I received an e-mail response to the Blog where I made reference to the million dollars the Region sent to the Red Cross for the Tsunami relief. I said the last I heard the money never reached the victims. Well apparently it did. I will post the e-mail as soon as I know how.
[ Heather's Note - here it is! ]

Evelyn Buck
Councillor, Town of Aurora
1 Municipal Drive, Box 1000 Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1
Dear Councillor Buck,
I am writing regarding some information posted to your blog on April 8, which I read with great concern. The statement was related to donations made to the Canadian Red Cross for tsunami relief and recovery efforts:
“Regional business is sometimes conducted by telephone poll. That's how a million dollar Tsunami donation to the Red Cross was decided. Last I read, it never even got to the victims. I think the Red Cross pocketed the whole shebang.”
I would like to assure you that monies so generously donated by Canadians following this devastating disaster were put to use helping communities with immediate relief, as well as crucial recovery efforts. The Canadian Red Cross honours donor intent in every instance and covers only the expenses incurred to support its fundraising efforts for a specific appeal – these costs include activities associated with collecting donations such as processing and issuing tax receipts. In this case that cost was less than five percent.
You can view our latest tsunami donor report here:
The Canadian Red Cross recently celebrated a significant milestone in South Asia tsunami recovery with the completion of our housing reconstruction project. Thanks to the generosity of Canadians, the Canadian Red Cross, in partnership with Canadian International Development Agency handed over the last of over 5,500 homes built for tsunami survivors in Indonesia. In addition to the construction new homes, the Canadian Red Cross is supporting the development of sustainable communities by providing water and sanitation facilities, livelihoods assistance and implementing disaster preparedness initiatives.
Our CEO and Secretary General Conrad Sauvé was on hand to mark the occasion in Indonesia in March. You can find this story and many others at
I do hope this has clarified any misinformation you have seen related to Red Cross efforts in South Asia. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Carrie Harrison
Regional Director
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