"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 16 September 2010

Library Board

Meetings are once a month. There are no committees. Agendas are usually brief and uncomplicated. Meetings are civil and until recently, never dis-agreeable.

Board members come through the library to attend. We can see everything going on... kids at computers. the Optimists' room where little kids are, people sitting in a good light and comfort, reading and staff busy looking after different needs. The board room may be the staff lunch room. It's nothing fancy. Staff make tea and coffee and some treats are on the table. It's a welcoming and happy place.

Being a library board member is nice? We are almost at the end of the term. The new Council will receive applications and appoint new members.

But something else was going on last night. I told you about how the Chairman and the Librarian were received at Tuesday's Council Meeting. You know.... the old right hand jab.....jab jab.

I have never understood why people are gratuitously uncivil to others. I've never gotten used to it. I don't expect it and I don't accept it. I am inclined to react to it.

Near the end of Tuesday's agenda, was a resolution from Councillor MacEachern's friend. It was an entire page of non-factual and accusatory references. It concluded with a recommendation to refer matters to the body providing finances for recommendation on "best practice" operation of the library board.

There is a Provincial Library Boards Act. It governs library board procedures. The Library Board is subject to the Library Boards Act.

Councillor John Gallo was present at the start of the meeting. As it went on ,the rest of the group appeared, one at a time. The Mayor made a point of shaking hands with Councillor Gallo when she arrived. Councillor Gaertner came last. Councillor Wilson was there already as a board member.

Board members are volunteers. They tend to be dedicated to the task.They are civil and congenial, as I said. But they are no more inclined to accept offence than any other self-respecting citizen.

The resolution was offensive and accusatory.

It was seconded by Councillor Wilson. It was on the table for discussion.

The mover stated "The motion speaks for itself, Mr.Chairman"

A pause followed to allow the seconder to indicate a desire to speak.

He did not.

I moved the question be put.

It's not a common motion. It has the effect of either halting or not permitting debate.

Considering the offensive and non-factual content of the motion,my intention was to deny deliberation. The required majority was received. No debate took place.

Councillor Wilson expressed dissatisfaction with the process.

Councillor Collins Mrakas declared the motion he seconded was offensive and should not have been accepted.

That was the end of it. Councillor Wilson left the meeting soon after

It has become the tradition, since nomination meetings became historical artifacts, for an all candidates meeting to be hosted by the Library.

The Librarian reported the organisation was proceeding and the Board were informed of the date.

Councillor MacEachern's special friend and confidant wanted to know why the Board was not organising the all-candidates meeting as in the past. It wasn't clear where the member obtained that information.

It was wrong.

Currently five board members are candidates in the election. Three Councillors are always members.

For the Board to be involved in organizing an all-candidates meeting would be entirely inappropriate.

The meeting adjourned. Several members, including myself left immediately.

As of this moment, I have no idea why the Mayor and followers chose the second to last meeting of the Library Board in a four year term to attend a board meeting.

Maybe something happened after we left.


Anonymous said...

I'm a little confused. Is it appropriate for you to tell us what the motion was? Does the LB have a private agenda and minutes. I checked the town website but couldn't find anything.


Grace Marsh said...

Library Board Agendas and Minutes are posted on the Library website. Please see: