"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Sunday 9 November 2008

A Flippant Response

Heather Sisman is a friend. She is equidistant in age between my youngest child and oldest grandchild. Sismans were a founding family in Aurora. We became friends when I discovered she was a close neighbour. She has a proprietary interest in the town although she grew up in Newmarket . She is keeper of her family's history. I have an interest in Sisman's as part of the town's history. There may come a time when she will put her name forward to serve.

At the time we became acquainted, I had just acquired the web site and was contemplating a Blog. I knew very little . Heather knew lots. It was an exciting prospect and I was more than happy to have assistance in its creation.

Heather created her own Blog and linked it to mine.She is mostly content with that. But now and then she strays into my territory. As when she made a recent joking comment about men. It was a flippant response to a reader's question. . Had she asked me, I would have said no... It is not a sentiment I share and undoubtedly someone would take it seriously.

Five of the men who lived in my house are my sons, fathers of my seventeen grandchildren. Heather and Theresa are my daughters also mothers of grandchildren.Of the total grandchildren,ten are sons and seven daughters.

Mr. Buck and I have not shared a home for thirty-two years. He joins us when the family is together and on other occasions.

My girls and I are in daily contact. Blog is a mutual interest. It makes for vigorous conversation.

Some of my grandchildren are already in their twenties. They share their experiences as I do mine
New partnerships bring new personalities into the family.. A new generation has begun and already there are great-grandchildren. Two of whom are delightful little girl children and twins are on the way. Life continues to excite me.

The question about men in our lives was posed. in a comment..It was odd and frankly, nosey.Yet an answer would have been conspicuous by its absence. I am assuming the interest was friendly. There is nothing about my family that does not make me feel blessed and thankful. And that I think, is all anyone needs to know.

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