"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 18 October 2012

A Delicious Problem To Contemplate From The Sidelines.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Dalon Resigns":

I saw Kathleen Wynne on The Agenda (TVO) last night and of all the names touted as possible contenders for the liberal leadership I think mymoney would go on her. She was there to speak to aboriginal issues as that is part of her current portfolio but all her allotted time could not slipby without being asked about her interest - or not - in running for the leadership. She has held several large, high profile ministerial portfolios and I think she has done a pretty decent job, not the least of which is to avoid scandal under her watch. Unlike George Smitherman and the e-health scandal; Deb Matthews and the Ornge scandal; Laurel Broton and the "removal of the right to collective bargaining by the unions involved in education" scandal.
Ms. Wynne always comes across to me as being intelligent, well-informed, articulate and sensible.
I am not a liberal and never have been but if I were, I would support her.

Kathleen Wynne impresses me too. I attended a meeting at the Regional building with the Minister as  special guest.
Municipal Affairs is her post now but there has been no time for  an impact there.
I would be surprised if many of the men make a bid for the job. 
It's the typical  situation for a woman to have it for the asking. 
A defeat , for whatever reason, is not something to be sought. 
Gut instinct tells me the R. and P.  is a desperate  measure for time to salvage the gas generation plants or in good part, the money expended.
We shouldn't rule out legal recourse by the opposition parties to change this circumstance.
If Dalton Mc Guinty had  persisted  with  the  Bill to freeze public service salaries, there would  likely have been a non-confidence vote in the house.
In the minority situation, with  an election so recent, the opposition might  have had an opportunity to indicate a workable coalition before the L.G. agreed to prorogue the Legislative Assembly. 
The government may not be  secure in taking six months out of Ontario's right to  government to  allow them to re-arrange the Liberal Party's political fortune.
The situation is not common. . 
It may not be assumed to be natural. l.
If  not natural, it may not be legal.
If Kathleen Wynne were to make a bid for the Leadership,  it would be better to do it when the Party's chances are not in the toilet.
She should stay put in  the  cabinet post and watch how things evolve.     

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have to do better than Ms. Wynne.Her claim to fame is as Education Minister negotiating(??)with Ontario' Teacher Unions the 3%per year for four years wage increase from 2007 to 2011.What was troubling was that we were just entering a nasty recession that essentially decimated the manufacturing sector and jobs in Ontario.In other words the taxpayers couldn't afford the settlement just like all day kindergarten.Nothing like having the teacher unions on board when fighting an election!Ms Wynne's negotiating skills were clearly give them what they want something a trained chimp could have accomplished.
Even today she is seen as a friend of the Teacher Unions and will have their considerable support she she run for leader.Accomplishments....please!