"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Tuesday 23 April 2013

I'm thinking about tomorrow

No post again today, Places to go and people to see .
And Council to-night.
Tomorrow .... Tomorrow.... I'll write you tomorrow.
It's only a day away.


Anonymous said...

Have a great council meeting. Too bad taking knitting might be regarded as disrespectful. It's not as if you can't think & listen while your hands work.

Anonymous said...

From what I know of the man, I don't like Cllr Ballard, but I think Mayor Dawe really lost the plot at the beginning of tonight's Council meeting.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your plans for tomorrow. It is a shame that C. Ballard pulled that tonight off but the orchestration was sooooo familiar.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the Eddie Shack hockey stick with such a strong connection to Aurora. Wow, just wow.

Anonymous said...

I thought a councillor's main job was to kept the Town safe. Last night it looked as if Councillor Ballard has left Aurora open to 2 possible challenges in the courts if he goes for an injunction. First, for interfering in the affairs of another municipality and, second, for possibly impeding work in progress within that municipality. What a dangerous goof-ball.

Anonymous said...

Canadian Press
Jim Vertuno
" Department of Justice court filing says Armstrong was ' unduly enriched ' "

Anonymous said...

" The sky is falling ! The sky is falling ! "

Anonymous said...

To 8:10 am You should hear the story David tells about that piece.He had it at the market and can entertain you on one item.I hope they can showcase his amazing story-telling skills.Wow back.

Anonymous said...

Wow back atcha, 1:18 PM. Wow that you didn't get the sarcasm.