler system?What are they planning to do in that building?
The lease was announced in time for the election in October. Rent didn't start until February. It's April now.
The only signs of activity so far has been installation of a sprinkler system. Cost the town about a hundred Gs. Guess the federal government didn't have any money left over to do it themselves.
Mor of Mormac announced it would be occupied by "kiddies" Maybe that's a code name. The week-end child soldiers are commanded by an official at the Aurora Legion. The only identified beneficiary of the fund-raiser for the July 1st Parade for red-hot Canadian Patriots.
It's a wealth of evidence. Maybe a court case could be made of it. Or a Farce.
The uniformed female with pointed blades stuck out from the toes of her shoes from the James Bond movies could fit in somewhere.
Helga the Gestapo Moll, from the Britcom featuring Rene's cafe in occupied France during the last war.
The female member of the French underground "Listen to me carefully...I shall say this only once" in a beret, a trench coat and a heavy British/French accent.
A stolen painting of the Maddonna with the big boobies constantly changing hands.
Yes...Oh yes...We have a plot... for the boys with sharpened pencils...we could have summer Theatre in the Park . Maybe we can take it on tour to Newmarket. Hey... why not the Muskokas.....New York we come.
It's a military take-over of Aurora. By a cell of the Harper Regime, commanded by the Mormac Regime.It's the beginning of the take-over of Canada by Right Wing Supremacists.
The first clue was Mor of Mormac in her office after the election, until the small hours, door locked. furiously shredding documents by the hundreds, sweat dripping from her forehead, smoke rising from the shredder.
Conrad Black carried his out in boxes. He was photographed.
Second thing is a fund-raiser organised by Councilllors Ballard and Gaertner, Lieutenants in the Mormac Regime. A gala event is planned. The Honorable Lieutenant Governor David Onley is invited as guest. He is an innocent.
The town's Mayor is Honororay Colonel of the Queen's York Rangers. He has not received an invitation. He is expected to buy a ticket.
Queen's York Rangers have been taken over by look alike robots. Real military would never commit such a gaffe.
Mor of Mormac is the Honorary Chair Person of the Fund-raiser. Thirty tickets have been sold.
Yesterday a defence was offered for $50million federal dollars spent in Huntsville.
They created an artificial lake.....for God's Sake..... In the Muskokas!!!!!
The defence was the money wasn't taken from widows and orphans.
Maybe yes. Maybe no.
The fundraiser in Aurora is for families of servicemen serving abroad.
Since when are fund-raisers needed to sustain families of Canadian military serving abroad? Did the Right wing Prime Minister divert their allowances to fund the Muskoka boondoggle>
A fund-raiser was held for the July 1st Parade in Aurora. It usually raised between eleven and twelve thousand dollars but last time, nothing, nada,nil,zilch and zero. Prizes solicited for a silent auction must have been silently given away.
I heard the Legion was paid $5Ks for use of the party room. A diversion of funds perhaps.
The town leased a property, probably worth $10million on the market,to the Federal Government , for $139K a year.
Spent $176K on the building partly putting in a sprinkler system, as a requirement of the lease. Terms of the lease are confidential because of national security.Why the secrecy? Why a sprinkler system?What are they planning to do in that building?
The lease was announced in time for the election in October. Rent didn't start until February. It's April now.
The only signs of activity so far has been installation of a sprinkler system. Cost the town about a hundred Gs. Guess the federal government didn't have any money left over to do it themselves.
Mor of Mormac announced it would be occupied by "kiddies" Maybe that's a code name. The week-end child soldiers are commanded by an official at the Aurora Legion. The only identified beneficiary of the fund-raiser for the July 1st Parade for red-hot Canadian Patriots.
It's a wealth of evidence. Maybe a court case could be made of it. Or a Farce.
The uniformed female with pointed blades stuck out from the toes of her shoes from the James Bond movies could fit in somewhere.
Helga the Gestapo Moll, from the Britcom featuring Rene's cafe in occupied France during the last war.
The female member of the French underground "Listen to me carefully...I shall say this only once" in a beret, a trench coat and a heavy British/French accent.
A stolen painting of the Maddonna with the big boobies constantly changing hands.
Yes...Oh yes...We have a plot... for the boys with sharpened pencils...we could have summer Theatre in the Park . Maybe we can take it on tour to Newmarket. Hey... why not the Muskokas.....New York we come.
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Here's Some More Stuff
Tim the Enchanter has left a new comment on your post "Verry...Interresting":
Not sure what you mean by
"....not just because the money was earmarked for another purpose "
From the Industry Canada website June 25 2009
"The $50-million G8 Legacy Infrastructure Fund was founded in February 2009 and is dedicated
to legacy projects in the Parry Sound–Muskoka area. This strategy corresponds with Canada's Economic Action Plan to strengthen Northern Ontario communities."
So that's what they spent it on.
Yes. $50M is a lot and a fairly obvious case of pork-barrel politics.
I would agree that the approx $1B spent on the G8/G20 was ridiculous
but there seems to be suggestions and hints that this $50M was somehow stolen from the Widows and Orphans Fund and re-directed to Parry Sound Muskoka.
I must be missing something.
That said, full disclosure wouldn't be amiss either so let's wait for the AG's report.
I'm also not sure (I stand to be corrected) that the municipalities had to pony up their share to get the federal money either. We must remember that PSM is considered by the province and the feds to be "Northern Ontario" and sometimes the rules are different than here in the tropical south.
Basically PSM was selected for the summit and so Christmas came early for that riding.
The Industry Canada website lists a number of projects and their costs but I don't recall any complaints from the Libs or NDP at that time.
It's a bit disingenuous to pretend that they didn't know about the fund and what this money was being spent on.
Also, some are wondering why cash was spent on projects seemingly so far away from the actual summit location at Deerhurst.
I believe the answer will be that the region of PSM was considered to be the host - not just Deerhurst resort.
The region/riding is over 150 times larger in area than Newmarket-Aurora.
BTW - Deerhurst Resort was sold in Jan 2011 by a U.S. developer to Skyline International Development who own, amongst other things,the King Edward Hotel in Toronto and Horsehoe Valley Resort.
Thank You for that. We are all better informed.
What I meant by the phrase you quote was what I gleaned from the news reports of the leaks from the the Auditor General's Report that the money was approved by Parliament for another purpose.
It's just another example of the Prime Minister's contempt for Parliament. He uses it and abuses it for his own purpose and prorogue it if it becomes inconvenient.
There is nothing disingenuous about a leaked Auditor General's Draft Report that says something stringent. And a second leaked report that softens the first draft.
That is not disingenuous. That's deliberate. There's an election campaign being fought, The stales are high. No holds are barred.
Tony Clement is a bit of a carpet-bagger himself. There are a number of appealing Conservative candidates, as there are a number of not squeeky clean Liberals . An election should sort out the wheat from the chaff. And if it doesn't,well that's how democracy works.
"It's the worst there is except for all the rest." That's a quote attributed to Churchill. But the great man himself would say there is nothing new under the sun."Ecclesiastes 1.9
The Prime Minister's bad temper is legendary. We know that from Belinda's experience. What makes John Clement a favourite, I wonder.
Not sure what you mean by
"....not just because the money was earmarked for another purpose "
From the Industry Canada website June 25 2009
"The $50-million G8 Legacy Infrastructure Fund was founded in February 2009 and is dedicated
to legacy projects in the Parry Sound–Muskoka area. This strategy corresponds with Canada's Economic Action Plan to strengthen Northern Ontario communities."
So that's what they spent it on.
Yes. $50M is a lot and a fairly obvious case of pork-barrel politics.
I would agree that the approx $1B spent on the G8/G20 was ridiculous
but there seems to be suggestions and hints that this $50M was somehow stolen from the Widows and Orphans Fund and re-directed to Parry Sound Muskoka.
I must be missing something.
That said, full disclosure wouldn't be amiss either so let's wait for the AG's report.
I'm also not sure (I stand to be corrected) that the municipalities had to pony up their share to get the federal money either. We must remember that PSM is considered by the province and the feds to be "Northern Ontario" and sometimes the rules are different than here in the tropical south.
Basically PSM was selected for the summit and so Christmas came early for that riding.
The Industry Canada website lists a number of projects and their costs but I don't recall any complaints from the Libs or NDP at that time.
It's a bit disingenuous to pretend that they didn't know about the fund and what this money was being spent on.
Also, some are wondering why cash was spent on projects seemingly so far away from the actual summit location at Deerhurst.
I believe the answer will be that the region of PSM was considered to be the host - not just Deerhurst resort.
The region/riding is over 150 times larger in area than Newmarket-Aurora.
BTW - Deerhurst Resort was sold in Jan 2011 by a U.S. developer to Skyline International Development who own, amongst other things,the King Edward Hotel in Toronto and Horsehoe Valley Resort.
Thank You for that. We are all better informed.
What I meant by the phrase you quote was what I gleaned from the news reports of the leaks from the the Auditor General's Report that the money was approved by Parliament for another purpose.
It's just another example of the Prime Minister's contempt for Parliament. He uses it and abuses it for his own purpose and prorogue it if it becomes inconvenient.
There is nothing disingenuous about a leaked Auditor General's Draft Report that says something stringent. And a second leaked report that softens the first draft.
That is not disingenuous. That's deliberate. There's an election campaign being fought, The stales are high. No holds are barred.
Tony Clement is a bit of a carpet-bagger himself. There are a number of appealing Conservative candidates, as there are a number of not squeeky clean Liberals . An election should sort out the wheat from the chaff. And if it doesn't,well that's how democracy works.
"It's the worst there is except for all the rest." That's a quote attributed to Churchill. But the great man himself would say there is nothing new under the sun."Ecclesiastes 1.9
The Prime Minister's bad temper is legendary. We know that from Belinda's experience. What makes John Clement a favourite, I wonder.
Bibs and Bobs
Hi Evelyn, I hope that you post something today about your motion last night to spend $50K restoring Whitchurch's firewood pile (also known as the Petch house). Didn't see that coming.
BTW, loved your words re: "St. Kitts Press release". Nice to see some trepidation around the table as well, save for Cllrs. Ballard and Gaertner. Maybe people are starting to get it. Better late than never on this one
Nobody slid off their chairs in amazement last night when I put forward the motion for a report from staff about a possible location within the town's park system and a practical and economical plan to restore the Petch House.
It wasn't all that surprising because I gave notice of the motion a couple of weeks ago.
I did so because we have a $50Ks commitment from the Smart Centre developers to re-locate the building and do whatever else we can with what is left over.
If we don't do it we forfeit $50Ks. I expect it will cost that and more.And we did get $8Ks from an anonymous donor. With parks staff doing the work and a suitable use and location we may come out ahead.
Forfeiting $50Ks goes against the grain. Just getting rid of the structure could not be done without cost.
Our parks staff have many skills. They are perfectly capable, under direction. of doing the work themselves. Mr. Van Nostrand of Vandorf has already restored a twin of this building . He sourced the boards to re-place rotted material and re-located the building to a site in Lindsay.
I've seen it. It is beautiful.
If we have a place for this one , where it can be used and enjoyed and its asset value realised. I don't think that's a bad idea.
So I have asked Council to consider it. They agreed. I'm still getting used to my motions being given fair consideration . It's nice.
On the other hand. the St Kitts family music business is still getting $5Ks of your tax money to finance a concert promotion in the town park. You will still be paying an admission charge. Your park will still be fenced off for a week-end. There will be vendors in our park, not paying a permit fee to the town.
Likely filling the coffers of the St.Kitts family music business.
Councillor Abel did a fair amount of homework on the situation. Discovered the town is receiving no recognition on their publications. That was supposed to be what we were to get for the so-called platinum sponsorship. But Councillor Abel's new information wasn't able to change anything.
Seems Susan Walmer was in communication with the Chief Administrative Officer about the deal . Word on the street is Litigation Lizzie is also part and parcel of the entire boondoggle.
That would explain Gaertner,Gallo and Ballard support. Don't know what to tell you about the rest.
I received a cartoon in an e-mail this morning. It was a two -storey outhouse. Upstairs for politicians.Downstairs for taxpayers. I copied and pasted it. But the picture didn't come through.
BTW, loved your words re: "St. Kitts Press release". Nice to see some trepidation around the table as well, save for Cllrs. Ballard and Gaertner. Maybe people are starting to get it. Better late than never on this one
Nobody slid off their chairs in amazement last night when I put forward the motion for a report from staff about a possible location within the town's park system and a practical and economical plan to restore the Petch House.
It wasn't all that surprising because I gave notice of the motion a couple of weeks ago.
I did so because we have a $50Ks commitment from the Smart Centre developers to re-locate the building and do whatever else we can with what is left over.
If we don't do it we forfeit $50Ks. I expect it will cost that and more.And we did get $8Ks from an anonymous donor. With parks staff doing the work and a suitable use and location we may come out ahead.
Forfeiting $50Ks goes against the grain. Just getting rid of the structure could not be done without cost.
Our parks staff have many skills. They are perfectly capable, under direction. of doing the work themselves. Mr. Van Nostrand of Vandorf has already restored a twin of this building . He sourced the boards to re-place rotted material and re-located the building to a site in Lindsay.
I've seen it. It is beautiful.
If we have a place for this one , where it can be used and enjoyed and its asset value realised. I don't think that's a bad idea.
So I have asked Council to consider it. They agreed. I'm still getting used to my motions being given fair consideration . It's nice.
On the other hand. the St Kitts family music business is still getting $5Ks of your tax money to finance a concert promotion in the town park. You will still be paying an admission charge. Your park will still be fenced off for a week-end. There will be vendors in our park, not paying a permit fee to the town.
Likely filling the coffers of the St.Kitts family music business.
Councillor Abel did a fair amount of homework on the situation. Discovered the town is receiving no recognition on their publications. That was supposed to be what we were to get for the so-called platinum sponsorship. But Councillor Abel's new information wasn't able to change anything.
Seems Susan Walmer was in communication with the Chief Administrative Officer about the deal . Word on the street is Litigation Lizzie is also part and parcel of the entire boondoggle.
That would explain Gaertner,Gallo and Ballard support. Don't know what to tell you about the rest.
I received a cartoon in an e-mail this morning. It was a two -storey outhouse. Upstairs for politicians.Downstairs for taxpayers. I copied and pasted it. But the picture didn't come through.
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
From day one, the media had the election decided. Well, they have their polls don't you know. It always interests me how they make elections their own.Of course, if I didn't watch the media, I woudn't know that, would I ?
It's almost like there's a lottery prize for predicting the winner. They are at it before the electorate even realise an election has begun.
We all know the impact the social media had on the Obama election. I'm not sure it could happen here.It hasn't been tested yet. Those of us who use the internet assume more people are on than are. I think it's growing but it's not as big as we think it is.
The discussion on the Citizen Blog is thoughtful and lively and civil too. Of course that could be the influence of the moderator.
Fifty million dollars spent in the conservative riding of Huntsville is big. Not just because the money was earmarked for another purpose but because.....well fifty million is big.
It's hard to spend that much money in one place, in a short time without somebody paying attention.
I remember reading about Huntsville shopkeeper's concerns at the time of the conference. Nobody was talking about the shot to the local economy of fifty million dollars of federal funds.
I saw the Mayor last night on television in a press conference. He seemed to be emphatically denying any involvement. How could he not have been involved?
Stimulus funds called for municipal investment as well. Fifty million would require a substantial municipal share. Huntsville wouldn't have it.
Think of the public planning, meetings,zonings , design specifications, tendering, site plans, contract awards, how could all that happen without municipal involvement.
Who authorised the spending ? Things don't move that fast at the municipal level.
Look at our own meagre experience with the federal Department of National Defence. We spent $175Ks before occupancy of the hydro building , which we needed ourselves ,when we leased it to the feds . It swallowed up the first year's rent and more. We heard the lease was signed prior to the election. Then in March, we learned the rent didn't start until February. Then we were informed we couldn't see the lease because those are the federal rules.
Municipalities don't usually have much to do with the federal government. It's often a three way deal through the Provincial government.
If I were an opposition party leader, I would be digging around at the local level in the absence of the precise wording of auditor general's report.
Deerhurst Inn was featured in photos in the news yesterday. Is that still privately owned or does the Province have a stake in it?
They showed pictures of a cinder block public washroom. A few hundred of them could be built with fifty million dollars and plenty left over for other stuff.
Another beautiful building looked like an arena and conference centre.Who owns that I wonder?
I gotta check the news.
It's almost like there's a lottery prize for predicting the winner. They are at it before the electorate even realise an election has begun.
We all know the impact the social media had on the Obama election. I'm not sure it could happen here.It hasn't been tested yet. Those of us who use the internet assume more people are on than are. I think it's growing but it's not as big as we think it is.
The discussion on the Citizen Blog is thoughtful and lively and civil too. Of course that could be the influence of the moderator.
Fifty million dollars spent in the conservative riding of Huntsville is big. Not just because the money was earmarked for another purpose but because.....well fifty million is big.
It's hard to spend that much money in one place, in a short time without somebody paying attention.
I remember reading about Huntsville shopkeeper's concerns at the time of the conference. Nobody was talking about the shot to the local economy of fifty million dollars of federal funds.
I saw the Mayor last night on television in a press conference. He seemed to be emphatically denying any involvement. How could he not have been involved?
Stimulus funds called for municipal investment as well. Fifty million would require a substantial municipal share. Huntsville wouldn't have it.
Think of the public planning, meetings,zonings , design specifications, tendering, site plans, contract awards, how could all that happen without municipal involvement.
Who authorised the spending ? Things don't move that fast at the municipal level.
Look at our own meagre experience with the federal Department of National Defence. We spent $175Ks before occupancy of the hydro building , which we needed ourselves ,when we leased it to the feds . It swallowed up the first year's rent and more. We heard the lease was signed prior to the election. Then in March, we learned the rent didn't start until February. Then we were informed we couldn't see the lease because those are the federal rules.
Municipalities don't usually have much to do with the federal government. It's often a three way deal through the Provincial government.
If I were an opposition party leader, I would be digging around at the local level in the absence of the precise wording of auditor general's report.
Deerhurst Inn was featured in photos in the news yesterday. Is that still privately owned or does the Province have a stake in it?
They showed pictures of a cinder block public washroom. A few hundred of them could be built with fifty million dollars and plenty left over for other stuff.
Another beautiful building looked like an arena and conference centre.Who owns that I wonder?
I gotta check the news.
In For A Penny ...In For A Pound
Elizabeth Bishenden has left a new comment on your post "You May Have Heard About This":
I would be interested to know if those charities operate in Aurora.
As many of you know, the Town does support a few Aurora-centric (sorry for inventing a new word) registered charities and not-for-profits, including the Aurora Cultural Centre, the Aurora Public Library, and several other sports, cultural, and general membership groups.
While some people believe that the Town should support no charities, I believe the Town should develop a policy that treats all charities and not-for-profit groups equally.
Councillor Michael Thompson has made a notice of motion to Council that he will be asking them to address this particular issue.
Be sure to let Mr. Thompson and the other councillors know your thoughts. Undoubtedly the Town will be looking for a variety of points of view.
All the Councillors can be reached at
Elizabeth I do not agree with your basic premise. The Library is not a public charity. It is a long established public service .It is wholly supported from taxes, mainly municipal but a provincial grant is also received.
The library board applied for status as a charitable foundation in order to be able to provide receipts to donors who pledged support to the capital cost of construction of the new building. Other voluntary donations are received from people who believe in the value of a library.
The Aurora Optimists Club contributes annually from proceeds of a book sale. The funds are not part of the library's operating budget.
Sports organisations and various arts and cultural associations are not charities. They provide services in return for a membership fee.
The town does not have a policy to support charities. Council does it though. By a waiver of user fees for a facility usually.
I do not agree with that. It's not fair to those who pay the fees with the understanding everyone makes a fair contribution for use of the facility.
If event organisers anticipate raising thousands of dollars for a charity from public participation. they should not ask for free use of facilities. If asked, politicians should have the intestinal fortitude to say no.
Neither do I believe it is at all reasonable to direct staff to recommend which charities should be supported and which should not.
It's a poor excuse for a council that can't exercise judgment without a policy drawn up by staff to tell them what to do every step of the way.
I would be interested to know if those charities operate in Aurora.
As many of you know, the Town does support a few Aurora-centric (sorry for inventing a new word) registered charities and not-for-profits, including the Aurora Cultural Centre, the Aurora Public Library, and several other sports, cultural, and general membership groups.
While some people believe that the Town should support no charities, I believe the Town should develop a policy that treats all charities and not-for-profit groups equally.
Councillor Michael Thompson has made a notice of motion to Council that he will be asking them to address this particular issue.
Be sure to let Mr. Thompson and the other councillors know your thoughts. Undoubtedly the Town will be looking for a variety of points of view.
All the Councillors can be reached at
Elizabeth I do not agree with your basic premise. The Library is not a public charity. It is a long established public service .It is wholly supported from taxes, mainly municipal but a provincial grant is also received.
The library board applied for status as a charitable foundation in order to be able to provide receipts to donors who pledged support to the capital cost of construction of the new building. Other voluntary donations are received from people who believe in the value of a library.
The Aurora Optimists Club contributes annually from proceeds of a book sale. The funds are not part of the library's operating budget.
Sports organisations and various arts and cultural associations are not charities. They provide services in return for a membership fee.
The town does not have a policy to support charities. Council does it though. By a waiver of user fees for a facility usually.
I do not agree with that. It's not fair to those who pay the fees with the understanding everyone makes a fair contribution for use of the facility.
If event organisers anticipate raising thousands of dollars for a charity from public participation. they should not ask for free use of facilities. If asked, politicians should have the intestinal fortitude to say no.
Neither do I believe it is at all reasonable to direct staff to recommend which charities should be supported and which should not.
It's a poor excuse for a council that can't exercise judgment without a policy drawn up by staff to tell them what to do every step of the way.
Monday, 11 April 2011
What You See Is What You Get
In this blog, I do not tell anybody what to think. I tell you what I think. I provide information. Readers must make of it what they will.
In the last term of Council, the town experienced a huge loss of experienced staff. A loss, in a short time, of 75% of the knowledge, experience and institutional history is devastating to a town's operation. It was also deliberate.
Vacancies were filled but replacing what we lost can not happen instantly.It took years to build. Months to destroy.How long to restore remains to be seen.
Hopefully within four years. we will have made inroads.
In the second half of the last term, we had the "re-org"
Responsibilities were shifted from people with skills to people without. Titles were changed. Bodies were added. Keeping track became impossible. If you don't know what was, how can you know what should be. I watched for improvement. Saw none
Town experience still kept going out the door.
Long winded reports take the place of substantive action. Costs climb. Improvement is impossible to discern.
None of it was done without Council approval and I suspect a heavy erratic hand steering the course. I suspect it because the line between the authority of Council and responsibility of the administration became ever more blurred.
From my perspective, after the election, there needed to be a sharp corrective turn and a new direction steered.
Easier said than done. Everyone needs to agree it's necessary. Also easier said than done.
A juggernaut is an unstoppable machine.
I don't think that's what we have here.
Hopefully, within the next four years, together, we can make it better
In the last term of Council, the town experienced a huge loss of experienced staff. A loss, in a short time, of 75% of the knowledge, experience and institutional history is devastating to a town's operation. It was also deliberate.
Vacancies were filled but replacing what we lost can not happen instantly.It took years to build. Months to destroy.How long to restore remains to be seen.
Hopefully within four years. we will have made inroads.
In the second half of the last term, we had the "re-org"
Responsibilities were shifted from people with skills to people without. Titles were changed. Bodies were added. Keeping track became impossible. If you don't know what was, how can you know what should be. I watched for improvement. Saw none
Town experience still kept going out the door.
Long winded reports take the place of substantive action. Costs climb. Improvement is impossible to discern.
None of it was done without Council approval and I suspect a heavy erratic hand steering the course. I suspect it because the line between the authority of Council and responsibility of the administration became ever more blurred.
From my perspective, after the election, there needed to be a sharp corrective turn and a new direction steered.
Easier said than done. Everyone needs to agree it's necessary. Also easier said than done.
A juggernaut is an unstoppable machine.
I don't think that's what we have here.
Hopefully, within the next four years, together, we can make it better
More Grist For The Mill
Somewhere out there is a pair of gimlet eyes keeping track and forwarding information which I am glad to pass on.
I don't know why the Provincial government passed legislation to require public service salaries over a hundred thousand dollars to be published annually. It was probably another example of handwashing.
Like the legislation to hold local elected officials responsible for water quality in the Province. After they got rid of the O.W.R.C., the provincial agency which kept our water safe for decades.
One party got rid of it. The second party did not restore it. Just made local politicians criminally liable
for failure to keep the water safe.
That ought to fix it. Right.
If publishing salaries over a $100Ks was intended to control them. Well, that really worked out didn't it. Last year, I received information about the previous top honcho at South Lake Health Centre having a salary of $450Ks and expenses of $250Ks.
The retiring Chief of Police had a salary of $400Ks.
In comparison municipal top honchos probably feel ill served.
Still, information sent to me this morning shows they are doing better.
In 2006 Town solicitor earned $105.512. In 2010, the same post paid $154.224
Chief Financial Officer earned $120,983. In 2010 .it was $147,084
Director of Public Works earned $126,302. 2010. it was $147,084.
Chief Administrative Officer earned $153,799. 2010 it was $174,737.
Leisure Services Director earned $117,112. 2010 it was $136,865.
Director of Planning earned $117,112. 2010 it was $136,865.
Director of Building earned $103,913. 2010 it was $136,865
We had the re-organisation. Some people with skills and experience had responsibilities taken away with no loss in pay. Others, without skills and experience, received new responsibilities and a commensurate increase in pay.
To my unskilled eye, the results were, a drop in efficiency an increase in cost and the whole derived from advice obtained from consultants at a substantial additional cost to the public purse.
I only mention it because despite an election and the public's judgment passed, we continue to:
Row Row Row the boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily. Merrily
Blithely as a dream.
I don't know why the Provincial government passed legislation to require public service salaries over a hundred thousand dollars to be published annually. It was probably another example of handwashing.
Like the legislation to hold local elected officials responsible for water quality in the Province. After they got rid of the O.W.R.C., the provincial agency which kept our water safe for decades.
One party got rid of it. The second party did not restore it. Just made local politicians criminally liable
for failure to keep the water safe.
That ought to fix it. Right.
If publishing salaries over a $100Ks was intended to control them. Well, that really worked out didn't it. Last year, I received information about the previous top honcho at South Lake Health Centre having a salary of $450Ks and expenses of $250Ks.
The retiring Chief of Police had a salary of $400Ks.
In comparison municipal top honchos probably feel ill served.
Still, information sent to me this morning shows they are doing better.
In 2006 Town solicitor earned $105.512. In 2010, the same post paid $154.224
Chief Financial Officer earned $120,983. In 2010 .it was $147,084
Director of Public Works earned $126,302. 2010. it was $147,084.
Chief Administrative Officer earned $153,799. 2010 it was $174,737.
Leisure Services Director earned $117,112. 2010 it was $136,865.
Director of Planning earned $117,112. 2010 it was $136,865.
Director of Building earned $103,913. 2010 it was $136,865
We had the re-organisation. Some people with skills and experience had responsibilities taken away with no loss in pay. Others, without skills and experience, received new responsibilities and a commensurate increase in pay.
To my unskilled eye, the results were, a drop in efficiency an increase in cost and the whole derived from advice obtained from consultants at a substantial additional cost to the public purse.
I only mention it because despite an election and the public's judgment passed, we continue to:
Row Row Row the boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily. Merrily
Blithely as a dream.
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