Tuesday 22 January 2013


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WHO/ WHAT? WHY?":

Has the former Director of Education been charged with anything? Has he been found guilty in court?

I think the TDSB is equally at fault for hiring the guy in the first place. What kind of vetting of candidates do they do?

Final question though. Did he do the job that he was paid for?

There is a movie called "Catch Me If You Can" - based on a true story. It's amazing how people adapt.

I saw that movie  at Christmas.It was like finding an extra present. 
I had never heard of it. It was completely captivating.Good for several days of marvel.
That the  main character ended up  married and making an excellent living was  such a  happy ending.
The TDSB Director of Education is a cheap thief in comparison. 
Last night's news disclosed the TTC is going after  wages paid to  employees they fired for scamming.
Why should the big shot get different treatment?
Is it a class thing
If it was known way back the D.of E. was  stealing other people's writing, why wasn't something done about it before?
The School Board should have to answer for that.
What is the whole story ?
Why is the electronic media not covering it? No sex I guess. 
Or maybe they 're afraid they'll be called racist.
  Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ask And Receive": 
The board made no such decision re the museum -- they were given a cultural services agreement to follow and they did so to the letter of the agreement according to Abel's and Pirri's audit which the tax payers paid for 

The taxpayers paid for the  home of the museum to be renovated to  state of the art .
The Historical  Society paid  $250,000 for specialist architects to design the facility. 
They spent hundreds of volunteer hours gutting the building ready for the renovation. 
And years of raising  funds to pay for the renovation.
They had a legal agreement with the town to protect their investment. 
The late Margaret Brevik, a historical society member, made a substantial bequest to the future museum. 
A board was appointed, A lawyer retained  at town expense to create a constitution for an arm's length  non-profit board. and create  an agreement.
Kathie Malloy, the curator retained in preparation for the new museum, who was  the resource person to the ad hoc heritage and culture committee with all the former Mayor's friends on board, was successful in obtaining a $750,000 grant, suddenly changed her plans and went somewhere else to work.
 After the facility opened, I spoke to the  new young curator to discover why the museum was not in place.  
 She wasn't getting any answers. 
Twice I asked in a Council meeting when  the museum  would be up and running. 
I didn't get an answer.
The Mayor said the Treausurer would be reporting.
The Treasurer never did. 
There is no museum.  
If that board didn't make the decision  that  space would not be provided for the museum,who did?
I'm prepared to believe someone else had a hand in the switcheroo 
for  use of the building without public discussion, public input or public  approval. .
I'm prepared to believe the Historical Society was coerced to abandon their investment.
Now if someone , anyone  is prepared to come clean  about how the decision was made. we will all be  wiser and know what to do about it. 
Aurora's reputation is not about sneaking around  behind closed doors ,doing sly and underhanded stuff ,hoping nobody will notice or if they do they will be afraid to say anything.

No sir, that's not our reputation at all.
"Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "MUM...": "You are not correct about increased cost to the taxpayer for operating the facility ourselves."

Ask the Parks & Rec Director for his thoughts on this.
I did speak to the Parks and Recreation Director about operating costs.
It was his  figure of   $340,000  as cost of operating. included in the agreement. 
He wasn't asked  to  forecaste revenues.
The  original plan was to provide  the board with seed money until they had developed a revenues and attracted generous benefactors.
After the first $50,000  donation obtained by the Interim President, it never happened again. 
The agreement allowed for a generous annual 3% increases., free facility and  maintenance provided by the town. 
The agreement was where the town was betrayed and betrayed by the town. 
A financial statement was to be submitted quaterly to the town treasurer in order for a quarterly payment to be made. 
The Treasuer had no obligation to share the statement with anyone. 
And he didn't. 
Tell me again whose thoughts I should ask for  in order .to understand how the town got screwed?   .     

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