"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Friday 2 April 2010

It's What I Believe

At one point in the in-camera discussion on Tuesday, I said laughing, to Councillor MacEachern.

"And you can't wait to get at it, can you Evalina."

"With bells on " she answered.

It can happen to you too" I advised.

But I missed the best chance to recall the last time they tried, how far they went, how much they spent to make sure it was fail-safe.

It wasn't.

That's why, I believe David Tsubouchi's appointment as Integrity Commissioner is made with absolute certainty in their minds that this time, they will accomplish their intent. They are nothing, if not persistent.

Still, if Councillor Gallo hadn't shown up after ten o'clock on Tuesday night, it wouldn't be happening this time either.

"There's many a slip twixt cup and lip"

It behooves us to conduct ourselves at all times as if the community is watching.

Because the community is.

The community has a right.

I checked a definition of "confidentiality" in the Code of Conduct this morning.

"Confidential information means any information that is of a personal nature to Town employees or clients or information that is not available to the public and that if disclosed, could result in loss or damage to the Corporation or could give the person to whom it is disclosed an advantage"

It doesn't mean providing cover for political shenanigans.


Anonymous said...

If Mr. Tsubouchi is half as smart as he should be, although one wonders about his willingness to wade into this swamp, he will delay, stall and otherwise defer any judgements on this issue until after the election.

Should he rule in your favour before then, as did our last 'expert', his tenure will be equally short lived.

The furor if he sides with the Gang of Six will resound mightily.

I will tell ten friends.

And they will tell ten friends.

And they will tell ten friends...

Anonymous said...

How many in-camera sessions have their been this term? How does that number compare to previous councils?

It does seem that there are far more, and of greater duration, than before. I also recall that Phyllis Morris frequently made a point in opposing going in-camera when she was a councillor.

Anonymous said...

Edit: 'there' for 'their'