"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Sunday 13 June 2010

What's Mormac?

I've changed from Mormac Regime, my erstwhile title for the current Council.

I've been writing Blog since August of 2007. My readership has grown steadily. I fancy most are residents of Aurora and familiar with the names of Councillors.

It is my perception a consistent block of votes have been influenced by Mayor Morris and Councillor MacEachern. I adapted the names for ease of reference.

Mostly I have used the term "Mormac Regime"

However, a change has occurred in the voting pattern.

An Official Plan Amendment application which had been stalled repeatedly, finally received approval with votes of two Councillors who were part of the block.

Last week, a second vote slipped from Mormac control

It's been a long time coming. I never would have thought a block would have held fast this long in a nine member council.

So, for now , it is no longer a Regime.

It is simply Mormac

I had a critical comment. I am accused of making politics in Aurora "a blood sport" and making up denigrating names for my colleagues. "Making up" is a favourite accusatory phrase of one Councillor.

She promises I will not receive her vote.

Long since, I came to terms with the unlikelihood of receiving votes from Mormac followers. I didn't get them in the last election. I've done little to cajole them since.

Politics is the one area in our society where differences are not only to be expected but their absence is conspicuous.

This blog costs me nothing but ownership of a computer.

It costs my readers the same.

Any member of Council could be doing what I do. It's not their choice.

Putting ideas and opinions into writing is not the conventional wisdom of politics

I favour the practice.

I think people are entitled to know what I think. I want them to know.

If I'm willing to speak frankly and freely, without fear or favour and call a spade a spade and celebrate the freedom we enjoy every day of my life, I am not likely to be discouraged by someone who thinks it's not very nice.

You do it your way. I will do it mine.

1 comment:

Anne Scott said...

Call me paranoid but I am suspicious of the two recent breaks from the usual block voting by the puppets of Mormac. Is this another ploy by Mormac to show independant thought among the so-called block four months before the election? Can we expect to see Gallo as the next in line to vote differently?