What? No outside consultation or study? You mean that this decision didn't cost us a dime?
Posted by Anonymous to Our Town and Its Business at 4 November 2015 at 21:22
This tale began during the 2003/6 term of Council. A decision to create an Environmental Advisory Committee of five members was made. Eleven applications were received. All were appointed.Eleven agendas. Eleven sets of minutes.
Public Works Director was staff resource to the committee along with secretariat. Among others,a Public health nurse from the region attends every meeting. Never participates.
First recommendation from the committee was environmental engineer added to staff complement.
First Budget of 2006/10 term, noted $100,000. salary and set-up for environmental engineer.
Function to attend committee meetings and "identify " environmental initiatives.
At the time, it cost thirty thousand to equip a staff with paraphernalia necessary. Not to mention space.
BTW The town has to pay annual license fees for WAMS operators.
WAMS was the $440,000 software program purchased in November 2011... Remember?Two years later it still wasn't up and running and cost was still rising.
Every year, at budget time,like a child writing to Santa, I enquired of environmental initiatives identified. The Director of Public Works was first in a procession, out the door in that term, replaced with someone from the Region. Job title changed to Infrastructure and Environmental Services.
The snow melt treatment facility appeared in the Capital Construction Budget in an amount of $750,000. At some point thereafter $287, 000 was forked out for a design.
With the new term and council, budget for the item increased to a million. I'm relying on memory so don't hold me to those figures exactly.
Deferrals were as noted previously. The night the Joint Facility contract was awarded, the
snow melt treatment facility contract also came forward for award.
Finally, a majority turned it down.
Yes indeedy, to answer your question. There were costs.
Annually increasing salary for an environmental engineer.
$278,000 for a design never utilised.
I have no idea how the engineer's time has been occupied during all those years.It would be entirely unfair to suggest it wasn't. But now you know how and why the job materialized.
And how a decision was not made by Council over three separate terms of Council.
Reams of paper, miles of verbiage, thousands of kilowatts of energy burned with pollution added to the atmosphere and hundreds of hours of executive and secretariat time to produce reports for Council. Read and signed by Director and CAO every time.
Agendas sometimes number hundreds pages with thirty copies prepared for every meeting.
I swear some publishing companies might have smaller output. All of it ending up shredded and re- cycled.
All the while gums flap about ways and means of cutting down pollution and protecting the earth for the future of our children.
As a corollary, it seems the role of Council has become more of social convenor in the over-all scheme of things.
Like most other public institutions, it is more about people employed than people served.
I had hoped that useless nurse on the Trail co had been let go. Both Ballard & Gallo are no longer there and they
were the ones who kept her imo
In some places it would appear that Christmas comes year round.
Aurora Council - the gift that keeps on giving.
There are always costs. Even if an initiative is rejected, like say that radio station, staff have had to do their studies
and make their own decision.
Now, get out in the yard and enjoy the day - we won't have many more like this one.
There are a couple of drivers who insist that every outfit " is doing good work for the town " and hit the pay-out
Bottom line is that eveything this town does or doesn't do, costs us a bundle. How do costs get so out of control with every issue? I just shake my head everytime I open up the Auroran.
We might save one expenditure or at least maybe reduce it. Looks like that ugly thing is not going to be in the Peach Park.
It might cost less to shove it somewhere else.
Some friends are coming into Aurora Sunday morning and I wanted to warn them about the Yonge Street closure for the Remembrance Day parade.
I checked the Town website and was told the parade was scheduled for 10:00 am Sunday but made no mention of specific Yonge Street closure.
This is far from helpful. Actually this is a disgrace. Why do we have a town website for this kind of useless information?
A disgrace, 10:50?
First. World. Problems.
23:52- And what would you call it? A little Oops?
17:44- Certainly not a "disgrace," that's for sure. Not when there are so many REAL problems with which to be concerned.
'No biggie' and 'much ado about nothing' do come to mind, though.
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