"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Wednesday 14 June 2017


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A SPADE IS A SPADE..IS A SPADE ..IS A SPADE": 

An interesting historical interlude.

The Golf Glen lands were always privately owned. The reference to "Aurora land" is its location, not its title.

But a growing population, an exploding population, has to be located somewhere. 100 or so homes are just a drop in the bucket to provide for the approximately 25,000 population influx that is provincially planned for poor, dear "our town."

There is only a finite amount of land, unless you happen to be Holland, Singapore or China, where in-filling is really filling in.

The luxury days of single family homes are at an end and future residential accommodation might have to involve 3, 4 or 5 story buildings. That is the only way baseball diamonds or other recreational facilities can be provided for our children, or for ourselves. 

Posted by Anonymous to  Our Town and Its Business at 14 June 2017 at 19:35

The reality is the land is privately owned. The other reality is when people don't want anything to change in their neighbourhood , they tend to insist the municipality buy or otherwise obtain ownership.

The town  just did that with a 6 acre parcel in Mavric Land . Additional millions are to be spent to create a redundant park. 

I think the settlement agreed for the golf course is similar. Numbers of residential units are shrunk to a minimum and park area increased to a maximum. Cost per unit increases commensurately. 

Who cares? Not the developer. Time is money. They will agree to anything just to get going. 

Not Golf Glen or Mavricland residents that's for sure .They already have theirs. 

But more reprehensibly,  the consistent official position of some ,not all, politicians, is to do everything possible to accommodate the demands of some, not all, abutting homeowners.

It's the nature of the beast. It's certainly the easiest way to win votes. Always was. 

That's why there has always been an Ontario Municipal Board . 

There used  to be Municipal Planning Boards as well for the same reason. 

Politicians complained about that as well ,the same way they complain about the Ontario Municipal Board today. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many politicians may have complained about the OMB, but that was an act. Blaming the OMB for an inevitable devolpment and pretending to fight a losing battle by throwing tax payers money away was always a theatrical performance to gain votes. Development always means money for government to use for other pet projects. Always has and always will. Any "reforming" of the OMB will not change this type of money entering the pockets of government.