There will likely be a big to-do in the Toronto papers about billions the federal government is planning to pony up for transit in the GTA. I received an invitation, complete with Federal Government Crest, by e-mail yesterday afternoon to join the Prime Minister and the Premier at Downsview at ten o'clock this morning for “Good News” for the GTA.
York Region has been waiting for months for the Federal Government to fulfill its commitment for its share in the VIVA project. Viva was undertaken as a three-party agreement - the Feds, the Provos and the Municipality.

The Region has been waiting and inquiring with considerable anxiety about when the money will come through. It has already been spent. Viva is up and running.
So now, the current government has invited all the little minions in the boonies to come down and applaud them for something that was an initiative of the previous government - that they have been withholding .
There is nothing about this bunch on the government benches in Ottawa that appeals to me. With the exception of Monty Solberg. He is the Minister of Something or Other.
Harper was not elected on the basis of popularity.. The Liberals were defeated. They have to accept responsibility for that. But there will be nothing done on this slate that will help Harper's Harriers take back the power of the people for another term. In my book, they bear no resemblance to the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada.
By the way, did I ever write anything in this space to suggest impartiality in any matters political?
York Region has been waiting for months for the Federal Government to fulfill its commitment for its share in the VIVA project. Viva was undertaken as a three-party agreement - the Feds, the Provos and the Municipality.

The Region has been waiting and inquiring with considerable anxiety about when the money will come through. It has already been spent. Viva is up and running.
So now, the current government has invited all the little minions in the boonies to come down and applaud them for something that was an initiative of the previous government - that they have been withholding .

Harper was not elected on the basis of popularity.. The Liberals were defeated. They have to accept responsibility for that. But there will be nothing done on this slate that will help Harper's Harriers take back the power of the people for another term. In my book, they bear no resemblance to the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada.
By the way, did I ever write anything in this space to suggest impartiality in any matters political?
Good... that was never my intention.
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