"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 27 July 2013

A Tangled Web has been woven

In the first budget of this term the question of repairs to the ice-making equipment  and  other items  at he Family Leisure Complex were discussed.

I argued against continued maintenance of an extravagant and inefficient ice-making operation..

I suggested the arena be de-commissioned and the space used for a youth program.

Staff reported the  arena was home to the Aurora Figure Skating Club.

I received no support.

The Figure Skating  Club is reported by staff to be excited about  the youth centre .

It  might mean an increase in their membership and make their program less expensive and more
accessible and financially viable.

When the Stronach Centre  was being planned ,I argued for an additional ice surface at that location and de-commissioning the ice surface at the Leisure Complex because of the extravagant water use and financial inefficiency.

I received no support.

When the need  for a Youth Centre  was discussed I voiced my support  for particular needs   which were not reflected in bureaucratic plans.

There was some stirring of support.   Not from  John Abel that I recall.

The fact is , there has been experience in providing a service. The last operating program was Councillor Gaertner's  non-profit Hot Spot Club.

Its first location was Regency Public School.

While it operated in Lion's Club Hall on Victoria Street, it was well attended.

Then Bingo funds ceased to be available. The cost of rent and  insurance for damage to the facility by the little darlings proved to be too much for membership and admission charges to handle.

The program transferred to the auditorium of the community centre on Aurora Heights Drive. .

Attendance dropped to as few as twelve . A grant was applied for to cover rent. The program still failed to attract attendance.

The Aurora Family Leisure Complex is not more convenient access. That argument is specious.

During the  last discussion that saw a five to four vote in favour of approving $2.6 million increase in allocation of funds, the question was asked; what is required to be done at the AFLC  to bring it up to code.

Director of Leisure Services  responded $150.000 to replace the elevator.

Councillor Thompson later argued  the $2,6 million  extra allocation  is required to bring the building up to code.

Mayor Dawe refused to allow a  question to allow that fact to be clarified.

Councillor Thompson used the  wrong figures to support additional funds being approved.


Anonymous said...

This is all too complicated for me. What I did understand was that the presenter of this renovation project cited $900,000 needed to fix a non-compliant change room. Really ? From my tax money? From the former Reserve Hydro Fund?

Anonymous said...

Now you're just being silly.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to the Curling Rink that this Town was promised?