Civility is essential for orderly debate. Rules of order must be impartially applied. Members should know the rules and stay within their parameters. If, however, the presiding member doesn't have a clue, it takes longer for new members to acquire the skills.
John West once told me I make people feel stupid. I had heard it before. In a mayoralty debate, the challenger complained to the chairman that my answers were longer than his. I said that was because I knew more than he did. But John's comment had an edge to it and I am fastidious about presenting my arguments respectfully. I cannot answer for people feeling stupid after I have said my piece.
So that brings me to the last two acusations against me from my critical correspondent.... I am "not respectful of other people's ideas nor of the need for co-ordination".

If that means I am not willing to agree to ideas not, in my view, to the benefit of the people I represent, my critic is correct. If it means I am not prepared to skip to The Grand Old Duke of York, when I think the Town's business is going to Hell in a Handbasket, I acknowledge that too.
I did not run in the last election on a campaign platform with a slate of candidates and I am certainly not interested in helping them to achieve their questionable objectives.
I shall use my Blog to keep my readers informed of all efforts to do stuff that I believe is harmful to their interest.
1 comment:
In response to Mrs Buck's letter to the editor "Not everyone favoured traffic plan" In The Auroran (week of Sept 11th) I would like to say this: I have never agreed with Mrs. Buck politics or views on just about everything that has come through council. But, her comments concerning this issue were right on the mark! Her comments on the cost were true and clarifying who actually voted for this was good. But I think she should have blasted these residents for their audacity and arrogance that they deserve this and we ALL should pay. I am unsure why these people feel they are so special? I am pro-teaching kids to ride a bike, but I think our parks are there for that purpose. I guess it comes down to the “spoiled child rule”: Whatever the child wants he gets! Too bad when he gets older he treats his kids the same way continuing the cycle. Sometimes we can’t get what we want, it makes us better people and we learn to appreciate things more. Too bad the residents of this neighbourhood have not figured this out yet? I await their children to come forward when they are older and demand street calming on their streets just like mom and dad demanded years earlier.
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