See how they run.
They all ran after the farmer's wife.
She cut off their tails with a carving knife.
Did ever you see such a sight in your life.
As three blind mice.
Monday was quite a day in the news room. My television is not usually turned on until Charlie Rose on PBS at 5 . Sometimes, not even then lately. But yesterday, I turned it on at 9 in the morning
to learn the facts about a shooting in a Quebec City mosque on Sunday.
The few facts already reported were confusing but our fearless leader nevertheless was already calling the murders " terrorism" .
Steve Paikin had already rounded up a panel by evening to discuss the situation . There was a lot of talk around the table about the importance of the Muslim community within the larger community and
appreciation of the effusive outpouring of expressions of love and support from the community at large and our political leaders in particular.
Kelly Leitch , Conservative leadership candidate, came in for a bit of a hammering for her comments
linking Muslims to national insecurity .
It was agreed eventually by all ,it is wise to know all the facts before reaching any conclusions.
No-one cited the Prime Minister for the opposite to wise.
The Honorable Ralph Goodale, Minister of National Security, announced on the evening news, the level of national insecurity was medium.
Six people, going about their peaceful business and five others seriously wounded. families plunged into shock and grief, lives changed forever, and certainly it looked like a competition for the limelight
among politicians of every stripe, at every level.
Yes I know that's harsh criticism. No doubt their sentiments are sincere. But they are our leaders.
Shocking as the story is, it seemed to me, even before the facts were known, to have more of the elements of the madness of Mark Levine at Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal,fifteen years ago.
No-one called that terrorism. A man's mind crashed a a terrible weapon was at hand.
Whether the crazed reaction we witnessed yesterday, will lead to calm, frank,honest discussion about why Middle Eastern citizenry continues to bear the burden of the current Apocalypse is doubtful.
They have had the talk already in Europe. It hasn't changed much.
It seems likely we here in North America,will keep on barreling blindly ever deeper into the inferno.
There's plenty of blame to share.