"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Well Now, Let's See

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Not Understood At All":

"I'm still waiting for Guy Poppe's promised list of the Morris accomplishments. Let's see. Yes, that was just prior to the election. Still waiting and you did promise. If you wished to reply, I'm sure Evelyn would allow you a spot as the Citizen banned you from participation. But not a long term tenure."

Right after I see a list of Evelyn's accomplishments from the same time frame. Here's a start...

1. Lodged lawsuit against 6 Aurora families


Guy Poppe always identified himself when he made a comment. The one  above is not from him

While he  was undoubtedly a supporter of. the Mormac duo,it was not plain to me he was a mortal enemy of mine.

What the Mormac duo accomplished is a regular feature of this blog, It is not pretty. Some people feel I dwell upon it too much.
They beg  me to stop.

Where facts are presented, the  blog strives for accuracy. Opinions are opinions.

What did I accomplish? The only thing  left  for me to accomplish.

I learned to use the computer, wrote a blog.and kept people informed, from my perspective, of what was going on in their council.

I kept the blog  to the narrow view of the town's political affairs.  It grew.

It infuriated the Mormac cult but didn't stop their excesses.

They kept doing the same kind of stuff. I kept people informed..

If I had never been a member of council, I would not have known how things ought to  be. I would have assumed, "Well that's just politics."

But I had.  It wasn't just politics. The meaner they were, the more relentless I became

The blog  was and is  cogent. It is well received.

I don't ride a big bike. paddle a Dragon boat , walk or run  for
charity .

I attend meetings, participate in debate and vote. My view is often   solitary but I persist nonetheless.

Without fear or favour.

I think people like their politicians to be straightforward.

It seems what I do is acceptable. I think it's worthwhile.

I never claimed to move mountains.

If I can bring Aurora council back to what it has always been
before the meanest bunch hit town, I will be content.

I will have accomplished my objective.


Anonymous said...

And there it is.... the REAL reason Evelyn writes this blog....

Phyllis Morris and Evelina MacEachren (and those in their circle) were MEAN!

Holy Shit! So Aurora Council was like the movie "Mean Girls" and Evelyn was Lyndsey Lohan!

Things that make you go Hmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention the Biggie - you were re-elected. They were not.

Anonymous said...

If the sole purpose of this website was to ensure that Auroran’s never forget what Phyllis Morris and Evelina McEachern did to this town with the support of their followers then that would be fine by me given that a year and a half after the election we are still cleaning up !

Clearly the Mormac defenders feel entitled to sling mud, attack the current council and launch town funded private lawsuits but they sure do appear to feel victimised when they are asked to defend the many accusations that have been made in defence of our down’s good governance. At least Clr Buck has a public forum where anyone can join in and respond as they may see fit.

Read this blog. It’s not all Mormac related but the extent of damage that stemmed from four years of the Mormac government is very likely undeniable in the minds of 78% of Auroran’s who did not vote for Morris or McEachern in 2010.

Apparently a number of informed people seem to feel that contracts and some town procedures were lacking in critical respects and the town resources were used in some instances to the benefit what appears to be a select group of people with very little accountability required.

Ballard, Gallo and Gearnter’s political allegiances have never been in question in my mind. They now seem to feel that not only should the Cultural Centre be effectively entitled to $500,000 of our tax dollars annually with minimal accountability but the town should not reveal what went on behind closed doors despite the serious nature of the allegations of impropriety being made. Why shouldn’t they and the town explain themselves after effectively giving Morris a blank cheque to fund her private lawsuit despite the Code of Conduct saying that public office can’t be used for personal gain and despite the fact that governments can’t technically sue for defamation and despite the fact that the Municipal Act may have been broken ?

Public policy and public expenditures should be protected, justified and accounted for but some people seem to feel that the town should be a banker for personal lawsuits and the arts without any accountability or explanation required.

Thank goodness that Clr. Buck isn’t afraid to hold Mormac and crew accountable. Someone has to and lest we forget !

Anonymous said...

"I don't ride a big bike. paddle a Dragon boat , walk or run for
charity .

I attend meetings, participate in debate and vote. My view is often solitary but I persist nonetheless."

I have often wondered how in all of these years as a member of council, why your "view is often solitary".

Do the others vote together to appear as united? Do you vote opoosite out of some sort of spite?

There must be a reason. With all of the items brought to council over the years, for someone to be 180 degrees opposite of the others there must be something going on.