Saturday, 28 January 2012
Keswick Pinhead said....
Instead of wasting taxes on this frivolous lawsuit, Mayor Rob Grossi could have saved us ALL a boatload of money, and saved HIMSELF from the disdain of an angry public by saying this:
"A disgruntled former employee has spoken his piece in this newspaper, as is his right.
Here is my rebuttal...."
I was unaware that he was using our money to sue the newspaper too...very interesting post.
Keep up the Wood Gork.
Anonymous said...
It would appear that Bloggers communicate with Bloggers from other towns and we know Town Staff have a support network of staff from other towns. You would think the lawyers for Mayor Grossi would have been in touch with the lawyers for former Mayor Morris to head off this freight train.
28 January 2012 at 18:21
Anonymous said...
The former's have been as useful as a partial field of asphalt.
28 January 2012 at 20:08
Anonymous said...
Dickinthewick Blog Keswick Feb 2012
For general information on shenanigans in Keswick.
Reports on Council meetings sound frighteningly familiar. -
28 January 2012 at 20:18
Anonymous said...
Evelyn wrote "It is used asphalt from road re-construction projects, dumped in that location to save paying for disposal elsewhere."
Does anyone know where this stuff comes from.One of the new problems faced by municipal governments in these parts is the disposal of contaminated soils be it from closed gas stations or Toronto;s gift to other municipalities the development of what was once deemed the most polluted area of Ontario...Toronto's Portlands.
Either way nasty stuff. -
30 January 2012 at 20:47