"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Friday 19 March 2010

The Devil is in The Oak Ridges Details

It's lovely to have leprechauns. They work all night long. In the morning, all shoes are repaired and polished to a high shine to the delight of inhabitants.

In politics, putting things in writing is always risky. If a comment doesn't reflect favourably on an adversary, one must be very sure of it's accuracy.

I referred to the sequence of events in the Westhill Development application yesterday.

Regional planning recommended to committee, committee recommended to council.

Mayor Morris was at the planning meeting.. A comment was made relating to town population forecast during the meeting. No reference was made to the Westhill application.

At Council on January 21st, in a verbal report, Mayor Morris noted without comment, pro or con, Westhill's application was approved and would be presented next day at Regional Council.

There was lunch with Mr. Lebovic, where he was given mayoralty assurance the application would receive town support.

Then came the Public Planning Meeting on March 24th 2008.

Neighbours represented by legal counsel, opposed the proposal .

Sue Walmer spoke against it.

A young lawyer from Earth Roots located on St Patrick's Street,Toronto joined the chorus. .

Mr Beaman, the town's external solicitor, was there that night to advise Council on issues of concern before the pending Ontario Municipal Board Hearing.

Staff recommended the application be approved in principle pending outstanding matters being resolved.

That was a no-go. Instead staff received marching orders in a hand written multiple- clause resolution written on the spot by Councillor Mac Eachern
Subsequently, the neighbour group indicated a legal argument requesting a Consolidated Board Hearing would be mounted. Mr. Beaman was instructed by Council to enjoin the fray on behalf of the neighbours.

Three times legal arguments led by neighbour- financed legal counsel, followed by town financed counsel were presented. Three times, they failed to persuade

They would have failed with only one lawyer presenting the argument. It was the same argument.

After the third failure, there was talk of compensating the neighbours for costs.That has not been spoken of again.

The fourth time the neighbours baled. The town went alone.

Now the town has launched a fifth attempt. Again with the public dollar.

A clarion call was heralded. Destiny and righteousness are at stake. The Mayor is ever at hand to help residents in need.

Evil must be vanquished. Mormac will prevail.

Oak Ridges Moraine, our home and habitat, must be protected, one hundred and fifty years late, from two- legged critters of the human variety.


Broderick Epps said...

There are two troubling points in your posting, Firstly your statement " staff received marching orders in a hand written multiple- clause resolution written on the spot by Councillor Mac Eachern" This is unheard of in municipal politics except in Aurora of course. Secondly Sue Walmer being against the development. Sue Walmer is a self professed expert in Environmental Matters. She is not an Engineer nor does she have a planning or legal background. Hence she like you or I is entitled to her opinion, but it certainly shouldn't carry any extra weight, except in Aurora of course.
I could add the Mayors chameleon like response to the issue Regional versus Municipal, but like the off site retreat we all know the drill.

Anonymous for a Reason said...

While I'm no fan of Mr. Lebovic, I'm not surprised he fell "victim to the infamous Morris two-face. The mayor is adept at saying one thing in private, and something completely different in public.
Her reliance on Ms. Walmer for all issues deemed environmental is a complete joke.
Keep spreading the news, Councillor Buck.

Anonymous said...

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don't give up and also keep creating due to the fact it simply well worth to read it,
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One who Knows said...

to Anonymous said , you needn't worry about Ev giving up , there's more grist for the mill than the mill can handle , and there has never been an easier time for reaping the rich harvest of blunders and waste that this cast has sowed over the past four years,stay tuned the best is yet to come