"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 27 February 2014

Let's Have The Facts

Whereas Council has been informed  by the Executive Director ,of a  sale of naming rights  of the Red Gallery in Church Street School, by the Board of the Culture Centre

Whereas, ownership of  Church Street School has not been transferred from the  municipality
and the question of authority to sell naming rights has not been established.

Now therefore be it hereby resolved that Mayor Dawe , the town's  legal representative on  Aurora Culture Centre Board be directed to report to Council how  and when  authority  was
established  to  sell naming rights to rooms in a building owned by the town.

And be  it  further resolved the Town solicitor advise  on ownership  of funds derived  from the  sale

I just  forwarded the above  Mr. Warren Mar ,Town Solicitor and Acting clerk of the Municipality.

Council received an e-mail yesterday morning ,informing  us joyfully of the "sponsership"

I understand the  story had already  appeared in the newspaper. 

In the town's budget, still to be approved,  an increase in funding  is listed to the Board for 2014.

No reference in the e-mail,nor I gather in the news report , is made of funds derived  from the sale of naming rights to a room in the building owned by the town. 

Twice not referenced can hardly be an oversight.

It must therefore be a matter the Board  perceives it has a right to keep secret. 

The town has  appointed two members to the  Private Corporation Board; Mayor Dawe  and Councillor Abel.

I have asked the Mayor . in a Council meeting, what  change Council might anticipate
with  representation on the board.

He responded that would be worked out  with  Recreation  Director Downey and Town Solicitor.
Warren Mar.

It seems not yet.


Anonymous said...

I read that in the Auroran yesterday. Besides paying for a room named after you...What other "right or rights" are they entitled too?

Anonymous said...

It's all a plot... MorMac is staging a comeback.

Anonymous said...

This is an example of a new revenue stream for a non-profit organization which is tax receipt-eligible for the corporate sponsor (something the Town can't issue). You and yours want to lessen the reliance on Town funding, right?

You can't have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

Time passeth and promises remain unkept.

Anonymous said...

You are going to be accused of micro-managing again but I believe you are correct. The Town should receive any advertising revenue derived from naming the room. It might turn out to be a long-term thing which would then carry over if and when a future Council ever decided to use the building differently. We have no right to tie the hands of those who will follow.

Anonymous said...

13:34, you're both incorrect. The Town can't issue a tax receipt for donations and sponsorships like a non-profit or charitable organization can.

No tax receipt - no money.

KA-NON said...

Well, I am usually on your side Evelyn, but perhaps not this time.

If the "naming" of the room is only in effect so long as a valid agreement exists between the Town and the Cultural Centre, then I don't see the harm. In fact, if they can generate revenue from this that can offset the annual funds they receive from the town, then I think I would be in favour.

Self-sustainability and all of that.

Anonymous said...

Once again the belly aching starts about something the council has allowed to happen. Misguided anger at the "centre" when it's the Town's fault. And who at the Town? The 9 that sit around that table - every one of them.

Anonymous said...

Hog-wash. you're just trying to change the subject.

Anonymous said...

@14:03 You are incorrect.
Aurora can issue tax receipts.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your point of view but expect it will be a long time before Aurora receives a reduction in that annual drain. Let's wait until the Solicitor weighs in. He seldom puts a foot wrong.

Anonymous said...

As to the Town's ability to issue tax receipts, check out: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/qlfd-dns/qd-lstngs/mncplts-on-lst-eng.html

Anonymous said...

simple! the Town just takes off what revenue they make in next year handout.

Anonymous said...

Really bad PR move. They could have presented the town with a cheque - for the 1st time. Lots of brownie points. Instead it smacks of when they took out an expensive ad to thank everyone But the town.

Anonymous said...

You really have to love it when the " Cultural " mavens are unable to spell " sponsorship ".

Anonymous said...

I colleague of mine told me she went to one of those art classes at the cultural centre. She paid a couple of hundred $ for an 8 week course. She said that she was pleased with it until I actually told her what she actually paid for it through her taxes. Saying she was not happy is an understatement. She freaked. She had no idea how much of her taxes was going to the center, especially when she could have supported a small business in the area for less money. Unfortunately residents don’t know where their taxes are flowing to. Its election year hopefully the word will get out soon.

Anonymous said...

How much of her taxes did you tell her, 21:12?

Anonymous said...


Does this same person support private individuals/pools for swimming lessons for her children or does she pay the Town for lessons at a Town pool?

If 21:12's colleague was so concerned, perhaps she should have done some due diligence before hand to see how the finances work.

Anonymous said...

How I read 21:12 comment (I could be wrong) is that the colleague was not aware of the amount of tax money the Town is feeding the centre, as is probably the case with the majority of residents of Aurora. They will now be exercising due diligence with the services this town provides.
Word of mouth is a strong communication tool in this Town. The communication dept. of the Town should take note.