"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 22 October 2012

The Way We Work

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "My Manifesto": One Question
Why is there this unseemly rush to judgement?
The Draft has not really been released for reading by the Aurora website. Communications have not posted it. Residents are expected to accept what Council rules Tuesday night without having any documentation. Not many of us have time to get to the Library before the meeting.
Why is there this unseemly rush to judgement?

Nero fiddled while Rome burned ...was that a positive attitude or  a negative  response?
I was awake at 5.30a.m.this morning.  Trying to remember if  Council's  resolution  in February/March 2012 , giving direction  to staff ,was included in Background provided  in Report No. CAO12-019 presented  as Item 11 on the Agenda of  the General Committee Meeting of Council on  October 16th. recommending  a new agreement with the Culture Centre Board.
I was up at six...sorting pages. Putting into order the seventy- five page report.
Let nobody say  being a Councillor is not a labour of love.
The  recommended draft agreement is twenty pages.. The Report is seventy-five pages It  includes several  attachments.
But not the relevant resolution. 
I needed to see it . To determine exactly what it  said. 
Readers may recall; In February,  Councillor Abel and Pirri  gave notice of intent to table a motion that  provided for  notice of termination of the agreement with the Culture Centre Board
The motion was debated to the point of the vote .Then there was an inexplicable pause by the Chair.... who had spoken fulsomely in support of the motion. 
After a space,  Councillor Humphreys moved  and  Councillor Thompson seconded ....WHAT.
It was  never clear. 
At the head of the table, confusion reigned.
Discussion of the wording of the amendment  between the Chair and  CAO.  Following which, Councillor Thompson expressed uncertainty about what was  proposed by the amendment. 
It was odd.
He seconded the amendment. 
Council voted to accept the motion as amended.. Councillor Abel, Pirri and myself in opposition.
Gallo,Ballard and Gaertner in support. They were not in favour of terminating the agreement. 
We never saw the wording  from which direction emanated. Although,I suppose, it might have appeared  in the minutes presented for approval at the  next Council Meeting.
It is not included in  Report No. CAO12-019, recommending
staff be directed to finalise a new draft agreement with the Culture Centre Board.
The report  refers to Council approval of terms of reference for an ad-hoc committee to  negotiate a new contract with the Culture Centre Board on April 5th 2012.
It attaches  the Solicitor's Review of the current contract  dated Dec.6th 2011 and  the Auditor's Report on conformity with the current agreement on October 4th 2011.
It does not contain a copy of the amended resolution of Council giving approval to  re-negotiate the agreement in early March of 2012. Whic, if I recall gave a deadline of March 27th for something or other to happen. 
Reading the Draft agreement  again I realise the new contract is to start on  January 1st 2013. 
Date for the museum to be restored to its rightful home is not  until January 1st 2014. 
Even then, it will not occupy the space designed for it. 
The recommendation is Report CAO12-019 be received for information;
And that staff be directed to finalize an agreement for the Provision of Cultural Services based on the attached draft agreement.
That upon completion, the agreement be presented in its final form for consideration by Council. 
We are two-thirds though October . In November, we start a schedule of budget meetings. 
The town hall closes on Christmas Eve.  It  does not re-open until after  day after New Year's Day.  
The draft agreement is not online. 
The community is not  informed of the proposal  or precisely how we reached  this point.
No opportunity has been provided for public  input.
In the next few weeks Council  will  "Take The Show On The Road" to three high schools to improve communication with the community. 
At each school, a presentation will be made about a teen centre and students will  be encouraged  to participate in  discussion. 
On another note, to reduce  a contemplated 8.1% increase in next year's budget, a staff report suggests  the planned  teen centre be delayed.  
I realise this post takes many twists and  turns.
It's just the  way the world  turns at the  Town Hall  of  Aurora. Circa 2010-2012                 


Anonymous said...

This entire matter is self-righteously covered in BS.

Anonymous said...

Good Bloody Grief! Please take care of yourself !

Anonymous said...

There would appear to be something very wrong with the entire Centre contract. But we need someone who understands municipal law to sort through all the contradictory bits and pieces. It may be only the haste and pressure creating an impression of panic. But one has to wonder why Aurora needs more smoke and mirrors.

Anonymous said...

"To be, or not to be: that is the question."

But what is it to be? That is another question.

Are we getting "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune?"

The fortune does indeed exist, but many small minds would like to rape and plunder.

And what of streaming video, where does it exist and how does one access it.

Methinks that the only streaming thing is the taxpayers' money as it flies out the door.

Do we "take up arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them?"

Or "to sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub."

Anonymous said...

Members of Council live in a glass bubble. They have no idea of the Real Economy. We truly expected better.

Anonymous said...

To 9:19 AM

To quote the bard, 8:22 AM: "Good Bloody Grief!"

Anonymous said...

Based on the way Aurora council functions.... or doesn't.... I suggest that we should begin a grass-roots revolt of some form.

York Region council has just turfed out the idea of giving some minicipalities another representative around their table.

I have a way for Aurora to get 2 new YR councillors. I suggest that every citizen write a letter to Aurora Council and send copies to both Newmarket and York Region councils and to the Provincial Minister responsible for Municipal Affairs.

Your letter will state:

1. That as a resident and tax payer of Aurora, you feel that your views are not being properly represented on Town Council. You feel that Town Council does not have the expertise or will to govern and that you request that Aurora and Newmarket immediatly begin negotiations to merge into one Municipality. You would like the Town to begin January 1st, 2014 with the existing Newmarket Mayor being the Mayor of the new Town.

2.All Aurora council members and Mayor will be made redundant December 31, 2013.

3. Janaury 31st, 2014 will be a by-election where 6 Aurora councillors and 2 Regional councillors will be elected to carry on until the end of the current term.

4. Further, in order to ensure no bad habits from the previous regimes make their way to the new council, all councillors elected in the by-election cannot have held a municipal government seat in the previous 5 years.

5. The Aurora councillors will be elected into Wards basically determined geographically with Wellington as the east/west line and Yonge and Bayview the north sounth lines. These wards will be called Aurora North-West, South-West, North-Central, South-Central, North-East and South-East.

6. The two Regional Councillors will be elected at-large.