"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Adam And Brent And Elaine.

They've been friends through school together. Brent is a couple of years younger than Adam so he just finished high school this year. He joined Adam at Able Network yesterday.

From time to time, they'll take the bus home together to Newmarket from the corner of Yonge and Church.

Brent has good language skills and is known for sharp cheeky answers. Adam is like the big brother who keeps an eye on the younger one.

Adam was at my house this morning , busy writing up his schedule.

He and Elaine are going to have dinner together at Swiss Chalet. He sent her a written invitation. Elaine has strawberry blonde hair and "beautiful eyes". She lives in a street called Evelyn Buck Lane.

Adam phoned on his cell phone one day, on the way to help at the church, to tell Mum about Elaine's beautiful eyes.

They will all go bowling together now the Fall season has begun.

Adam will be swimming again with the Master Ducks. Elaine swims as well.

Fall is always a time of excitement with young people around. Everything starts anew.

New books. New Clothes. New teachers.New schools.

Meghan starts at Williams High this year. Her Mum and Dad's old school .

Aaron started at George Brown College downtown. He took a year to decide.Had that amazing fifty-seven day adventure in Europe and another in Jamaica. in the year between.

Robyn starts her second high school year. There's a trip to France to look forward to.

That's Robyn's third year in high school. Dammit!

Adam, Brent and Elaine have a host of things to look forward to as well.

Life is good.

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