"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 13 February 2014

Understanding is key

KA-NON has left a new comment on your post "Election options":

While the Mayor may only be one vote, because the role is both full-time and (relatively) highly paid, it affords the incumbent the luxury of consistent and un-fettered access to top-level staff. If the one occupying the seat chooses to interpret the Chief Executive role as it may be done in a private, commercial setting, it can (as we are seeing) lead to an (hidden) influence on things far greater than the 1 council vote. 


All of which is true.

Other factors are equally true and far more compelling.

The role of Mayor is one of leadership.

A Council of eight  members ,each elected in his/her own right, is not a docile entity.

Leadership  may not be assumed.

Dues  have to be paid

Trust must be established.

Respect must be earned.

Successful election based on proven ability and performance is politically expedient.

A person who schemes with others to  denigrate and circumvent  the authority of Council does not have a  lengthy shelf life.

He has not understood


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure where to put this but it is interesting. It would appear that Mr Flaherty might be going to replace Mr Hudak.
I'm not a conservative but still think that might help their party. It might not even be true. Maybe he's going to be Governor General

Anonymous said...

I think Mayor Dawe is going to have a hard time coming up with a platform. The one he ran on last time sounded terrific. But it sure won't fly again.

Anonymous said...

It ' sounded terrific '. Yes. Enough of us believed it too. Now I suspect he didn't write his own material.

Anonymous said...

Chantel has a good article on that dated the 12th. She doesn't say where he is headed but he seems to be leaving.

Anonymous said...

How can the Mayor & the Town Clerk endorse the agreement for the Old Library Building with the potters when there i no Town Clerk ? It's on the agenda.