"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 16 June 2012

I Had No Idea

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "No Fence Application or Permit granted":

An Academic Question: Why would a vendor pay a fee to Aurora's Chamber of Commerce for permission to sell in the Street Sale when it could set up in the Park for no fee at all?
There is no evidence a vendor vends free in the park during the Jazz Festival, with the park fenced off for the three days of the August holiday week-end, to allow for admission to be charged, to a venue the organizers receive for free. 
The only thing I know for sure is, they are not paying a vendor's fee or any other fee to the  owners of the park. That being the Town of Aurora.
There is evidence the beer garden and food vendor may even be conveying  the proceeds of their efforts to the festival organizers.
The Rotary Club and Optimist Club passed up the opportunity when the demand was made to hand over the money.
 I learned something new at Tuesday's Council meeting. The Town applies and receives  $25,000. grant from the federal government 
to help finance the July 1st Celebration. We have been receiving the grant for years apparently.
That means when we budgeted $14,000, in 2010 for the parade alone, including $2,000 for the St Kitts woman  to hire her own personal assistant, to help her organize the parade.total spending for July 1st, plus  staff time. was  in excess of $40,000.
I did not know that.
I just remembered something else I heard. I don't know if it's true. Farmers Market vendors, who do pay vendors fees to the town, were offered a lesser rate from the organizers of the Jazz Festival.
Isn't that a hoot?


Anonymous said...

Perhaps Matt might re-state his reasons for us not touching that fencing? My resolve is melting with each day that passes without the issue being resolved. It is such a no-brainer and all the arguments have been made.

Matt Maddocks said...

Hi Ev - in response; I see no reason to strengthen the resolve of those who would erect a fence around our Town Park, by vowing to take physical action against it. The fence itself does not harm our right to free access to our park- we are harmed when we allow those who would charge a fee for this right the ability to do so.

By allowing a private business to erect a barrier against our inherent democratic right to access a taxpayer-owned park unencumbered, our elected representatives have failed in their commitment to serve every Auroran. However it is my belief that the power of the people must never be swayed or intimidated by anemic decision-making at the council table. If the nine who were trusted to protect the best interests of the Town and it's taxpayers fail to do so, the people must rise to the occasion and exercise our rights using whatever lawful and democratic means are at our disposal.

Rather than rail against it, I will enjoy my Town Park with unbridled democratic freedom on the August long weekend, as I will any other time I choose to do so. It is my right. It is our right.

Matt Maddocks

Anonymous said...

OK, Matt. Thanks.