"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Sunday 6 June 2010

I Was Saying

I was saying about people who left the town's employ within the last forty-two months.

Some departures were more public than others.

Lucille King was Clerk of the Municipality for nine months following Bob Panizza, who retired in November 2008. .

Ms King signed a five year contract with the Town .

At the end of July, Ms King took two weeks vacation. The CAO, who joined the Municipality in January 2009, the same day the Treasurer submitted his resignation, took the same two weeks off.

Town Solicitor, who joined the municipality scant four months previously, was appointed Acting-CAO .

The Deputy-clerk ,according to the Municipal Act, is Acting-Clerk during the Clerk's absence.

The Municipal Act requires a municipality to have a Clerk and Deputy-Clerk. The office is statutory. The Municipality must have an officer in place to carry out the statutory functions only the Clerk can exercise.

During the second week of the Clerk's vacation, I received an e-mail from the Integrity Commissioner informing he had rendered a decision in the complaint against me.He had provided it to the Deputy Clerk with instructions to forward it to the complainants and the person being complained about.

An e-mail from the Acting-clerk followed stating the decision had been placed in our mail boxes.

That message was re-called.

I went to the Town Hall with a Rogers Cable reporter to obtain my copy of the decision.

I asked at the reception desk to see the Deputy-Clerk. I waited. And waited.

I asked again and took a seat while I waited some more.

The town solicitor emerged from his office and passed by, head down, in the direction of the Mayor's office.

He returned to his own office.

I waited still.

He emerged and went again in the direction of the Mayor's Office.

I waited.

Finally he emerged from the Mayor's Office and acknowledged my presence.

He leaned against the wall and informed me :

"Councillor Buck, cameras are not permitted in the Town Hall."

"Is that right, Mr. Solicitor " I said and waited.

He told me. " I have been appointed Acting-CAO . The Deputy-Clerk has not been appointed Acting -Clerk therefore does not have authority to provide you with the Decision of the Integrity Commissioner"

In politics, when a request is acquiesced, that's the story. If it's not, that too is a story. A lot of the time, I am simply relaying the story.

The Deputy-clerk never did emerge from her office that day.

I left the Town Hall empty-handed.

I heard later the deputy-clerk left in tears.

On Monday, the Clerk returned. Again I attended upon the Town Hall, this time with a C.B.C. reporter and cameraman.

I asked to speak with the Clerk. She was at a meeting off- site but was expected back shortly.

I waited.

The Clerk returned. I was informed the decision would be forthcoming. A signature page was prepared. I signed it . The decision was handed to me in a sealed envelope.

The decision was to dismiss the complaint for among other reasons, because "it may be seen to be wholly political"

Next day, Councillors received an e-mail informing us the Clerk had made a decision to retire to spend more time with her family.

We never spoke again. I did not perceive the need.

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