"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Tuesday 21 September 2010

I'm On The Run

The Joint Fire Services Committee Meeting is at 10.30am. I'm a member of the committee but I just have to tell you this before I go.

Council placed a moratorium on complaints to the Integrity Commissioner from August 1st.

People tell me David Tzubouchi, Integrity Commissioner, stated in response to a question from the Mayor at the Council meeting in mid-August, there were no pending complaints.

Tzubouchi has recused himself (it's a legal term)from hearing the latest complaint against me by an employee of the municipality about something I said on the Westhill matter, a political issue.

Vaughan Integrity Commissioner, Suzanne Craig, received the complaint on August 31st.

The date on the complaint is July 29th.

Vaughan Integrity Commissioner's letter states it was received on July 3oth by David Tzubouchi who stated in public in mid-August no complaints were pending.

Vaughan Integrity Commissioner states she received the complaint on August 31st. The moratorium commenced August 1st.

Yet I am informed by Ms. Craig, the complaint is being processed.

It is a matter of serious concern to me as an elected representative of the people, how many times I have had to state I do not accept or I am unable to believe, information or advice I have received from town officials during the latter half of this term of office.

I don't do it lightly. I fully understand the implications of what I am saying.

This complaint and the manner of it's processing is yet another of those occasions.

People describe election campaigns as the silly season . It is not how I would describe it.

Gotta go!!


Anonymous said...

Reminds me of Keystone Cops...

Something Fishy in Aurora said...

I still do not see what conflict of interest he would have for him to recuse himself.

Odd, but maybe I'm missing something.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Evelyn:
I want to ask you something about a previous blog--Last Night's Meeting.

You mentioned in your blog that the Mayor and Cllr. Gaertner were very chatty that night and that the agenda hadn't been started at 10:40 pm.

The minutes note that Cllr. Collins-Mrakas left at 10:16 and yourself at 11:01.

I reviewed the agenda and add-on and then read the minutes. Something caught my eye regarding the closed session, in the agenda the subject is noted as Litigation Re: Adena Meadows. That's it.

On page 2 of 11 of the MINUTES, first item it is noted as New Closed Session Item
Re:Potential Defamation

Council went into closed session at 11:33 pm to discuss item 1, Adena Meadows, and item 2 defamation.

Hmm. Now the wheels are turning in my devious little mind and I'm wondering if the delay in getting to the agenda was deliberate? You have made it your habit to leave the meeting if nothing is getting done and you make no bones in blog posts about why. (that is a statement, not a critism, I don't blame you, it's nuts and I would leave to.)

Here's my question: Were all members of council informed about an add on to the closed session agenda before the meeting? I was under the impression that you had to have an agenda for closed session meetings and only topics listed on the agenda could be discussed. Am I wrong about that?

Here's what I'm thinking, and I am relying on you to set me straight if I'm wrong........This council has no legal way of barring you from participating in town business. But what if they employ scullduggery and your own habits to achieve that goal? Please review the agenda and the minutes then come back and tell me Luckywife, you've been reading to many spy novels, there is no such thing as a "shadow council" in municipal politics.


Resident said...

In recusing himself does he still get paid his full retainer?