"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Friday 27 August 2010

My Breakfast Tea

It's hot . I'm waiting for it to cool.

I've been reading annual reports of Integrity Commissioners, Toronto,Vaughan,Windsor and Queen's Park I have a number of decisions as well.

How it's done elsewhere is not a secret.

It seems, there are eleven Integrity Commissioners in Ontario, including Richmond Hill .

The annual reports list all the complaints received, their nature and how they were disposed.

Two complaints, one in Windsor and one in Toronto, dealt with breach of confidentiality .

In Windsor, details were leaked from a union negotiating meeting to a broadcaster.A strike, causing great hardship to employees was extended as a result..

The second was a leak of information about city real estate negotiations. The deal was delayed as a result, to the city's detriment no doubt.
Toronto's Code of Conduct has incorporated the recommendations of Madam Justice Bellamy
from the 13 million dollar Inquiry into the Computer scandal,I think in 2004.Others have used parts of it.

There's information about how Codes were created in various municipalities.

Oh My... we haven't done anything like the rest of them. Not in the creation of a Code and not in the disposition of complaints ,

The nature of the complaints are not similar either.

Vaughan had one complaint from a Councillor against a Councillor.

Nobody had six members of Council paying a lawyer $50.thousand of taxpayers money
to compose a complaint on spurious grounds against a single Council member, advertise it in two newspapers and the town web-site, concurrently with filing it with the Integrity Commissioner

Oh My God. If we ever have an annual report, think what that will look like to the rest of the Province.

I've finished my tea. I have to run

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