"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Tuesday 11 March 2014

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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Highest and Best Use of Time ?":

I feel it important to note that those opposing the Joint-Ops have, with the exception of Cllr Buck, refused to consider any other alternatives. And that those supporting it have, with the exclusion of Cllr Buck, refused to consider any alternatives.
It shows how solidified and inflexible both sides have been in their needs to present their desires.
We elected ALL the councillors to work together. Cllr Buck cannot bridge that gap by herself.
Have a good night. I'm going to read the Auroran and try not to get too ticked off at the ongoing stupidity of the current council- All of them with one lonely exception.

Posted by Anonymous to Our Town and Its Business at 11 March 2014 19:29


Anonymous said...

I have read an article in this week's Auroran to the point that since this is an election year both Rogers and the Town should discontinue with their live broadcasts of Council meetings (Rogers) and General Committee meetings (Town Live Stream) some time before the election.

This is so that candidates or electors not be able to quote statements made by and opinions uttered on the part of incumbents and others seeking a place at the table that could be used as slanging weapons of the spoken word.

Although why anyone in their right mind would want to sit there defies all reason.

I think this is completely juvenile. After all the federal Conservatives have been spending millions of our dollars to promote themselves and their programs since the day after the last election. Let's see Lois Brown rebut that.

Politics, no matter how noble the aspirations of the newbie, is a dirty game. To remove open and live communication a few weeks before an election is like hiding all the pucks just before the NHL playoffs, or all the baseballs before the start of the World Series.

People who have the right to vote should also have the right to watch and listen to the candidates seeking public office up to 24 hours before voting day.

Do these pedant rule-makers think we are all morons, that we will be unduly influenced by what someone says a day or two or even a week or two before an election? A lot of voters have probably already come to a decision.

Anonymous said...

Ditto that

Anonymous said...

They also want to ban electioneering at all events. That started with the earlier outfit banning politics at the Market, for heaven's sake, while they used a booth located there. We just don't learn from our mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Reading in the local paper about the budget process, it is not difficult to see that the grant to the historical society is a slap across the faces of residents. That group did even less last year than the year before but were given more money. Completely unsupportable.

Broderick Epps said...

Olivia chow is currently being criticized
For using taxpayers monies to promote herself prior to her run for Mayor of Toronto
Didn't know she was a Harper Conservative as you imply only conservatives do this

Anonymous said...

No, the Socialists like to step up and fasten the feed-bag too.

Anonymous said...

Olivia would have my vote. She is certainly a good candidate to off-set the heavily loaded from one group. She just might split the vote on them. Should be fun to watch.

Anonymous said...

Ms Chow had Conservatives & Liberals working on her team. She is not pigeon-holing people or rejecting them based upon labels.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Epps

Chow was apparently criticized for using a taxpayer funded-mailer.

According to an article in a Toronto newspaper, as a Member of Parliament she is entitled to send out four taxpayer-funded "householder" flyers per year to all her constituents.

I'm not prepared to discuss every incident involving every political incumbent or first time office seeker as I simply don't give a damn.

If you are stupid enough to suggest that her mailer places her in the federal Conservative camp, I suggest you sit down and have a double shot of whatever libation appeals to you.

Anonymous said...

John Tory also has Tories and Liberals working on his campaign
Not sure what you are trying to say given Olivia's previous transgression with housing and as school trustee

Broderick Epps said...

Obviously you missed my point
2130 criticized the use of mailers by the Tories to extol all their successes
singling out Lois Brown
I was just pointing out Olivia Chow was doing the same
So who is the stupid or obtuse one now

Anonymous said...

Epps - go to bed.

They're all out of the same bad barrel of sour wine.