Ok people, someone named "Anonymous" has just left a particularly scurrilous comment on the last post "Anonymous Said." I've rejected the comment because it was totally uncalled for. We're aiming for intelligent conversation here folks, and debate. Evelyn and I have argued about whether or not ALL comments should be posted, and to date they have all been posted. This one though, got flushed. So, you, Mr. or Mrs. "Imagine spending time at home..." - please try again. If you can communicate your thoughts without offensive language, you're welcome to come back and comment. Merci Beaucoup!
People might jump on you for moderating the comments. I'm sure Evelyn can take the bad with the good though. She can dish it out at times.
To the Anonymous poster above, the comment that was posted was more of a 'spam quality' than anything. I don't need to defend Evelyn. You can't please all of the people all of the time - everyone knows that. I'm not worried about it.
Hate mail? Spam?
But freedom of expression for Evelyn Buck.
Of course you're not worried about it.
"Hate mail? Spam? But freedom of expression for Evelyn Buck.
Of course you're not worried about it."
Everyone's entitled to state their own opinions, but if you're slinging mud, it won't be posted. If Blogger had a way that I could have removed the ugly part, I would have - but all I can do is post or reject. Besides, if moderators could edit comments, that would defeat the purpose of comments, no?
Hey I think that Evelyn is very fair in her postings. I have seen the good and the bad posted. But only the poster of that blog Evelyn and Heather know what was said. I think it must have been pretty bad for them to have flushed it. Some people just sling mud! There is no purpose to it. I don't think that Evelyn is slinging mud. I think she says it the way it is, and if hits you between the eyes then maybe you need to look at how you see things. Evelyn and the others were elected to voice their opinions! So far the only one I see doing that is Evelyn. The others well they have yet to figure out that they need to speak for themselves.Better yet they are ALLOWED to speak for themselves!! Or maybe they are not. They should try and branch out a little , they might be surprised at how good it feels.
On the subject of blogging, political satirist, Rick Mercer, has this to say:
“... ordinary Canadians don’t spend a lot of time reading blogs because ordinary Canadians know that blogs are basically the domain of idiots, mad people and news anchors.”
-Globe & Mail, Saturday, Sept. 27, 2008
I'd add it's also the domain of narcissists.
Rick Mercer is indeed an intellectual source. Now, which category is it that you fit into?
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