"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 13 February 2010

This And That

Wells Street school is an example. Councillor McRoberts was a student at that school. He has been a high school teacher in Aurora throughout his working career. His passion for the town's history is commonly known . Before he was a Councillor he was a member of the Aurora Historical Society.

His conscientious approach to any and all town business is beyond reproach.

Councillor Collins Mrakas also wears a passion for town history on her sleeve. The Councillor mounts knowledgeable, effective and logical arguments to whatever cause she supports. She has demonstrated stick-to-it-itis in whatever she has been allowed to undertake.
Tackling the graffitti problem was a campaign commitment. A program is in motion.

Both Councillors have served on the Heritage Advisory Committee throughout this term.

Both attended meetings at the Wells Street school in support of the group fighting to have the school re-opened.

Both indicated to the Mayor, they wanted to serve on the accommodation review committee agreed to by the Board of Education. Neither were given the opportunity.

Councillor John Gallo was the chosen one.

Dan Remington, leader of the movement, came to council on Tuesday to give an update on the status of the issue. He expressed his appreciation for all the support received from the Mayor and Council.

The Mayor used the opportunity to commend Councillor Gallo's extraordinary achievement on the committee.

When Grace Marsh resigned from Council , a seat of the Joint Fire Services Committee was

Councillor Collins Mrakas expressed strong interest in joining that committee.

When John Gallo was appointed to Council, the Mayor also appointed him to the Joint Fire Services Committee. The committee is the only standing committee of Aurora Council. It meets on a Tuesday morning. Always has.

There are three members from each municipality. Quorum requires two members from each municipality to be present.

Councillor Gallo apparently finds it difficult to attend morning meetings. More meetings have been missed than attended.

There are many other examples of how things are contrived. There is no subtlety. But two are enough to prove the point.

In the Mormac regime, only the chosen are permitted to contribute.

It's all part of the focus towards the next election. It's always all about the next election.

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