It's the time when people go through the exercise of New Year Resolutions.
I don't usually make them but with a new council, a new term , a return to normalcy, I am planning to make a habit of it.
There was little point last term. A motion from moi simply meant providing an opportunity for a prod to remind me that nothing I, or the people I represented had to say, was of any relevance.
I worked here for three years and four months to change that. Four years is a long time for patterns to be established. It may take a bit to change them back.
Our first Council meeting was a good start but a couple of things happened that give me pause.
A familiar delegation had a negative impact.
I knew it would
I moved for the delegation to be withdrawn from the agenda . I received support only from my seconder ,Councillor John Abel.
From the Procedural Bylaw I read the requirements necessary to obtain delegation status and pointed out they were not met. My argument had no influence. The delegation was permitted,
Allegations and accusations against staff and misrepresentation became part of the public record and were in turn, picked up and repeated in The Auroran newspaper.
They are now allowed to stand and influence public opinion until a staff report is presented .
Whether the report can combat misrepresentation , now part of the public record and in print media is questionable. It's a lot easier to misrepresent facts than it is to correct them..
I tried to stop it. I failed. I thought, well!! I did what I could. Can't do more. The majority rules.
I wrote a post or two on the issue A letter to the editor is in the works. In the course of my efforts , I checked to confirm the facts and discovered something else.
The request for delegation status had found its way to the Mayor's office
The memorandum from Councillor Ballard , with the delegate's written presentation attached, allowed the item to appear on the agenda, which got around the rule that states a delegate may only speak to an item on the agenda, the purpose of which is to ensure against external manipulation of the town's business agenda by a person with a vested interest . The issue had been discussed in the Mayor's office with staff prior to the Council meeting.
It got a pass.
The Director of Leisure Services, the target of the allegations, accusations and the misrepresentations, got the short end of the stick .
Yvonne Cattral's campaign, a repudiation of town policies and procedures and staff , was accommodated by the people's representatives.
In the past four years, rules of order have been twisted and turned like a whirly-gig or ignored completely; to the advantage of special interests.
It was a feature of the Mormac administration.
I still hope the fallout from this instance of inequality and injustice against town staff , means this exercise will not be repeated.
In the meantime,the damage has been done.
The integrity of an entire town department was challenged by a delegate with a vested interest, with the assistance a Councillor willing to use his authority to enable that objective and the approval of Council.
False accusations, allegations and misrepresentation were not challenged on the spot by the administration.
When does openness and transparency become subterfuge and obfuscation?
How is the Corporation's interest protected in the circumstance?
How is the community interest served?
I thought not to be asking these questions at this point in time.
Wednesday 29 December 2010
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It seems that despite the best of intentions in casting a ballot only every four years, a rat or two manages to ingratiate themselves onto the ship of state.
What we need now is a great swift cat with long claws, sharp teeth, and a particular taste for rats.
Would it were this simple!
I can well imagine how you would have treated Morris if this had happened under her watch. Why does Dawe get a pass from you?
"I still hope the fallout from this instance of inequality and injustice against town staff , means this exercise will not be repeated.
In the meantime,the damage has been done."
Very fitting Councillor Buck that you wrote this. Do you ever give any thought to this before you post on the blog?
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