"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 27 January 2014


Tim the Enchanter has left a new comment on your post "Let's Talk":

I am not involved with the Aurora Historical Society.
I am neither a supporter nor a detractor.
I do not have the facts or the inclination to express an opinion as to the quality of AHS management.
I shall leave that to others.

But I am a taxpayer.
I did not decide to give my money to the AHS.
The Town of Aurora did. (by Town I mean our council and staff)
The Town is responsible to me, as a taxpayer, for the manner in which my money is distributed.
The Town is responsible for placing the necessary conditions on any agreement involving the use of my money complete with goals and objectives that are clearly explained and not subject to interpretation.
It is NOT within the Town's mandate to use my money to ensure the continued financial viability of the AHS or any other special interest group.
However it is the Town's responsibility to ensure that the recipient of my money fulfills the agreed upon mandate by obtaining the information necessary to perform an accurate and honest performance evaluation.

If a review indicates that the AHS has not kept their end of the bargain then it is the Town's responsibility to me, the taxpayer, to discontinue funding.
If the AHS loses funding then it can be left to its members and interested parties to discuss and point fingers among themselves.

However, speaking as a taxpayer, there is no such thing as "shared blame".
The Town, and only the Town is responsible.

That there appears to be continued debate surrounding the existence of a museum, or lack of same, is the fault of the Town and no one else.
Either an agreement was made to construct or house a museum or it was not.

That there appears to be continued debate on the subject of artifact ownership is the fault of the Town and no one else.
Either the agreement includes the definition of artifact ownership or it does not.

Defenders of the Town might counter by saying that those that are not directly involved in the matter don’t appreciate the difficulties.
That one can't lay blame without having all the facts.
That there many interested parties exerting their influence.
That pressure has been brought to bear.
That new councils bring new perspectives and attitudes.

These seemingly reasonable excuses are completely without merit.
The Town is not duty-bound to sign agreements with the AHS or ANY special interest group.
"We made the best deal we could under the circumstances" doesn't apply.
Compromise is not necessary.
There is no 'rock. There is no 'hard place'.
No 'devil' - no 'deep blue sea'.
The Town need only worry about the interests of the one party that matters - the taxpayer.

The grand-standing and constant squabbling that results from poorly constructed agreements is the sole responsibility of the Town.


Anonymous said...

Bingo !

Anonymous said...

An eloquent statement.

Taxpayers are taken for granted, and their money taken for all manner of foolishness.

Far too seldom are the perpetrators held properly accountable for what they have wrought.

Justice is a word. It should be an event.

Anonymous said...

I hope that the rest of council can dissect a proposed grey matter to very black and white facts.

Anonymous said...

Well writen, but not a statement of facts.The AHS should not be let.off the hook.I see this with spin.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter. Their solution to everything from a residents' trees to the AHS is to throw our money at it.

Tim the Enchanter said...


It's not about spin.
It's not about who made mistakes.
It's about responsibility and accountability.
I gave my money to the Town.
The Town gave it to the AHS.
The onus is on the Town to make sure the recipients of my money live up to whatever agreement is made.
The onus is on the Town to deny funding to any special interest group that fails to hold up their end.

Sure, anyone can make mistakes.
But the blame?
The Town - and only the Town.

Anonymous said...

The Town is financially responsible except I hope this does not include our Deputy Mayor and a few others. Our Deputy has not a concern about a price increase of some $5M for a works garage. No questions, no issues - just give it the green light and go.

Anonymous said...

Tim you should move to Colorado.There is a lot of smoke to blow there.

Anonymous said...

I think the problem is not that the town gave money to the AHS. It is that the town and this Council continues to do so.
This lot were elected to stop just such excess. So individuals are also accountable if only to the electorate.

Anonymous said...

I agree. But would add a word of caution. It would be far too easy for the proponents of the Heritage project to roll the AHS funds into their plan under the guise of supporting Hillary House. I sure don't want to enable such a thing.

Anonymous said...

You are allowing Councillor Thompson's monotone to lull you into complacency. Pay attention to what he says.

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