"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King
I went to media releases on the town'e site.
Got a June one about transit...... sigh !
town has nothing to say? :)
Driving through town and seeing the clusters of election signs took me back to when my parents used to send us to collect the mushrooms from our neighbours' lawns when we walked in the evenings. They knew which ones were poisonous and which were " keepers."
I wish I had learned how to distinguish the one from the other.
I am confused about what Mr Watts wrote about tracking our snow removal machinery . Colour me stupid if this is simplistic.
I thought we had been investing for years in a soft ware program from the Region that allowed us to know where work crews were working & what problems there might be.
Ages ago I heard a story about one of the pool companies tracking a truck to discover it parked outside a movie theatre.
Are we just getting to that stage ?
It's so nice to hear the beat of music in Aurora instead of the crack of thunder
No one need to color you stupid to point out that Asset management is not the same as live tracking and reporting. I'd like to see the aforementioned implemented (given that the costs have exceeded $400K) but that's not what is being proposed here.
Tracking trucks is one aspect, and already in place, what is done with the data is another aspect. Given the town receives a flood of call as to where plows are and how soon they may be in an area this seems like a reasonable area to report the live whereabouts of plows. If their is cynicism that plows are parked at the Cineplex than the GPS data will be there for all to see, if no then their exact whereabouts will be provided with no confusion.
No one need to color you stupid to point out that Asset management is not the same as live tracking and reporting. I'd like to see the aforementioned implemented (given that the costs have exceeded $400K) but that's not what is being proposed here.
Tracking trucks is one aspect, and already in place, what is done with the data is another aspect. Given the town receives a flood of call as to where plows are and how soon they may be in an area this seems like a reasonable area to report the live whereabouts of plows. If their is cynicism that plows are parked at the Cineplex than the GPS data will be there for all to see, if no then their exact whereabouts will be provided with no confusion.
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